If I drink one day a week as much as I want am I at risk?

If I drink one day a week as much as I want am I at risk?

At risk of pulling off some sick ass tricks on that bike bro.





old school josh bender back in the day


At risk for what???


yes that is actually more dangerous than being a daily drinker







getting the alcoholism


carl stop drinking jew juice u fag

would you rather burn your finger once a day on a frying pan or burn your hand in a fire once a week?





Can I come downhill cycling with you good sir

I can feel the icy sting of alcoholism but I don't want to quit entirely.

You just wanted to post your bike folder!!!

None except for OP was me. I don't even own that bike.

where was that picture taken?

Somewhere on Earth

Cyclist are faggots. Too scared to ride a real bike

You can't ride a "real" bike where I go.

>What's a dirt bike

How many lycra outfits do you own?

No motors. You'll wreck the landscape.

Answer is just 2.

Oh nah
But you do need to worry about the autism

I am just as god made me, sir.


What manor of autist have you summoned?

>If I drink one day a week as much as I want am I at risk?
Can you predict what will happen when you drink?

It wasn't me I swears
I'll get drunk and play vidyas

>I'll get drunk and play vidyas
So what's the problem?

That it will come a time when I can't stop drinking and playing vidyas