>yeah. A big part of the play is depicting Romeo as an outsider, making him an outsider ethnicity really helps depict that.
>Shakespeare would have loved it
/lit/, everyone
>yeah. A big part of the play is depicting Romeo as an outsider, making him an outsider ethnicity really helps depict that.
>Shakespeare would have loved it
/lit/, everyone
Well at least they kill themselves and don't spread half-dindus around.
Coal burner pays the toll. Good.
Is that the cutie from game of thrones ?
Tbqh, Romeo and Juliet makes a lot more sense when depicted within the context of an interracial relationship.
>having a nigger play nobility in italy from a few hundred years ago when they had no niggers besides slaves in the colonies
Yes, in the modern world. But I don't think it's set in the modern world
This. For almost all of post-Roman Empire Italian history, a black Romeo wpuld be assumed to be an invading North African Muslim and would be killed on sight by both families united. The reason for this is constant raiding by Muslim pirates.
Where are the African intelectuals?
>O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
>ooga booga bix nood modafucka
we were monarchs and stuff
Romeo, a symbol of a promising younge man with everything going his way more than a character; is absolutely not an outsider. The whole star crossed lovers being out of their minds in love and trading the world for a chance at a lower class life in hiding doesn't have any dramatic weight if Romeo is some wall flower paste licker that gave up a job at dad's company being an embarrassment. The kids fall hard for each other and it changes everything while changing nothing; it's a cautionary tale, a romantic dream, a social commentary, and a timeless work of art because Romeo isn't some weirdo, outsider that nobody relates to. He's every young man in the audience and he's every father's son. A black actor playing romeo means less than nothing to the play and it's only damaging the performance to cast anyone but the best actor you can find. The crowd of progressives that shoe horn minorities undermine them and promote the stereotypes that already exist. A quota of black actors with a tranny director and a gender queer juliet (s/Julio mind the pro noun of the day shit lords) will not put on a good play; so you shame the audience and brand them racist. This is communist Russia level logic, it's fucking Animal Farm and the majority of the good people are working harder and harder to support everyone else never suspecting the trip to the glue factory waiting for them.
/lit/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are nothing but Marxist-Leninist hives.
Reminder that it was literally a Romantic-Comedy of it's day.
No, that would be something like As You Like It. Romeo and Juliet ends with both lovers killing themselves.
And you obviously haven't seen enough rom-coms
Saying Romeo and Juliet is a rom-com is like calling Titanic a rom-com
>literally a Romantic-Comedy of it's day.
false. Shakespear had 2 different kinds if plays he wrote about and he detailed this quite thoroughly. He wrote about comedy, aka a midsummer nights dream, and he wrote about tragedy, aka Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. The play is a tragedy as stated by Shakespear himself
He also had history, like Henry V
>A big part of the play is depicting Romeo as an outsider
>entire thing is about two feuding families who know all about one another
And plays like The Tempest that are sometimes called romances and don't really fit the other categories.
You do know that's not the case, right? That, during the sixteenth century, there were black people both in England and Italy?
Not from Italian nobility, sure. But we have primary sources in England discussing "blackamores" "black neigros" and "black moores."
And no--they weren't slaves. There were no slaves in England. Oh and the primary sources? Marriage records from the white people they married.
Literally poetry.
Don't worry guys, for you idiots that don't know the story they both kill themselves at the end.
Didn't know they had zoos in the 16th century, but it is an easy mistake to make.
citation required
Homosexual relationship makes just as much sense,maybe even more.I'd watch a Romeo and Julius desu senpai.
Really? Are you just illiterate and don't know that one of Shakespeare's most famous plays is about.... guess what? Interracial marriage?
citation required
>Julius drinks some AIDS blood
No. It really, really isn't. You've never heard of Othello? I didn't know Canadian education was this bad.
a lesbian one would be better if the couple looked like this
The entire play is about satirizing teenage love and making fun of what morons teenagers are. And the terrible decisions they make.
How is it about "depicting Romeo as an outsider".
Not to mention of course that, according to leftist logic, calling a nigger an outsider just for being a nigger is extremely racist, as it implies niggers are outsiders to our (multicultural) society
you know that its never actually stated what his race is in the play and people just think hes black because of a slang term used right? holy shit you are dumb
You don't actually believe that, right?
You're just shitposting?
If his arguments are so full retard then why don't you counter them faggot
>There is no consensus over Othello's ethnic origin. E. A. J. Honigmann, the editor of the Arden Shakespeare edition, concluded that Othello's race is ambiguous
Shakespeare was a pretty Sup Forums guy.
I think its fine. Shakespeares plays are meant to be portrayed by tons of actors everywhere.
I see no problems with this unless it was done for SJW means which we don't really have any proof.
>That, during the sixteenth century, there were black people both in England and Italy?
Yeah, all five of them.
Othello has been more frequently played as an Arab, i.e. a Moor, than a nigger.
Do you even read Shakespeare, Nigger?
yeah no
except for the fact the same people that think romeo should be played by a nigger are the same people who have problems with white actors playing non white roles. They cant have it both ways.
Either white people can play any race and niggers can play any race, or people should play roles of their own race.
He wasn't an outsider though, both families belonged to that town
>No. It really, really isn't. You've never heard of Othello?
Moors weren't black.
>He wasn't an outsider though, both families belonged to that town
He was not only an insider, he was from a privileged, wealthy background.
