RLM are getting pretty big now. And here they are making jokes about dead actors?

RLM are getting pretty big now. And here they are making jokes about dead actors?

Does it seem that remote a chance that a relative of David Carradine was watching that last Best of the Worst?

Imagine being that person. You LOVE these guys. They can do know wrong. Then out of fucking nowhere they start laughing their absolute ASSES off at your dead uncle/dad/whatever.

no wrong*

They aren't that big. The plinkett reviews got some press, but I'm pretty sure 90% of people didn't fully watch the new one. Their other shows are still unknown to most people.

They have a lot of views and memes because of a dedicated fanbase. In terms of popularity they're still nowhere near the average youtube star. Because of that they can get away with a lot of shit and no one really cares.

Some people honestly think he was murdered too. Real sensitive!

They're big enough to where their uncle/whatever's movie gets reviewed and they watch it. It almost goes against what you're saying. If it was an old Steven Seagal movie they'd probably never see it, but i can't imagine there are too many people reviewing David Carradine movies and making as many jokes as these fatties.

>imagine being that person
Yes jokes hurt feelings. Get over it.
>i cant imagine there are too many people reviewing David Caradine movies and making as many jokes as these fatties.
Woe. Imagine being a fat person reading your post. You are defending those who cant defend themselves. Then bam! You body shame every obese person everywhere.

What i'm saying isn't exactly up for debate champ. They did what they did. I'm fat. It's whatever. If you don't get it then you will some day when you lose someone you care about. It's called empathy. Careful, if you've lost someone you care about and still don't give a shit, that's called being a psycho.

Mike and Jay love the guy who played Samurai Cop. Inviting him to their studio for a fanboy interview.

The Samurai Cop guy, Matt Hannon, is a twice convicted felon. Once for identity theft, the other for armed robbery.

RLM are awful people who associate with other awful people. Trashing dead celebrities is par for the course for them.

Well i guess if my dad died in a hilarious crossdressing jerkoff accident years ago, I'd have gotten a thick skin by now about it.

Why don't you adress user's point about how you made fun of fat people just now, hmm? What are the rules of your gay little head game?
So mocking celebrities not okay, mocking fatties okay. What else?Women, blacks, meskins, i need to know all the rules.

Fuck off, you overly sensitive faggot.

Wow you're a fucking retard.

If a family member of mine choked himself to death while having a wank, I would probably learn to accept people are going to laugh at him.

>I'm getting REALLY desperate for things to complain about when it comes to RLM: the thread

Seriously though, what a hilarious way to go.

You have to be related to David Carradine to get anywhere close to this mad

>making jokes about dead actors

What they did is worse; they were repeatedly mocking the actual way he died.

I anyway find the laughter of that despicable, repulsive, greasy, fat fuck more offensive.

The fact that you're posting on Sup Forums at all pretty much means you're not legitimately offended and are just complaining simply because you need some excuse to complain about RLM. Fuck off.

They made another David carradine joke not so long ago, showing a pic of him while mentioning 'Die Hard'. Ghostbusters 2016 HitB IIRC.

oh no
are they in jail yet?


Mike and Jay dragged Matt Hannon out of obscurity to get an interview with him. They love him.

Yeah man, no one here has ever lost a loved one. No one. And also every relative of every person here wants to be mourned for eternity when they die, not celebrated, not remembered with laughter, only solemnity.

You're a terrible person with an incredibly narrow world view, just like all social justice whiners. Grow up, you big fat baby.

They didn't drag him out of anything. He made himself public after years of people thinking he was dead.

Who gives a fucking shit? god damn

OP doesn't actually give a shit. He's just really desperate to complain about RLM.