People you want to punch

People you want to punch

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Is it cause jew or right wing?

why would you want to punch anybody tho


This fucker just annoys the shit out of me

lol...butt hurt millennial butterfly

1. offended because this dudes has not only opinions, but ones that make sense and are rational and well thought out.
2. he doesnt buy into the liberal hype or preciousness
3. op sounds like a fag, and probably if you actually punched someone you would break your hand.

Liberals/ leftists/ feminists (femnazis) / and nig nog nogs hate him. Which one are you?



For a Jew he seems like a pretty sharp guy. We share a lot of opinions, but I'll tell you what, when he starts comparing things to the Holocaust, I do really wanna punch him.

the squirrel has some good points here and there.
he just looks and sounds so fucking annoying, and uses terrible argument tactics to overpower anyone who he has a discussion with.
tldr he's a fucking cunt even though he's right

i'm not even an americunt



My grievance with him is his blatant hypocrisy. He rails against racially-based pride yet totes his own. He condemned white and black nationalists alike and, for that matter, anyone who says they're proud for being the race that they are yet he turns around and says how proud he is to be Jewish and of Jewish lineage, always calls himself a strong Zionist.

What's with is with retards like yourselves and calling everyone who so much as hints at criticism of your God-idols a "snowflake" or "butterfly"? I'm right leaning but I realize that no one, be they Ben Shapiro or Donald Trump are 100% right 100% of the time. Everyone deserves criticism for the things they do wrong no matter how much you usually agree with them. You call leftists brainwashed but you chauvinistically and mercilessly crucify anyone that even dare suggest criticism of your idols. Blatant hypocrisy. This goes for you too.

>bring it!
>oh wait, you're ser- WAIT!


>touts his own
can you cite an example of him being prideful of his whiteness, and no proud of white values?


all cunts can i punch all 3

I didn't say he's proud of his whiteness, I said he's proud of his Jewishness.

Dafuq. Ben Shapiro telling like it is hurting all the libtards feelings? Definitely not punchworthy

the difference, user, is that he takes pride in the things he believes in, (biological Jewery is one of the ways Jews pass on Jewness). And to contrast, he speaks about the idiocy of group identity, or believing in a cause because "all black people do this" instead of making their own decisions.

yeah but that face though

Jews aren't white.



I feel like anyone who respects basic rhetoric wouldn't like ben shapiro


most are

can you cite an example of where he has touted simply being jewish as a good thing, seperate of jewish values?

>he takes pride in the things he believes in
No, he takes pride in what he is. He has said in interviews before not that he takes pride for believing in Judaism and Zionism but for being born Jewish, two very different things.

I think he's very clever and enjoy hearing his arguments, some points I agree with others less (like his take on music and art in general)

If you take then at face value (i.e. simply by the color of their skin), sure. But genetically they are as white as Turks and that is not at all.

Kind of have to agree ish

People cant take his opinions because they have ground to stand on, and they're not intelligent enough to rebute him themselves, yet no one likes to be wrong

Even if you are a nazi, parading that fact is a bad idea, wow
Take a gander.

get off Sup Forums we voted for trumpbut fuck if Shapiro doesn't have an annoying voice

The faggy one to the right alone will fuck your shit up

citation needed
second, nothing wrong with being proud of what you are.. there is something wrong with taking credit for shit you didn't do

Whoops sorry wrong forum

>What's with is with retards like yourselves and calling everyone who so much as hints at criticism of your God-idols a "snowflake" or "butterfly"? I'm right leaning but I realize that no one, be they Ben Shapiro or Donald Trump are 100% right 100% of the time. Everyone deserves criticism for the things they do wrong no matter how much you usually agree with them. You call leftists brainwashed but you chauvinistically and mercilessly crucify anyone that even dare suggest criticism of your idols. Blatant hypocrisy. This goes for you too.

Lots of assumptions there snowflake.
I dont believe one word that you are saying on being right-leaning btw, because on you are taking the stance of of criticism, when you your self are calling me a "retard", "chauvinistic", and suggesting I am crucifying people and last, that I am an idolator.

