What is the most effective way to commit suicide at home effectively?
I heard that when you hang, your body, as it dies releases all fluids from all holes and makes a real mess. Is that true?
I wouldn't want to leave a mess behind, so what is the most effective/fast and somewhat clean way to do it?
Tyler Cooper
Well for one, shit would leak outta your bowels for sure.
Luis Hernandez
Jump off a cliff and shoot yourself in the head
Nathaniel Hernandez
Don't own a gun, nor does anyone in the family... That leaves the option of jumping from somewhere. The only problem is I wouldn't want to make it ugly for my family, although I would leave them I wouldn't wanna make it worse by seeing a pile of fucked up gore as their son.
Owen Ortiz
What about just dont? You will get through whatever you're going through :)
Leo Adams
Buy a gun you fucking idiot. What are you afraid of getting caught? Suicide by police.
Go sit in a car in the garage and turn it on. You’ll be out in 3 minutes.
You’re a piece of shit for putting your family through this, you selfish dick. Off yourself where they can’t find you
Luke Bailey
Off's himself in the woods, get's eaten by bear
Jose Cruz
Don't kill yourself user. Life is worth living. It's going to end one day anyways, why not just have some hope? Get a dog, play games, go drinking, go traveling, do new stuff, go riding freight trains across the country or something. If your life is worth nothing, you might as well have some fucking fun. Don't be an asshole to your family. There's always a chance of something good happening. You're dead enough when you sleep. Follow my advice, you won't regret it.
Parker Green
I just can't see a way out, I've had this thought in the back of my mind for years but my love for my family always kept it away. But I just can't fathom living normally, stuff that is simple by your eyes is not comprehensible in my eyes and I just don't know why. I was not made fit for this world, I have tried. But without realizing it or wanting to do it, I make the people closest to me go away. I try to fix it and it makes it worse. As it is now, it's worse for the people around me.
Andrew James
Evan Nguyen
>Anonymous 02/05/18(Mon)16:54:25 No.75902 don't do it. suicide solves your problems, yes, but it creates a slew of other problems to do that. there is no perfect, clean, or effective way to suicide. Even if you jumped off a ship in the middle of the ocean with a weight tied to your leg, someone would feel pain.
Caleb Wilson
I'll take the "smoothness expert" as a compliment, thank you sir.
Connor Garcia
., stop trying to suicide and learn to pray to The Divine Infinite Unity , The Difinity , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , for help , use the law of magnetization and pray for help , avoid trouble ,.
Camden Lewis
I like the way you put it... Problem is, it's not that easy... Games have been a way of forgetting about that stuff and the issues of life. I even got myself a girlfriend. But since I feel depressed most days, we don't go out too much, and she's already said that I either hang out more or we're done. Games, as time passed by, feel more... bland and bland, I feel empty you know? Thing is I am a coward. Enough of a coward to never be able to leave and take a ride across the state to try and forget stuff. Since I was a kid it was hard adapting. People see me saying this and call me retarded, hell, I may be. But I just can not see the world the same way as you do. And I never knew why. My world loses its colors for each year that goes by. I'm 23
Liam Gutierrez
law of magnetization, what about polarity user?! Wouldn't wishing for positivity also bring about misfortune?
Anthony White
Yo at least stay alive for your family, thats my plan
Robert Ramirez
Stop feeling so bad. Go live life and have some fun. Ur love for ur family shouldn't stop u, their love for u should. If u decide to kys, they will be truly heartbroken. Do u really want them to go through so much pain? My advice is get a counsellor or just talk to someone u trust. Everyone has rough patches and one day, you'll look back and be happy to be alive.
Robert Foster
That would be the pain of not knowing what happened, yes? I know that would happen. I would like to leave a letter, or a file with instruction for a friend to find and share. People were good to me, and I would like to thank them and maybe do my best to soothe them. I've looked for a better way, but I can't function. I got a job opportunity as a teacher, that was my dream as a kid, but I don't feel a thing now. I just feel it is going to be another thing I'll have to force myself to do every single day.
