What makes you worried about your girlfriend? theres always something there

what makes you worried about your girlfriend? theres always something there

that our relationship will turn stale.

we're still in the honeymoon phase and i'm scared that she'll wake up one day and realise that i'm not the person she built up in her head or i'm not the person she thought i was.

for me is her behaviour, she is incredible, kind and lovely for some days, but then out of the blue she is the coldest girl Ive ever meet.

She likes to have her space like everyone else, but she gets overwhelmed for almost everything -approaching her, talking "too much" during the day, trying to bring conversation topics-

She doesnt like to take the initiative, so I have to be the first one in asking to meet, have dinner or anything, so this in addition with the other issue makes it almost impossible. She ends up arguing or angry without a reason.

Ive thought of leaving her, but Ive been through several girls in my life and this seemed the best one -at least for the moment- wish me luck, but Im starting to lose my patience

Ive already reached the end of the honeymoon phase, she started to text me less and less, we meet less than 2 times per week and everything is so different now.

I dont want to sound needy to her, so didnt really complain about this, but she says she is the same as always.
I wish everything was like in the beginning again, she was constantly behind me, looking for me or wanting to meet. It only lasted 3 months.

That she will find out about my wife

Just be smart keep no social media if possible maybe even a burner phone. Don't visit same restaurant you bring your wife to. If she lives in a different city keep everything you do to that location.

Good luck dude

>GF doesn't like you talking to her too much
>GF doesn't initiate contact
>GF ends up arguing or angry when you make plans with her
Are you sure she knows you're dating?

we've been together 3 months, spent an entire week having sex and going on dates, she's been away for 3 months but we've been talking every single day, it's gotten pretty heavy. both in our 30s and talking about marriage and kids. i'd been single and celibate for 12 years prior and she had never had a boyfriend. all my previous relationships turned toxic and i really don't want things to go the same way. I've matured a lot and know how to communicate properly now, i just hope i can deal with the inevitable arguments further down the line like an adult


That she realizes when she said "Sex is just sex, it doesn't matter as long as you don't care about them" at the beginning of our relationship I checked the box for sleeping around being okay.

i love her with all my heart and plan to marry her, but im scared shell turn into her mom, because when they both get mad, their temper gets in the way of logic and they both end up saying and doing some really fucking hurtful things, im waiting for the day she realizes not all my best friends are guys and thinks im being sneaky or something.

She's really into the whole thing of being dominated, both in bed and everyday, while I'm a bloody feminist

She has the worst self esteem ive ever seen (shes thicker but not even at all fat, her mom would guilt her into not eating and make her read "skinny girl" books as a child, fucking cunt) and every day i have to prepare for the inevitable mental breakdown she has where all she sees is how bad of a person she is and that i deserve better

Feminism is just about empowerment, doesn't mean you can't enjoy something. Just happens to fall in line with what someone would want to do to her and she's okay with it.

My wife finding out about her.

my gf
kill me

mine likes HUGE cock, I'm talking HUGE, like pornstar big. Should I be worried user?

thats really bad
my ex also said that about a friend

>she was tired of her boyfriend not giving her enough sex, so she fucked another guy
>I dont see it bad because there wasnt any feelings involved, it was just some physical attraction, they are still together
>of course she didnt say anything to him

fuck them, really

>she is into being controlled, and I'm a repressed control freak

Don't worry its gonna work out

know that feel bro, my gf is like that too, she thicc as fuck but her whole family calls her fat so i always have to reassure her

ah dude, that screams "shell use it against you int he future" really bad

even if you both pretty much mutually agreed from the start, theres a 70% shell tell you youre in the wrong, good luck dude

I'm in an open marriage. Wife knows about girlfriend and that's fine. My main worry with the girlfriend is that she's gonna want me all to herself and is gonna get mad/sad when I'm not gonna leave my wife.

fun fact: this girl was 14 when the pic was taken

her name is paula

Just find one for her, have a threesome, fail to get it up and watch while he fucks he like you never could. Then enjoy the following weeks where she's too lazy to tighten it back up and seeks out more.

Nah, you're fine, dont worry about it.

That we'll eventually break up. and also her cheating. Its been 7 months, and only now were starting to have doubts. Sure there arguments but nothing serious. Shes had past experiences and shes my first in everything, And i constantly worry that eventually shell start comparing me to other guys and think that im not enough. Even though im 2 years older yet she seems to be the dominant one . Theres a lot of things im unsure of and confused about, if theres an user thats willing to listen im willing to share.

Well she was fucking a sugar-daddy for money when I met her, that was why she said it. No regrets, i love her and take care of her, Im more free and happy than i've been in any other relationship

Thanks man

i used to be a carpet for my girlfriend, shed wear the emotional pants int he relationship, but i realized after a bad fight that she was pretty much tyring to bully masculinity out of me, so ever since then ive stood up for myself and let her know how i feel up-front, even if she doesnt agree

remember 2 things
>your opinion is the most important to yourself
>always finish an argument with a woman, they dont want a second pussy

That she cheats on me. She had a sluty past, which she fucked at least 20 guys most of them strangers that she meet in partys, i found out about her past from a guy that knew her before me and not from her, but since we been in a relationship I didn’t see something sluty coming from her.

I worry her cerebral palsy might get worse.