How the fuck was Romeo an outsider? He was a Montague through and through, that was the whole fucking point.
>Romeo drinks the AIDS blood
>Julius stabs himself with a pink dragon dildo
If people say romeo should be played by black people is one thing, people who say romeo should be played by anyone is another.
Unless you bring me proof that the man got his role specifically cause hes black then I'm on board on the lynch train.
>Unless you bring me proof that the man got his role specifically cause hes black
its literally in the OP that they want to make it an interracial thing and have romeo be an outsider. This would not be the case if he was white.
You're bluffing. Marriage certificates in England and Italy would not have shown race. You got that from your lit class and not your renassaince history class. If not, lets see these primary sources since they will be easily available online. That being said, in the play Othello, whether Othelo was black or an Arab, he certainly is quite the scene in Venice, suggesting that the local Venetians aren't used to people of his race.
Romeo wasn't an outsider.
Romeo and Juliet is about a family feud between two powerful families that lived right next to each other, saw each other everyday.
The whole point of the story was the both families were extremely alike, the same, and were fighting over bullshit.
Two white families, who have similar genetics, background, social level fight over bullshit.
It's about white on white violence.
>>yeah. A big part of the play is depicting Romeo as an outsider, making him an outsider ethnicity really helps depict that.
>>Shakespeare would have loved it
Shakespeare wrote his works with blacks (moors) in them. He chose NOT to make Romeo black. What the fuck is the logic of "would have loved it"?
Might as well say Romeo should be portrayed as a green martian with three legs going ACK ACK ACK because it emphasizes how he's "an outsider".
Fucking pseudointellectual cucks.
>Shakespeare wrote his works with blacks (moors)
Moors weren't black.
Shakespeare would have loved it, considering he has a different play that involves a outsider black man as the hero. He has a white wife and everything. White people are mad jelly bigots and ruin everything.
Uncultured faggot.
>blacks (moors)
Aren't they part black?
yo furrill who even give a shit bout what some dead crackkka wrote 200 hunnit yiez ago
>Moors weren't black.
Othello the moor literally says:
>"black as mine own face"
You people are as bad as the /lit/ cucks.
"Black" could just mean dark or swarthy. Kind of like how the Greeks may have described someone as having fair skin when it was just a lighter shade of brown. His race is was not definite, and back then Moorish was very fucking broad.
You should read Titus Andronicus, Act IV, Scene ii.
>Commenting on whiteness
Act VII : Juliet is working for tips to raise Tyrone, Deshawn and Jamal all by herself.
Neggromeo went to find another Juliet in the lands of pussified white boys.
The only blacks there would be traveling Muslim merchants
>blacks (moors)
Just so you know, that's what moors think of blacks.
>"Black" could just mean dark or swarthy.
Is this some kind of reverse WE WUZ by a buttmad dego?
The character has been portrayed as a black man since fucking medieval times.
And either way it doesn't change the fact that Shakespeare was aware black people existed and still chose to not make Romeo black, my point about a martian heritage swap stands and you can fuck off.
Shakespearean plays are timeless and can done in many different ways. There was once a production of Othello where patrick stewart played Othello and the entire cast was black. In theater you can definitely do racial casting like this. As long as it is not a historical film I am not usually upset by black, white, yellow or whatever washing.
I agree with the other anons about Yuri Rome and Juliet tho, or maybe instead of the obvious black guy white chick, how about black chick white guy?
And my point is, Moors weren't exclusively black, you faggot. What are we even arguing about anymore?
lol! some historian even debate the identity of shakespeare. Fucking english teachers shouldn't be talking about plays ffs
Shakespeare was obsessed with outsiders. Most of his plays feature at least one: Caliban, Cleopatra, Malvolio, Antonio, Shylock, Jaques, witches, fairies, and more.
It's not a bad suggestion to think of Romeo as an outsider. He goes into exile, after all, and Baz Luhrman picks up on the marginality of this quite nicely.
Othello is a Moor. This is a term that doesn't have a modern translation, since it's an intersection of ethnicity, religion, and geography.
Shakespeare scholar here killing time. AMA. Most posts in this thread are retarded and terribly ill informed.
>yeah a big part of the play is depicting Romeo as an outside, making him an outsider species really helps that
>shakespeare would have loved it
okay. Is it true that shakespeare was many people, or is that just a myth?
Just one person. The evidence is quite solid, mostly in legal documents about the Globe, his residences, his property ownership in Stratford, and also in regional allusions and vocabulary in his plays.
However, he definitely did collaborate, like with Fletcher on The Two Noble Kinsmen and Henry VIII, with Middleton on Macbeth, and with many on Sir Thomas More.
The conspiracy stuff about authorship is Sup Forums tier shit that belongs with area 52, Elvis lives, and the Loch Ness monster.
Shakespeare wrote the play in the Elizabethan period.... Long after the Middle Ages.... And you don't know how he was portrayed then, but there is no evidence the actor wore blackface
There is evidence of blackface being employed. The only picture we have of a Shakespeare play being performed in Shakespeare's time is of a scene in Titus Andronicus where Aaron the Moor is pleasing with the Goth Queen Tamora. The actor is clearly very dark in skin tone and there were no black actors in Shakespeare's company.
>projecting modern """"values"""" onto an age old play
Kill yourself.
there are a lot of things you "can" do, but first you should ask yourself if you "should"