Owen Miller
I considered telling my mom, she's the person I'm closest to in life. But I am afraid of her reaction to it
Asher Nelson
Paramedic here. There's basically two ways to hang yourself; partial and full. partial is feet still touching the ground, full is full suspension from the neck. Neither is likely to kill you by breaking your neck, it takes quite a bit of force to break your neck using rope. You'd likely die from asphyxiation. Your body will react violently and on instinct to try and free yourself, in doing so, waste your oxygen and oxygenated blood and cellular muscle oxygen, and you'd panic more, until you go unconscious. Your brain will die several minutes later, your heart may have PEA for up to ten minutes after that. Eyes and maybe ears MAY have blood come out from them due to the increased pressure from the carotid veins and arteries being crushed by the rope. you'll void your bowels, so go before you do it. It's not very messy, but very tragic and painful for you.
If you want to do it a good way, no mess, no fuss. grab a ton of vasodilating drugs, insulin, and morphine. take them all at once, sit down and wait. Your blood pressure will crash, your body will release all its stored glucose, and you won't feel a thing. again, with any death, you'll void your bowels. But this way is painless.
If you want to die having fun, Overdose on heroin.
Ryder Gomez
Would those drugs be easy to find? In any pharmacy? I thought about going to the bathroom before doing it to make sure it's not too messy.
Josiah Evans
I really hope you dont go through with it but, if you do, could you tell us who you are? I would like to send prayers to ur family and leave some kind words. However, this is a last resort and I really believe suicide isnt ever the right option.
Ethan Robinson
Go in the forest and fucking shoot yourself maybe you will get famous too if Longan Paul finds you
Sebastian Martinez
Your mom would be very relieved if u told her. After all, why would she want you to die? Telling someone means you can have support and they can help you
Brandon Gutierrez
I am Brazilian, and am using Sup Forums for the anonymity, I wouldn't want people to find who I am in case I do it or even in the case I do not. I would like to thank with all my heart for it though.
Dominic Gomez
vc é br?
Nicholas Parker
Matthew Scott
onde no brasil?
Brandon Adams
Luis Cox
p q vc quer se matar?
Ryan Carter
10kg of dynamite.
Josiah Gray
Oh ok. I'll still pray for u and ur family. Could you at least tell us if u eventually go through with it? That way we can all show our respect etc. However, as i said before, suicide will only make things worse. Yes, your problems disappear but you'll cause even worse problems for your family. Theyll always wonder if they couldve done anything to stop you and if it was there fault. By ending your life, you will cause them to live in misery.
Aaron Cox
yes, all but morphine would be extremely easy to find.
Brody Torres
Eu expliquei tudo ali em cima. Não consigo ver as coisas da mesma forma que os outros, eu simplesmente não vejo as mesmas cores na vida. E as poucas pessoas que me faziam seguir em frente se afastam por que eu sou um depressivo que não gosta muito de sair. Não há uma forma de consertar o que sempre foi do jeito que é, e provavelmente será. Tudo que vai acontecer é: Eu vou ficar sempre sozinho e perder todo emprego que eu tentar, por que eu vou faltar frequentemente e vou me sentir mal durante o trabalho.
Logan Morris
Every dead body makes a mess. /thread
Adrian Bennett
buy Helium and a mask. Inhale helium you will slowly fade away, no mess
Kayden Moore
You want to kill yourself. Just go into pharmacy with a weapon and take it
Jackson Campbell
If you gotta do it and nothing I or the other guys can tell you will change your mind then do it in style. Do something straight out crazy. Go down as a legend. Money does not matter, people does not matter so whats stopping you? Just don`t kill anyone in the progress. Personally I think you should keep on living and deal with your shit.
