Who would you cast as Kelly Bundy in the upcoming reboot of Married... with Children?

Who would you cast as Kelly Bundy in the upcoming reboot of Married... with Children?

Kaylin Slevin

Mostly just want to see her wear revealing clothing

Jordyn Jones

>the upcoming reboot of Married... with Children

That's not actually a thing, right?
Arianna Grande is my first choice.

Lia Marie Johnson second or if you insist on having a blonde.

AJ Applegate.

>Arianna Grande
>Anywhere near this this level of hotness

Apart from 'modeling' to ensure she's shitposted here regularly, what does she actually do?

Remember when Croatia made a remake?


or Russia

Remember when Argentina?

lia marie johnson

They aren't really doing it are they?

Do you guys remember Unhappily ever after? same shit

this or some hot black chick or latina

Christina Applegate was 16 when she started on that show.

Would they cast a 16 year old today?

alta rocha la kelly argenta

Damn, that daughter.

This looks like porn parody

How could I forget?

does Bud have Progeria?

I didn't pick her for equal levels of hotness.
I know this isn't really what these threads are really for but I made my decision based on her ability to act like a ditz.

u wot m8

>tfw your son looks like Koksal Baba

She's Michael Bubble's wife now.


>act like a ditz


I realize that but not only does she have to be an airhead to play Kelly, she also has to be pretty sexy and show it.

They both look like they had strokes.

And now applegate is still kinda hot.

The problem with making the show now is that most of the humor wouldn't have the impact now it did back then.
The fat women jokes, the 'dysfunctional family' thing, the boob jokes, toilets flushing and all that were funny as fuck because no other mainstream tv show had that shit yet. (or embraced all that as hard as the show did)

Put that in a show now, and you'd get a lot of shrugs, eyerolls, and a few triggered people on tumblr and reddit.
It just wouldn't work.


It wouldnt be PC now.

Imagine al bundy jokes in 2016

>Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)13:40:57 No.759
also wtf is this thing?

>That son

Y tho?

she did some youtube music video, and for some ungodly reason, youtube is considered television and/or film, so retards think she's relevant, despite the decade old sitewide ban on sexualiztion of anything under the age of 18.

>Nikki Cox
How can you have a name like that and not be a pornstar?


The entire point of married with children was it's rejection of political correctness, are you fucking retarded?!

Is the white guy standing in the background Jefferson?

Also Jefferson>Steve

>a candle that burns twice as bright also burns twice as fast

I blame Jay moher

Kinda looks like Brick from The Middle

pick one

Brittany Snow is another one, imo.

Her in the porno parody.

i literally thought it was kaylyn in op

hey the Bundy's never had laundry and crap heaped on top of their dressers... why is their a dresser in the living room?

not enough space in the commieblock


Marsha May


or Germany

Here's my pick. Just color her hair.

Who's that?

Nevermind, that webm is way hotter than her actual face.

deez niggas know what up

Why does she wear the mask?

>He doesn't know