I believe that your 'right stance' is pure bullshit as your stance, because you cannot even make a coherent point and result to name calling ( classical liberal backtrack when cornered), shit throwing, temper need to grow up little man.

so why do you want to punch him ?

that is some top level mental gymnastics man.

Based Ben would fuck you up six ways from sunday you soy-encrusted faggot. Then he would sell you to the nearest corner pimp to put you out on the streets to be the bottom bitch. And he would take a cut of the profits. He is jewish, after all.


Because a tolerant and accepting liberal will punch you for peacefully promoting ideas.

i would love to see that manlet try

I love being else will I learn.
More failures = better success.

Snowflake millennial have been brainwashed that they are perfect in the first place....they are indoctrinated in a mass delusion.

No one is perfect, and the if people will learn to accept that and strive to be 'better' than then they will be much happier in the long end....

Actually kind of fitting...seems the snowflakes are getting butt fucked in here.

No, Sup Forums and reddit voted for Trump. You just happened to come over during that wave and migrated to Sup Forums, newfag.

These 3 Based Gods would fuck you till you loved them. And make you get their faces tatted on your faggot chest.

OP would probably break his hand slapping him.

He's a hero

Is it a beatDOWN if you're throwing UPPERcuts....?

no where in that video did he tout being jewish simply for its own sake, he explicitly stated jewish values, and that its part of his identity

yeah this guy is just in it for the PR. If there's a camera around, he's right there waiting to give his limited perspective. just watch the way he handles the interview regarding the recent pentagon footage of UFOs. at least michio is a bit more elaborate.

Even when you throw for 500+ yards, you can still loose the Super Bowl.

Was fitting that getting beat down like a girl, he had to wear womens clothes on the way home.

Maybe he was crying like Paxton Lynch with his head in his hands....

I'm kind of confused about Sup Forums being so conservative.

Conservatives tell the most lies, make up the largest fraction of the religious tards, and are the group that generally attempts forcing everyone to live their way (which is usually some archaic shit from their Bible.)

I'm not saying their aren't groups of liberals that are shit... But most of the left is happy with everyone doing whatever they want and believing whatever they want to believe.

Why are so many Sup Forumsros suddenly latching their lips onto the conservative dick?

this authoritarian piece of shit


Would you, though?

>condems nationalism
>promotes zionism
It's contradictory, but he likely is betting on the fact that the average person doesn't know what zionism is.
The average person knows so little about Jews, that they can tout their Jewish ideaologies that directly conflict with their goyim idealogies, and no one calls them out on it.

keep spittin' that wisdom, based user.

deregulation tax increases to over 90% of people climate denial ect there policies suck. trump is a sad fuckboy puppet of corporate america
get your tounge out of there assholes these based gods as you call them are fucked come 2020

What you're not understanding here, user, is that most conservatives are happy with everyone doing whatever they want and believing what they want to believe. You are applying a hypocritical set of viewpoints here. Talk to enough people on both sides of the fence and you'll realize that.
The average person could give a fuck less what you do with your life as long as you are not harming anyone. It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum they fall into. Zealots will be zealots, whether they are right wing or left wing. Hell, there's even some centrist zealots. You're demonizing people who do not agree with you without understanding the vast majority of them.

idk man I kinda like him to be fair he has kinda worked his ass off learning while we post on Sup Forums.

Ahahahaa you're so right, this is so clever! I've never heard someone say something like this before! Gold star, friend :) on another note though tomorrow's a school day, shouldn't you be going to bed?

nice one lol (im not op btw)

>forcing everyone to live their way
that's the very definition of todays overbearing libtard. Self-awareness is not your strong point, son.

More words of wisdom

Dont fuck with anyone that is willing to chop their dick off in order to be happy. Fuckers like that are mentally ill

I've made it a rule in life not to hang out with anyone who was dumb enough to loose a finger or a toe, or some appendage by their own stupidity. Accidents are ok, but if you are hanging out with someone that lost finger because they held a fire cracker to be cool, you need new friends.

