The SJW's can never take a break

The SJW's can never take a break

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How dare those SJW get upset. Who gave the family or the foundation of MLK to speak out.

Cuck boy nigger lover

It was a black truck! So it's cool, right?

Sorry if that hurt your feelings. This is what google gave me.

SJW's don't want a break. they want life to be a perpetual struggle no matter how things are.

Fuck that nigger, he didn't write that speech so he can go hang himself

ITT edgy white teenagers

I mean it was conservatives who were unhappy with the tone of a T-Mobile spot that featured shots of a row of babies, with a voiceover promoting pay equity and equal rights and allowing Americans to "love who you want."

So there's that too.

Well when you are a professional victim what do you expect. Also these people aren't liberals too authoritarian socialists are called nazis