About to marathon this

About to marathon this.

What will I think of it?

It's decent. Then again I liked Only God Forgives so take that as you want.

dont marathon it, take a snack pause right after she kills her mother

Neo talks about loli's... so its pretty good.

It's absolute kinography


You need at least two weed breaks to fully enjoy the experience, marathoning not recommended

If your art level is 40% - 60% you will love it.

If it's beneath 40% or above 60% you will think it's trash.

What did he mean by this?

Not sure. It was decent in a cinema, like an acid trip that made you look at the world differently for like an hour after it was over. Really absorbed you. Likely will never watch it again though.

This is plainly untrue.

Never have I seen a group as confused about what art or film is about than the group of mongoloids who hate The Neon Demon (and Refn in general)

You live in the middlebrow bracket and look down upon the plebes who can't appreciate it, but there is a whole other class of "ascended elite cinephile" existing outside your bubble that can see right through Refn's juvenile box of tricks. No one who has stripped the flesh from their bone for cinema is impressed by NWR.

You say this as if somehow Refn hasn't been directly quoted as saying "There is art in trashy movies" or if the Argento worship isn't straightforward

There is nothing about Refn that I don't get.

Whenever I have these arguments the difference boils down to the differences between what I think art and film should be and what the other person thinks.

Mainly the problem is that people think a film can only be great if it has a """deep""" message to give to the audience. I think that's childish.

Sure, you can relate to NWR's views on film and art, but only because like him, you too are "unascended" about film.

I'm lvl 54 kinographer, my art stats are pretty sweet and I liked it

>What will I think of it?
tits are awesome

There are no tits in the film apart from Jena Malone's unsightly pair


Normal people don't like The Neon Demon

Drive should be in that place

For you.

its like a commerical. except it hits you over the head for 90 min


It's more like a music video than a commercial. Also, that's not a criticism.


Yes it is refnfag

How is it criticism?

A music video is a commercial you dumb fuck.

Whats the point of this post again?

Do you enjoy lowest common denominator sensibilities where the most vocal are so because they simply dont like something

Not really. I mean, not in the director's mind anyway. The way the aesthetics are approached are way different.