When did you realize you were the Jack of your friend group?

When did you realize you were the Jack of your friend group?

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I was but i stopped making jokes. Things are better now

I never would come up with the poop song.

There's already a thread you self absorbed moron. Use the catalog.

There's enough room for two AIDS Moby threads on this board

When I contracted HIV and started making shitty electronic music.

I don't have a friend group

I'm so alone

is jack the new king of Sup Forums

When I realized I laugh at everyones jokes but nobody laughs at mine

>implying I have a friend group

I'm mix of Mike and Rich (the worst parts)

I'm more of a fatbeard guy but not fat; it isn't so bad hanging out with cool people

>not being the Mike of your group


doesn't he have a BWC?

I'm the Jay

>friend group

>annoying laugh
I'm the Rich

Jack is likeable. Not super funny but he's lighthearted and has his moments. I get the feeling he'd help out if I needed help.

I never was, since I have no friend group. But I would gave been.

Not just friend, but a whole GROUP of friends? Where the fuck does OP think he is?


literally how

Pretty sure I'm still Rich.

haha le anonymous expect our virginity LoL !

I don't have a friend group, I don't have any friends, and the few acquaintances I had pretend not to know me.

at lest Im the Josh of my friend group

I agree. Josh is an unfunny fucker though.

He's the true AIDS of RLM.

But he looks comfy as fuck.

That's because you would never meet a girl in high school, marry her, and have kids who you love who inspire you to make silly potty training songs just to make them laugh.

I'm mike but not funny

I don't have a friend group in the first place.

I never fully understood the Josh hate until the Juicy Shaq Meat incident... which I didn't think was funny at all and honestly pretty annoying, but even though I understood why it was annoying to Josh, I couldn't be on his side. I guess I had never paid that much attention to him before, but he's really a fucking miserable autistic know-it-all. In contrast, Jay is an autistic know-it-all, but in a fun way. Josh just acts like he has OCD or something and NEEDS TO TALK ALL THE FUCKING TIME ABOUT SHIT NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT.
Dude needs to sit back and fucking relax.

When he's talking about one of the others taking mushrooms my hate was cemented.

I can't remember the episode, but it was so unfunny and he went on about it for way too long.

Anyone know what episode I'm talking about?

I'm the Max Landis


No you're not. Max Landis is the successful one.

because I'm lazy as fuck

post belly :3

>friend group


I'm more like this faggot

We see you, Max.



I'm the Rich Evans of my group.
I think most of Sup Forums are the Rich Evans's of their groups, if not, they're a much less sexy Jay.

I'm the Mike Stoklasa of my group. I'm intelligent, nihilist, with a wicked sense of humor.

What makes you think I have a friend group?

>a much less sexy Jay.
>less sexy

so just mike then

That was the juicy shaq meat episode

Well baka. Thanks, I'll refuel my rage by watching more Josh :(

you sound like 'that kid'

>of your friend group

Haha, what? I don't have one. Not since I left university.

My life is pretty JUST.