Xavier Roberts
jump off a bridge, or lunge under a truck
Easton Thompson
suicide by police
Brody Adams
cut yourself in the bath
Logan Howard
opium over dose you just kinda fade away and ur happy cause opium any pill that contains it look it up
Easton Hall
U still
Bentley Phillips
I'd probably just hang myself tbh. It's simple enough and you're body will still be intact.
Lincoln Roberts
Fuck you! I am a policemen in germany and the last thing I want to do is to have to kill someone who don't has the balls to do it.
Juan Taylor
Thank you, God bless. I don't know if he's really out there, but if he is, you're one of his true followers for doing this. I am going to wait for tonight, even if I were to do it I'd have to go to a pharmacy first, and prepare. I will update when I decide the time. I have, or, had a girlfriend that was the girl that I thought I'd be able to live for, but today she has told me I either change, or it's over. For whatever reason women misunderstand what you tell them sometimes. I don't know why. I told her I'd like to have more money to do better stuff for her, such as taking her to nicer places (since I'm in college as of now, sometimes I'm not able to), wich would be easier now that I got a job as a teacher half period. But she thought I was saying that I don't want to pay for her stuff when we go out, and that I am complaining about that and that she has her own money. I don't know why she understood it that way. It makes no sense and it was the complete opposite. I would just like to make her live a good life, for my own sake perhaps. She is very depressed most of the time and complains a lot about life and not having many friends. I guess we may be on the same situation, I don't know. Either way, I told her I'd fight as hard as I can, and I would punch life in the face if it were to make us happy again (after crying and telling her that that was not what I meant when I talked about money). Her answer was: "I don't like that attitude" or something similar. So I am lost, I could find other girls and go out and try new stuff. But that would just numb everything, numb stuff that will keep on growing inside me no matter what.
Jayden Harris
U still there?^^
Tyler Watson
Dont kys over a girl. Plz. U can still be happy and enjoy life without a gf. There are better things in life than girls anway. All u have to do is be urself and when u find a girl who loves u for being u, then u know youve found the right one. Ive been suicidal before and now im very happy and ik i wouldve regretted killing myself because life gets better. Trust me :)
Mason Barnes
Don't do it, OP. Suicide is a permanent solution to a (probably not) temporary problem. So go and see a therapist. Maybe call the suicide prevention hotline? Find something that will take your mind off of this shit, like a hobby. Maybe take up gardening. And maybe go hang out with your girl.
Grayson Martin
Life ain't shit, don't listen to this fag. Live your dreams, let no one get in your way.
Grayson Gonzalez
Get rid of your girlfriend. If you think you have to make an effort for it, it probably doesn't work too good in the first place. I think it will be a relieving feeling. You will find somebody new, there are so many humans out there. If you really love somebody, it will not be a burden to keep the relationship going, but it will be your pleasure. Don't think you're a coward man, what the fuck stops you? It is nobody else than yourself. And don't think you have to be "normal" or whatever the fuck that is and do "normal things" or act "normal". Man I'm one hell of a fucked up guy, but man I enjoy it. You know why? People talk shit about me all the time, making posts on social media how I'm racist and all that shit. I laugh about it, because what am I gonna do, and why would I care? Man, I do whatever the fuck I want. I'm a graffiti writer, I go out in the night and have fun alone. I can't hear people complain, I can't get arrested if I'm not caught. For me life is an empty box that you have to stuff with your cock, and other shit, because what matters anyways? I'm going to die one day, are you going to put my dead body in jail? Give your life some purpose man. Eat some nice food, it tastes good. Shit, why not just sit around and entertain yourself, watch movies or listen to new music. You know how I exercise? I literally run from the police. Shit becomes so easy when it comes from inside. If you're upset with society, show it to people, write it on a wall. Make some stickers and put em up everywhere. It's seriously satisfying to see your creations all around town. Trust me.
Ayden Price
Wait, is this.. positivity? Kindness? That's something I never expected from Sup Forums
Nolan Phillips
Carbon monoxide is the least painful way to die. Hanging would need to be from a high enough place so you snap your neck. Shooting is always the easiest. Don't recommend pills unless you're an anesthesist.
