ITT: Jewish Propaganda

ITT: Jewish Propaganda.

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I mean you could've avoided the whole thing by not fucking children.

Propaganda is supposed to be interesting famalam. If Spotlight is propaganda then it fucking failed on every conceivable level.

Acceptable but uninteresting performances, 85% of the dialogue was exposition, most of the scenes were Star Wars prequels-tier people sitting in semicircles and talking to each other in shot-reverse-shot, absolutely no interesting sound design or cinematography, and it needed an editor something bad because it was a half-hour too long. And all that for - what - telling a story we already all know?

It even won best picture and no one remembered it a week after getting the award.

Everything that you see from jewish owned network/studios in a jew controlled industry is jew propaganda.

Most of the accusations were false, or never substantiated. Public schools are bigger abusers, but you'll never see that movie.

public schools didn't move heaven and earth to protect accused child molesters/rapists. As soon as any accusation of sexual impropriety occurs they typically just fire everyone.

>public schools didn't move heaven and earth to protect accused child molesters/rapists.

Nigga, there are extensive coverups in the public school system.

>Most of the accusations were false, or never substantiated.

The case that the movie portrays is well documented. Whataboutism is really fucking low anyway

Agreed. I knew it wasn't long to happen but I really wanted Fury Road to win. I also would've been happy with Room winning.

>Silly goyim, the pedophilia perpetuated by the Catholic church is just as bad as the terrorism, FGM, homophobia, misogyny, pedophilia, and general intolerance perpetuated by the tenets of the Islamic faith.
>Kristyuns r bad, movie is good! Best film of the year, in fact!

*going to happen

The case was a sham with no credible evidence.

Schindlers List
Django Unchained
12 Years a Slave
Star Wars VII
Most western media is influenced by kike hands

>telling a story we already all know?
This above all else. Not that retelling a classic is necessarily a bad thing, but Christ Almighty there was absolutely no tension in this movie. The audience knows exactly every turn of the plot, the stakes were the job security of some bumfuck, milquetoast reporters we don't know or care about. Maybe the audience would give a shit if there were any distinct personalities between characters. The whole Spotlight department could have been boiled down to one or two characters max (ala Zodiac).

It is. Organized religion covering up or excusing crimes for no reason. I don't know why you're memeing but it is just as bad.

>django unchained
>taken seriously

>Organized religion covering up or excusing crimes for no reason.

Again, this is an exaggeration by the (((media))) who needed a story to attack the church with.

I present to the argument, the Republic of Ireland, ladies and gentlemen

The church has done a pretty good job destroying itself desu.

Christians aren't burning people alive in cages or butchering people like cattle stringing them up on meat hooks then video taping it
>inb4 b-but muh crusades 1000 years ago! M-muh Spanish Inquisition!

>SEE? It never happened. This one lone internet article told me so.
>nevermind all the other cases the movie cites at the end...
>they are all fake.
>Church dindu nuffin

A true story
>Schindlers List
A true story
>Django Unchained
Why is this on the list?
>12 Years a Slave
A true story
>Star Wars VII
a science fantasy romp with space wizards
just a stupid reboot

You seem to be triggered by the wrong things, user

>le ebin whataboutism fallacy

Fucking kids is wrong m80.

>And all that for - what - telling a story we already all know?
I had no idea about this. And my country and city appeared in the credits.

Two seperate Popes have addressed molestation crimes, the current Pope has done damage control over it for the last few years. This is a very real thing that happens you stupid christfag.

What planet do you live on?

user, we don't need to make up stories to attack the Church with...real life is enough.

In my country, every other day we hear about some priest fingerfucking a kid.

it's a true story goy, trust me


-the thread.

>it's a true story goy, trust me
Yes, Sup Forums all those true stories are indeed true. Unless you want to be a complete autist about it.

Well, let's see 'em.

A little bit of man boy love hasn't hurt nobody.
Anyway, Spotlight (and the Oscar win) were clearly a reaction to the recent criticism of Islam in America, so I'd say you have the whataboutism backwards

You sure persuaded me!

>Schindlers List
Yeah except this fucking nazi started saving jews so russians dont kill him as a ss/nazi party member he was. Strategy worked, read some books you kike.

>were clearly a reaction to the recent criticism of Islam in America
I can only imagine, in the most convoluted of gymnastics, how you managed to come to this confirmation bias..I mean conclusion.

You faggots believe anything as long as it's counter-culture bullshit, don't you?
>Nah man, Schindler was actually a secret reptilian jew, don't you know? He actually hates the Jews? I read about it online dudebro. Did you know he wasn't a hero at all? Did you know he actually gassed Jews himself? READ MORE BOOKS YOU KIKE

Honestly, I like Jews a lot. love em, really.

