Women always get saved first in an accident

>Women always get saved first in an accident
>Women almost always get the upper-hand in divorce cases
>Women have special government programs and funding just for them
>Women get an edge in job interviews and school appliances
>Women will always be taken care of by either a man or the government
>Women aren't forced to go to war and die for their country
>Women don't need to develop special skills, an interesting personality or even physical fitness to be considered attractive
>Women have complete control over dating
>Women will always be treated more preferentially by society

But men are the privileged gender, guys

Other urls found in this thread:


ooooh, did mommy hit you too hard?
does it still hurt?
stop being such a pussy

>no arguments

tell me about the first time daddy came into your room at night

women also have to put up with bitches like you so it sort of balances out

Pretty sure I was crying and about 1 day old. He changed my diaper and brought me to mommies nipple. Overall I was satisfied with the encounter.

OP is saying this in an argumentative way, but this true and verifiable. The fact that this ruffles so many feathers, even getting men to denounce it, is beyond me. We each have our own societal issues and problems, but that doesn't mean women should be placed in the victimization spotlight and men's rights ignored.

Spot the former Google employee

Spot the person so far into their beliefs they are unable to look at objective fact and come to an equally objective conclusion.

weak-assed loser faggot

>and brought me to mommies nipple.

is this you?