Benjamin Martin
Fuck you faggot, you took the job now suck my sausage.
Leo Bell
On second thoughts, exclude that last one. If she doesn't care about you that much when you're so low in life, then fuck her. She isn't worth your time if shes gonna act like this. But don't take my word for it. If she still makes you happy (which I find hard to believe), then stay with her.
Angel Evans
I've thought a lot about trying to break up with her and looking for someone new, fresh. But for some reason I am just no capable of doing so, when I go to discuss our issues with her, like today when we fought, I can't bring myself to say "let's end this". I keep thinking about all the good she has done me before these issues now... There were times where she alone stopped me from giving up... But I would hardly expect this many good people on Sup Forums. I am really thankful to all of you who took me seriously and gave me your opinions. I will take hold these opinions in the highest regard when deciding what to ultimately do. I've skipped college today, so I had and will have some time to think through. Thank you. I will be here talking for as long as this thread lasts.
Matthew Baker
Anesthesiologist? They try not to kill people, alot easier to do so.
Dominic Hernandez
Surprised this hasn't been said >Overdose on heroin. Chase the dragon, and feel nothing
Daniel Hughes
Im happy that you're going to continue talking because now we'll know ur ok for a while. And a lot of people on b either try to be edgy or are just horny af. However, we're not all bad. I strongly believe that, although we don't know you, a lot of b would be sad to see you go.
Angel Harris
Thank you. I wish there was a way to have contact beyond this thread, but due to the way Sup Forums works there is no safe way of sharing contact information or even one of those chat websites without having it being completely flooded by trolls.
Tyler Nguyen
if you really wanted to die, shitting your pants shouldnt matter. nothing after you die should matter.
Julian Nguyen
I could make a random email? Then it wouldnt matter about trolls and u wouldnt have to reveal ur identity
Luke Thomas
It matters, the world does not stop spinning when you die. And even though I'd go as far as selfishly give up. I would try the best to not make it as messy and difficult to deal with for my family.
Dylan Russell
If you think that would work, I'd go with it.
Xavier Davis
Just make a throwaway email
Asher Wright
Look, you even considering breaking up with her is a sign you should break up with her. Stand up for yourself. Begin a new chapter of your life. Don't think you're not capable. You're just too comfortable to change. Just do it. And don't pull no stupid "I'll do it next week" on yourself. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE MAN. Once you finish college everything will change. Imagine how flexible you will be. Maybe move to a new city. Meet the love of your life. Hug your new wife, hug your kids maybe. Having a little bastard run around and try to fight you with his miniature fists will be worth it. You're playing the demo of life bro. Don't think the game life is boring just because the demo was. When you're at the bottom, you can only go up.
Pic taken by me, while I was taking a walk last year.
Jordan Martinez
Exactly why I mentioned it. Most people that do it , do so on accident. Painless, crazy way to go.
Henry Butler
I'm going to sleep now. Don't kill yourself. Remember my words. Good night.
Take some sleeping pills and go to sleep in a running car, you will most likely die from the car fumes and you don't notice it. A ton of people die from this.
Isaiah James
Noah Williams
not the dude but exit bag are almost useless now because the helium tank have now oxygen mixed with it so it wont be lethal. all this because exit bag are a popular
Carter Wood
lol, the world might as well end when you die. you cease to be. time is meaningless, everything might as well be dead and gone. a billion years would be nothing, since you wouldn't exist to notice.
all suicide is is you getting death over with rather than waiting for it like the rest of us.
Luke Harris
Get a dog...have no money to care for dog, doggo lives shit lyfe gg
Kevin Sanchez
Helium tank, hose, gasmask. Dont turn the tank up to high or you'll blow up your lungs, bad eay to die. You wont even notive passing out and asphyxiating.
Andrew Howard
Life is pain and bitterness. Suffering has no reward.