They are a practical people who value education and self-improvement, while squeezing the last drop of value out of everything they can. Friend of mine back in college used to eat entire apples, including the core, the seeds, and the stems. I think of myself as pretty much of a skinflint, but I could never do something like that.

They're survivors, if not necessarily thrivers. Whether or not it's their own innate traits that leads to them being persecuted, they HAVE been persecuted. And yet despite this they have spread to all corners of the globe.

Lemmie ask you a question, OP. American that you are, how do you think your people would fare if a cataclysmic event drove you from your homes, spread you across the world, diverging you among other populations that soon your groups don't even look like each other anymore? Would even after that, you could still conceive of each other as American? and be able to find common ground and rebuild your society?

Because that's what the Jews did. And now, well, with no lack of help from the gentiles, Jews are now the richest and highest IQ population of people in the world, reclaiming the nation that was lost to them for 2000 years. It is a fantastical success story.

Why hate them?

jew detected

Get the gas cans.

I'm not even Christian, but there is no other reason why such a bland, forgettable film would ever win best picture if not for some ulterior political motive.

>man named Hoffman in the CIA saves the day

The Murphy Report was full of errors and distortions.

You fucking sheep believe anything those kikes tell you. The facts don't bare out. The Church actually has a better record than most public institutions. Never mind the most of the accusations are false.

Right, because everything is a political conspiracy? Exactly. You just cracked the secret Illuminati Code. It's all just to invite Allah into our homes and get raped by refugees, right?


people liked it because it was good?

Its a good film

>The Church actually has a better record than most public institutions
LOL no.
>Never mind the most of the accusations are false

You gave me a good KEK though, lad

Bitch, no it is not. Look at Zodiac if you want a well done investigative thriller. Spotlight had the suspense of a turd dropping into a toilet bowl.

You only need to take like one single look to see the bias. It's glaring. Cognitive dissonance truly is a marvel.

Look at the facts, you shylock cunt.

>Sup Forums tard calling anyone else a sheep

All anyone has to do to get you to believe absolutely anything is whine about Jews. You're the most gullible, brain dead morons anywhere. To call you a sheep is probably excessively

>I can't dispute the facts so I'll just try to discredit the source.

Typical liberal faggot.

Now you are just arguing taste. Either people liked the movie, or it was some complex political ploy for....something?

Occam's Razor says the former.

You believe anything the media tells you and I'm the gullible one?

And you believe everything you see in the movies.

Actually, I couldn't stop watching once it started. And I was playing videogames on my phone at the time.

Zodiac is a good film too, better than this one.

I'm still waiting for facts.


>Everyone is a liberal who calls me out on my autism
>look at this website goys! It confirms what I believe about the Church.
>It's impartial! Church didnu nuffin!

>if not for some ulterior political motive.
Or... it's oscar bait.

I love how every Sup Forums propaganda image is massive projection. How many times have you screeched about Jews in this thread alone? You're a fat waste of space. Back to your containment drone board.

>reclaiming the nation that was lost to them for 2000 years

I think Khazaria is still under Russian control, freindo.

All Oscar bait is liberal-political

No, I believe the hundreds of first hand accounts of people who still visit his grave and written documents from Schindler himself.

Nah, it must all be some Jewish run conspiracy though, right?

Give some examples fag.

I completely agree with this. The notion that 15 millions Jews are somehow responsible for 500 million white people constantly failing is fucking preposterous.

Let's assume just for the sake of argument white-nationalists are right: and that Jews are out to destroy them. Well...Whites were warned about Jews by Martin Luther in the 16th century. So whites have had nearly 500 years to evolve, adapt, and conquer.

Has that happened? No. Not in the least. As a matter of FACT white men are more incompetent and insignificant as ever.

So at BEST: white men have failed to adapt and evolve and there is NO way they can blame Jews for that.

The truth is very simple: white men are poorly educated, lazy, spend too much time and money on hobbies, out of shape, embrace degeneracy, are risk averse and gravitate to stupid/safe jobs like the Trades.

It is white men's faults they are so powerless now. I look forward to the day Jews control the world openly and the gentiles are no longer needed.

Walking Dead

>All Oscar bait is liberal-political
Yeah, Hacksaw Ridge is so liberal, isn't it?
Them libruhs running the media and muh movies!
When will it end! When will I get some wholesome, right-wing propaganda at the theater?

12 years a slave
any movie with a retard

>12 years a slave
Both are based on true events. Do you feel uncomfortable when you are reminded that your country has been a regressive shithole at times? Does it ruin your "murica so great" narrative?

