Has there ever been a more loathsome character on television?

Has there ever been a more loathsome character on television?

How would a 9mm make that big of a hole? How can AMC be so incompetent?

because muh comics

The main problem is that Chandler Riggs never learned to act. When the show first started, it was easy to blame the bad acting on his young age, but after six seasons he still hasn't gained any range. The only upside is that Carl is supposed to have an almost emotionless affect by this point in the story.

He's pretty qt desu

I don't watch walking dead, do they ever fuck that kid's eyehole?

I want to tickle him ;(

Did carl get shot in the head?

>male cunny

Pretty gross desu

Why? He's okay kid. Plus he's been on the show since he was basically a baby, now he's getting fuckable.

Carl is really the Terminator from T2

The dipshit that nuked New York is worse.

What gave you that impression?



He hasn't even been bad in 3 seasons

They nuke New York in Walking Dead?

I'm looking at your post on my tv and it's pretty loathsome

easily the worst actor in the show


Him and Glenn have been pretty much the only sane people in the group.

all the air in the eyeball exploded

Is the webm in any way relevant?

It's a cute little boy

I've never understood this video. Why is that older boy combing that younger boy's hair? Can he not do it himself? He didn't even really change the style, just made it slightly neater. And why did they deem it notable enough to record and put on the Internet?

But why?


Just born that way I imagine.

he just wanted to touch him

Too feminine and chubby to be a qt boycunny
I'd prefer Carl 2bh


That isn't the prop they used

>>Has there ever been a more loathsome character on television?
Alexander on TNG.

>not loving the boggle queen


Yeah, they found out the radiation of the nukes is what set off the zombie apocalypse. It was when I dropped the show, it got really fucking stupid.