Im pretty flexible and open minded in most things, but on the things that do matter we see eye to eye and agree, and on the ones that we dont, we're both pretty stubborn but respect each others opinion. The thing that really worries me is that shes quite like my mother, very controlling and gets pissed easily if anything isnt in a way she wants it in, She wants a expensive life, and i have hard time with my mother. Though she loves me dearly and proved to me that shed do anything for me. Im just scared down the line if given the choice, will she choose herself over out relationship

Doesn't look like it

And thanks user, its been a while since a spoke to anyone about my relationship. Though i have many close friends , ever since we started dating weve been seeing each other everyday, and i dont have anyone to talk to, she doesnt either and we agreed that we dont want to share much detail. so shit like this means a lot

That she got raped at 13y and isn’t a complete slut anymore lol honestly she were an complete slut before 13y old sucked 20y bbc

its cause shes not youre an idiot if you believe this bait

lul m8

dude why would you do this to yourself?

man that poose took a beating for one so young

>She cheats on me
>She falls out of love with me
>She thinks the sex isnt that good anymore
>She gets really skinny (she's kinda thick) and leaves me for someone else

All of those worry me but I try not to think about it too much. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with her, I'm so comfortable around her but at the same time I worry I'll lose her for some reason. Will never tell her that though.

She takes medication each morning which consists of a few vitamins and some mood stuff. Something like a light antidepressant. She can't take that shit for the rest of her life. ( or maybe she can i don't know ) She claims winter makes her more depressed. Could be legitimate, could just be her looking for a reason to have a bad day.


>being retarded is some form of fun

It's very easy for things to crumble down.
Just a few hateful words when you're angry will kill a girls love for you.

Her bipolar disorder might kick in.

why would you want to hang around a fat chick? how did your standards drop so low

im always worried that she will die in a train explosion

>both in our 30s and talking about marriage and kids. i'd been single and celibate for 12 years prior and she had never had a boyfriend
wow dude what luck that you found eachother

I am worried that he will never get his shit together, never get a place to stay or decent job. I know he is in a transition period right now so I just try to support him, but it’s really starting to wear on our relationship. He only had a job for a few weeks when we first got together and has been unemployed and then homeless ever since. I’m too broke to help him and now live too far away for him to stay with me. Now his car is broken down to! So I’m not sure what will happen to him. Makes me very sad no his car is broken down to! So I’m not sure what will happen to him. Makes me very sad

The thing that makes me worried most about my girlfriend is that my wife might find out...

sorry weird voice texting

That she will change her mind about children and focus on her career.

id be shocked, shocked and humbled if that's true.

...because i thought 15-16 and this would be the first time i've ever been wrong.


leave drunk girlfriend alone for 2 fucking minutes and this shit happens

Her being preg, we used bc and she takes it on time every day. With once exception of an hour late, but it’s the double pill not the single so it has estrogen to make her ovulation stop and then something to make her mucus really thick. Her period should start today or tomorrow but I’m still nervous. Said her ovary area has been hurting but not like cramps. She thinks it bc we had sex a lot, and yesterday she was feeling symptoms of a uti. Idk still really scared and she is a bit too. Am I retarded.

thats nothing dude

In all honesty, my girlfriend wrapped her life and personality around mine. All of my hobbies have become our hobbies, my friends are now also her friends, all of my possessions are now our possessions. She has completely lost who she was as an individual and become the relationship.

I can't stand it, we've been together for 4 years. She has no opinions of her own and just agrees with me on everything, even if I want to have a discussion it's not possible. I have maintained all individuality because she has nothing for me to latch onto at all. It's infuriating and I'm honestly worried if I break up with her that she'll just fall apart or kill herself, so I'm stuck. I don't want to marry her, I don't want to even be with her and she is even wanting to brings kids into this mess of a relationship. How do I even proceed from here, she's a nice enough person and I don't want her to kill herself. She moved away from her family to be with me, and moving back home isn't an option because she has a job here. Her parents live about 6 hours away

So it really depends. All the American women I've dated (mainly white women), there is always something in the back of my mind that makes me paranoid. Ever since I switched to east Asian women FROM Asia, I find that paranoia to subside almost completely.

The only time I had an issue with an asian native woman was a Googler from China, she was a slut and it kind of made me paranoid that she had a ton of guy friends... Which can only mean two things, 1 she's a lesbian, and 2 she's an attention whore who can't get along with other girls and needs beta orbiters to satisfy her attention whoreness.

Thankfully we broke up, turns out she was both 1 and 2.



you're being paranoid.

Shti son.. Hmm i'd start doing stuff she doesn't like. Just to turn her off from you. Make her want to end the relationship instead of you.. That way she won't kill herself.

damn she must have made bank

I think something like 200k a year.. Meh, it's not that much in the bay area.

dude was the only heir of a $88 million empire

underrated comment KEK

I find it really frustrating that if you give it your all with a person you really care for, they end up taking it for granted or backing off because "it isn't as fun once they've gotten what they initially wanted"..

fucking logic man

Bullshit, that chick is way too ugly for that kind of money

Bro, do yourself a favor and read Real-Time Relationships by stefan molyneux, pdf and audiobook available for free

>girlfriend gets tempted
>starts cheating
>blames everything on me


>nigger uses white guilt to trick girlfriend into sex
>she stays with nigger due to social pressures & white guilt