Jesus fuck you spergs are something else. You don't even have to watch these movies. You understand that, right? Are you that much of a triggered faggot?

>Boyhood is liberal propaganda
You are like, next level retard.

>The majority of Academy members are liberal
>It is impossible to believe that a film that wants to win an Academy Award would want to appeal to this demographic.

Hmm... or maybe, instead of being 'liberal-political' they're just overly tragic and emotional, like everyone has said all along.
Really makes you think.
>Any movie with a retard
Are you retarded? Because those aren't remotely political.

>The majority of Academy members are liberal
You are kidding me, right? Not like this even matters...because if people don't go and watch a fucking film, it's likely not going to be acknowledged by the Academy in the first place.

Your life must be so warped.

It's impossible to believe when the facts say otherwise, user-kun :3

You guys have to be fucking with me. The Academy is overwhelmingly liberal. Hollywood in general is liberal

I know this is bait, but I'm struggling to resist it. And I'm not even a Sup Forumslack. I have a lot of respect for the Jews. But, man, this post is definitely Jewish.

>Hollywood has to appeal to brain dead American liberals, therefore Hollywood is liberal

Stay retarded

>The Academy is overwhelmingly liberal
It really isn't, nor does it even matter.
>Hollywood in general is liberal
Hollywood isn't a fucking hivemind of Jews, you retarded oaf.

user, you're failing to understand. You're stating unrelated, but true statements and expecting us to draw your conclusion. Give us some propaganda movies and explain why they're propaganda, stop trying to weave some conspiracy theory.

>Hollywood has to appeal to brain dead American liberals
Hmm, you're right, they totally HAVE to do this.
now I truly see

He's doing a false equivalency. A favorite tactic among the retarded over at Sup Forums

please point out the bait in my post. you cannot deny that the Jews are the richest, smartest, most connected race in america right now. They started out with nothing and now they're rich. It would be an honor for us to lorded by them.

I think you miss the point, it's okay, you really don't seem to be that smart.

The Academy has for the longest time been old white men, mostly conservative. But like most people keep explaining to you, it doesn't really matter how conservative they are or not...they don't make the movies.

Stormfags and Sup Forumsfags are the best example of subhumans in human society today. You have stunningly low intelligence. You are all psychopaths and sociopaths. You are so susceptible to confirmation bias and delusion that when someone insults you as an individual for being mind-blowingly stupid, all you can think of is your epic jew memes and spout MUH GOY MUH JEWS.

Rest assured that if 100% of you were not busy confined to a basement somewhere masturbating to cartoons, society would not tolerate your existence. Now get moving on dying in your 40s of heart disease you worthless sack of subhuman shit.

Not a Stormfag but you must be able to see that a lot of the people pushing this shite are Jewish? I generally have no problem with them but they do this stuff.

>not a stormfag
>but jews, amirite???

God damn it. The bait is too strong. I don't think I can do it, lads. It's...too...strong...

>thinking that this image macro is an argument in the slightest.

We were discussing what constitutes Oscar bait.
Oscar bait has to appeal to the Academy
The modern Academy consists of mostly liberal filmmakers
Therefore Oscar bait, within the past two decades or so, plays on "progressive" themes to appeal to the Academy.
Are you purposefully being obtuse?

I didn't even know people this naive existed

I just have a problem with Jewish people who push this stuff. I swear you fedora tippers have no nuance.

Just an example also there are videos of her saying it.

Examples aren't evidence unless you're comparing them against examples to the contrary, you halfwit. Obviously given tens of millions of Jews there will be enough examples of them being super liberal to fill a brainwashed Sup Forums tard's propaganda folder. Notice how people who do scientific studies or official polls aren't saving .jpgs for confirmation bias purposes. You people are unfathomably stupid, you don't understand even the basics of logic or critical thought.

Whatever the name of that Spielberg holohoax movie

This flick was so goddamn boring. How did this manage to win best picture?

Look I'm just giving examples of the kind of people I dislike. You are so butthurt over nothing. I fucking know that its a small percentage of Jewish people who do this. I'm not a retard. Honestly you are getting worked up over nothing.

>'Schindler's List is KIKE propaganda glorifying a Nazi who spared KIKES so the Russians wouldn't smoke his Nazi ass'

huh....really made me think

Christians are bad! Booo, christians!

another movie discussion thread ruined by Sup Forumsfags

just fucking great.

remember on november 9 when your meme candidate loses by the biggest landslide in history aim at the base of your skull not at the temple. do something right for once

>implying (((polls))) and (((science))) are not part of the jewish space reptilian conspiracy


You mean November 29th