If youre hanging out with someone who wants to chop thier dick off so that they feel normal, run from that mother fucker, cause they will bite off someones dick one day...dont let it be yours.


Is OP that ex-military tranny guy that threatened to hurt Shapiro because he said he wasn't a real lady?


wow your such an intellectual please sir before i go to bed can you tell me the story of how there policies aren't screwing over the planet and all of its inhabitants to make a quick buck.

>Dont fuck with anyone that is willing to chop their dick off in order to be happy
Its the jews

Lol Yeah! Tell him! Booming economy, more jobs, stronger immigration laws and all of that shit is bogus fam, come 2020 people are definitely not going to take any of that into consideration and are going to vote for someone else because he hurts people's feelings

Seriously though do you have any legitimate arguments why he shouldn't be President? Don't come at me with the typical false narrative that most of you try to spew like racism and shit, actual reasons. Try to convince someone with legitimate reasons as to why he's not a good president and what exactly hes doing wrong and who knows maybe I'll vote for Barney or pikachu or whoever the next Democrat presidential nominee might be.

You'll most likely never even cross paths with one of these mental defectives in your life, but to hear the libs tell it, this country is absolutely TEEMING with them. Don't believe the hype, people.

because you punch nazis! xD go antifa! *holds up spork*

Is asking to be accepted and given the same rights as others a way ofl forcing others to live their way? I don't really think so.

Is a conservative attempting to pass laws that prevent people from living a way they don't agree a way of forcing others to live their way? Seems like it.

Okay, what rights are you being deprived of? Just one will do.

tell me some more about how repubs are fucked in 2020

Fuck u, Trot.

the economy is in a bubble because of deregulation and lowering the corporate tax rate
job creation is stagnating under trump trump is getting credit for jobs mostly created under obama the majority of witch are low paying
and i dont give a fuck if there racist i only care about policy

The irony is lost on a man with intellect such as yours

This motherfucker

Unfortunately, I live in the Peoples Republic of Boulder.

Saw a snowflake millennial cross dresser the other day pumping gas. S/He probably was getting off holding the hand pump... I could of sworn this dress wearing 6 foot dude with a poor makeup job would have tried to hit me with his purse if I started laughing at him.
Either he had protest signs in his back seat because his panties were in a wad and its a conspiracy that cotton was on display at a hobby lobby or he was hanging real estate signs...idk and I didnt want to ask...

But they are out there, I was even frisked by one at the airport that worked for TSA.

But I agree, for a minority, they are being exploited by the left to cater to the bleeding hearts....and I tend to agree with Ben. Just because you want to pretend that you are a different gender dont expect me to believe your delusion.

You should start caring about economics, dropout.

Gay marriage was a pretty large taboo for Conservatives. Why? Mostly their religion.

Abortion. Why? Mostly their religion.

There are two of the most known examples.


Liberal hell holes get that way because conservatives are afraid to express their opinions publicly because their politics aren't 'correct'.

You'd be amazed how many of your fellow men in Boulder are conservative.

Both of which are legal. I ask for one right you're being deprived of and you name 2 things you're allowed to do. Big liberal brain in action.


preventing WHO from living WHAT way? What nonsense on you on about with these weird ultra-vague accusations?

It's a classic liberal tactic. Pay attention, and you'll notice they refuse to use objective terms or definitions.

Gay marriage was a semantics debate.
Marriage was a religious institution that the government hijacked.
The majority had nothing against civil unions and equal rights.

Abortion is murder. It's not a right to murder someone that's dependent on you.

Because being a left wing faggot is popular and Sup Forums hates popularity

paranoia pushing profiteer cunt with a fake degree from a diploma mill

Holy shit, son. You gotta educate yourself. Trump was pro-marriage equality long before both hillary AND obama. Get your facts straight before you come with that noise.

what? take your time son formulate a proper argument