In this thread, post whatever

In this thread, post whatever.












r8 my face Sup Forums

You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for...








lol that made me kek


Fred durst is dead you insensitive fuck face




lol kek lol









I feel bad for anyone who finds this attractive.

You are miles off of how things work.



My Cock.




You should never find this appealing.

Poor devil. How does this happen?

A very interesting read







Did you kill this woman?


fuck off faggot

I can post whatever I want, and you can't stop me.


Looks like one of my nites at the exotic erotic ball many years ago





Now that's what I call spawnkilling






Master Chef










Worst behaviour tonight






>being this new

why the question mark?
either you call for me or you don't.





lil cheetus

Anyone know the story behind this pic?



they burned so many lolis that pedobear became back






Kinda spooky