Can someone help me understand 21?

Can someone help me understand 21?

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its 4


how old are you OP? I knew how to do that shit and im a history major


You sub 7 in for each instance of X, so you get

(7)2 - 6(7) +3
which simplifies to

Underage b&

It's 31 you pemdasing faggots

Underage ban
Also pic related to your question

x2-6x+3 x=7

(7)2 - 6(7)+3

14 - 42 + 3

= -25


OP here, i got it to -25 too, but according to the answer sheet in the book it's 10. How is this possible?

21 times 2 = 44 minus 6x = 4 plus 3 = 7

lrn 2 math faggot

The idea is that x is a variable--it's holding the place for some number. We don't know what number that is, but we still want to talk about it, so we give it a name, x.

The expression is:
> x2 - 6x + 3

Then we want to run that expression, for a x-value of 7.

> (7)2 - 6(7) + 3

Order of operations: PEMDAS
Nothing to do inside the Parenthesis, so move on to the Exponents:
> 49 - 6(7) + 3

There's a Multiplication, and no Divisions,
> 49 - 42 + 3

Then we run through the Addition and Subtraction, left-to-right:
> 7 + 3
> 10

2+2=4-1=3 quik mafs

you were previously asking for 19 you underage faggot. get b&

How did you get it to 49?

I think the x2 is supposed to be x squared so in this case the answer is 10

are you retarded or just 10?

21x2 does not equal 44
you are wrong

if it was x squared it would be x^2. I think the teacher is trying to throw the students off with the fact that the placement of the x is trivial.

The answer is SEVEN you god-damn illiterate faggots. It says EQUALS SEVEN right fucking there. All you all fucking autistic or just legit retarded?


Some formatting problems.

x2 is meant to be x^2, as in "x-squared"

Likely the website you're using for homework is having a hard time rendering the superscript, so just shows 'x 2'

42, 44 whatever fucktard. The math still works since the difference is basically nothing.


x 2 means x power 2 (7*7)=49

the 13 and 12 also have space between them, does that mean x=1^3 & x=1^2 in the questions before?


in that case OP is indeed a dumb kid

OP you did the wrong thing by asking Sup Forums this question. Their idiots are showing.

go to /sci/

Or OP's teacher is illiterate who doesn't know how to write mathematical equations on computer.

(7*2) - (6*7) + 3

14 - 42 + 3 = -25

Oh look, another PEMDAS thread..

OP here. Can anyone help with 23? How to think

>know how to write mathematical equations on computer
I suspect they're OCR-ed from a printed textbook into plain text.

>the 13 and 12 also have space between them
Fair point, but the x^2 makes sense in this context--straight-forward underagebanned prealgebra questions.

dubs of truth

I had to link my lecturer to this because he kept doing his equs on MSword like a chimp

X2= X2

> 23. 4 + 5 ( x - 7 ) 3
Again, I think the formatting hinders your understanding. But look back to your notes from class, or the examples in the section. It should be:
> 4 + 5*(x-7)^3, where x=9

Follow the thought process here

According to the answer sheet it's 44, how?

23. 4+5*(x-7)^3


This is easy shit OP, fucking stop asking for help and learn to do it yourself.

fuck, it's 44 not 4

Its not 44, your teacher is clearly mentally challenged.


This user did it well: (Except, as they noted , it should end in a 44.)


To be fair OP is clearly a moron, but can we talk about his teacher being a complete fucking idiot who can't be bothered to write equations that are clear?

>it just works

We have sunk to a new low

Fuck this professor OP. Get all the answers wrong then sue to get him fired for incompetence.


It's like this
72-67+3 = 8

This piece of shit format has no superscript, you should ask for a refund if you paid for it. Whoever wrote this should also be fired.




to be power 2 it would be x2 or x^2

fucking hell