Even though i have a GF she does not live with me but we have been together for awhile we are steady and im happy with the love just want more of it. Tired of masturbating when i want sex and she is not available because she is a nurse and has nightshifts. And i am not cheater do you think Sup Forums its worth it to get one?
Even though i have a GF she does not live with me but we have been together for awhile we are steady and im happy with...
get one what ?
A sex doll
how much would it run you?
700 dollars
you got 700 dollars to throw around?
if yes, then send pictures after you buy it
If you have sex with one of these dolls, it is cheating, pure and simple.
Income tax money when it comes in and then i will i have no credit card bills to pay at the moment
just like her dildo right?
if ive used a fleshlight, does that mean i lost my virginity
Why do you believe so? Id like to hear
What doll are you looking to buy? I may buy soon a RealDoll Classic for $4000
i lost my virginity to rosy palms
Because you are engaging in intercourse with a realistic likeness of a woman, and especially as it is out of convenience (gf not around). During the act, for all intents and purposes you will treat this doll as a real woman who is not your girlfriend, for the sole use of sex.
Kind of on the fence about fleshlights/dildos.
Its one on amazon for a good price decent reviews let me find link one sec
Why does everyone keep going on about this specific doll? I find it ugly. It has short hair and is kind of fat.
It's an inanimate object, cheating on someone with it is impossible.
It's masturbation. Is masturbation cheating?
Well i hear you out on youre opinion but rather than cheat or what have you. I believe it is not the same as a human being it is just like a fleshlight or dildo for woman. Man made product made to please both sexes they even make dildo machines for woman to man made as well but i do like youre response.
see the problem i experience(different user here) is the fact its like any other sex toy its just alot more cumbersome and advanced than the previous ones we've had so far.
unless we get some blade runner levels of intelligence here it's basically an inanimate object, how do you cheat with something that isn't alive?
also while writing this it occurred to me, OP where the fuck you gonna keep this doll? and how the fuck do you tell your girlfriend about it?
So? Real women are objects, too.
Masturbation with your hand, which I assume you meant, is not cheating as the hand is not a realistic likeness of a woman and is a part of you. You have owned the hand since birth (in almost all cases) and it is meant to stimulate the penis by friction but not necessarily by accurately simulating an orifice.
>How do you cheat with something that isn't alive
Cheating is not in the life but in the heart, anons.
Its a NWDoll 55 Inch /140 cm Real from amazon 700 dollar one. 4000 is a bit much for me. But if i had the money i would buy a better one.
sure but i mean at that point it could be cheating if you had an emotional attachment to your dild or flesh light.
and thats not a slippery slope or anything thats just the fact that those are very wide parameters
Women are not objects, they're people. It's a living thing vs. an inanimate object. Sex is with another living thing. With an object, whether a rock or a doll, is masturbation. Ok, maybe something a little softer than a rock. I've never had had a gf, but the idea that it's cheating is ridiculous.
Has your house got a forklift?
If not you might want to reconsider.
In my house in my closet i have a attic built in to the attic of my house no one goes in there. At all was thinking of hiding it there and. That is one thing i find hard to think of is to how to explain. It to her when the time comes. I mean my gf has told me that many years back she bought a dildo before we had met who knows if she uses it behind my back you know im glad she is honest though.
I have a attic built in my closet which means a door inside the closet behind some clothes. Pretty crazy
i can only fucking picture the day where for some reason somebody goes into your attic and sees this fuckin realistic human face looking back at them
Well lets hope they dont have a heart attack up there and fall through the ceiling
you are a hopeless romantic. does it count as cheating every time an attractive woman goes by and I think "damn, I would?" because as a heterosexual male, those thoughts are unavoidable. if you say they are, you are lying or are asexual. of course, you don't have to act on those impulses, but they're always there
this is just the next step for masturbation devices. hand>fleshlight>sex doll>sex robot
How are you going to explain it when she inevitably pokes around in your closet (they all do) and finds a full size sex doll? Why not get a fleshlight?
that'd be fucking hilarious
hand>fleshlight>sex doll>sex robot>furry sex robot
Because the attic is big and it has a long walk way my attic has a lot of room. Corners to hide it in.
>The Black Hand has arrived