Brandon Cruz
Just by the way I have written all my posts, you can tell wich one is real.
James Butler
Maybe instead of shitposting on Sup Forums you should be shooting arabs and blacks invading your homeland. But I bet you're not even a real german anyway.
Samuel Russell
Fuck urself, ur not funny
Camden Sullivan
And that is why I said there would be no way to securely share information. I am really thankful to those who offered kind words, but now this thread is useless. God bless and thank you. If you would like to find which email is the real one, I really can't help you with this other person doing this to me.
Oliver Kelly
How can I prove yellowglasses54 is the real me?
Caleb Nguyen
Dapty is the real one
Angel Martinez
What about this, there is no way to prove who the real one is so dont email either of us. Just think about what i said on here. You'll get through it, op :)
Leo Cox
I'm confused cause I'm no okay and took some medicine, is yellowglasses54 claiming to be me (op) or claiming to be the guy who was helping me?
Luke Scott
I just emailed yellowglasses
Parker Roberts
Im claiming to be the nice guy. But as u cant verify it, u dont have to message me
Thomas Kelly
I'm sorry I mistook it, really sorry. I'm going through such a rush of adrenaline right now that I thought it was a troll. Forgive me for that. I emailed you.
Justin Ward
May I say that if worst comes to worst you could always go to churches. From what I've seen they serve as community centers for people in rough times. Even for the non believers
Aiden Morris
We posted our emails at the same time and thats what caused it. That is in fact me, that other email.
Levi Ortiz
Wait... Is the other email the op?
Owen Turner
Twist your nipples to death
Ethan Cox
This is just a test message for a tripcode. Ignore this. Its just so i cant get mixed up again
Christopher Brown
Another test
Zachary Rodriguez
You obviously don't care about your family if you're killing yourself, so why the fuck do you care if they see the pile of gore you end up becoming?
But if you're really that big of a pussy, just go and do it deep in the wilderness or in another country without your papers, then your family won't even find your body in the first place.
Isaac Smith
the way I cope is I just do drugs life becomes way more fun for a while
Michael Wood
Make sure Logan Paul doesn't find your body afterwards
William Rivera
NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME, FAGGOT! Because it's painfully obvious you don't really want to kill yourself. God man, you are such a tremendous faggot it hurts. I'm 23 as well, poorfag from a southeastern european country, when I was 20 I went to Merkelstan due to speaking fluent german and english because of the shekels so I could provide for and secure a better life for me and my girlfriend. It was really fucking hard leaving my life and adapting but I told myself I have to do it so I did, because before I left there were days when we would only have fucking pasty and the cheapest canned food to eat due to rent etc.
8 months ago gf left me after 3 years of living together cause she thought she could have it better, although she wasn't a gold digger or that type of girl I still paid and supplied for almost everything because her family was utterly fucked (mom had Alzheimers), sex was great because we had no problem with getting kinky, pretty much uncompareable to any other bitch (banged 8 before her, I just counted it) and because I have a big dick, 21-22cm, can prove with photo. She finally gets a decent job for the summer season and leaves me after 2 months, I was completely broken, started drinking heavily, couldn't sleep if I wasn't dead drunk, not to mention eating, lost 5kg and most of my muscles, lived in the same apartment we moved into, couldn't sleep in my own fucking bedroom for 6 months so I rearranged the living room, put the mattress on the couch and slept there. All of my close ones said it was painful to fucking watch me. So one day, 2 months after she left me, I'm sitting there with my hunting knife contemplating on what to get as a last meal, getting my favourite wine, make myself a nice bath and cut my wrists both ways. And nigger I was dead serious, but there was one thing in my mind. I don't want to be a little bitch and let the world and the hoe win. So after a lot of tears I put the knife down. Cont.
Wyatt Barnes
U cant moan at someone for "not really wanting to kill themselves" and then write an essay about how u didnt kill urself. Hypocrite