Im 23 and am drunk nearly all the time. So Sup Forums
>what are you drinking?
>alcoholic thread
and if you want
Im 23 and am drunk nearly all the time. So Sup Forums
Gabriel Ortiz
James Sanchez
Any more nudes? Also gentlemen jack
Alexander Turner
Ryder Brown
Are u a faggot?
Kevin Cruz
Good choice, gentleman jack is amazing
No sorry to disappoint
Connor Nelson
I drink every week day at least 3 shots whiskey and 2 of some random shot within about 1hr before I get home. Never on weekends cause wife would throw a fit. What are you up to user
Luke Brown
do you ever go without drinking
Cameron Collins
26 and drink all day as well. Shitty beer right now.
Isaiah Diaz
It's photoshopped dumbass
Alexander Wright
I drink up to a pint in under an hour then beer to keep the buzz going, on weekdays. I work from home so it's easy. Weekends I go out with friends and get fucked up. Sunday is usually an attempt to recover but I drink a couple 22s. Usually nothing hard