America. You have a fun problem and it's time to address it

America. You have a fun problem and it's time to address it.

Other urls found in this thread:$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf

I agree. All the liberals are making it really not fun to live here anymore.

Ugh you literally made me f*cking cry.

Your syrup only tastes good when I'm eating it out of your mother's twat.

Good. She is a grown woman who can make her own decisions

More like we have a nigger problem.

Shall not infringe.


Here's your (you)

Liberal Democrats: "We shouldn't discriminate against reality-challenged persons by warehousing them in horrible conditions no better than Canadian schools."

Most of those are suicides and gang niggers offing each other. Not really a "problem" IMO. Especially since nothing would change about their behavior if you made all guns disappear.

Nah, you can have my bullets tho.

TJ Sotomayor tells the truth
>ban guns
Nope. Ban Niggers.

>give all the crazy people guns
Who's giving guns?
I want one

>You have a fun problem
Yeah guns are pretty fun.

Cucking levels exceeding 9001%

Who's giving crazy people guns? Who's giving out guns at all? Besides, if they are so dangerous to society that they can't own guns, then they shouldn't be out in society at all.
2/3 suicides, out of the homicides it's ~80% gang on gang violence, with a smattering of justified homicides. It's really only about 2000 non-gang members murdered/year with guns.

>crazy people with guns
You answered your own issue here, don't let crazies get guns. We need mental institutions again, sanitariums where we send the crazies to live out their miserable twisted lives away from us normies

Literally "not all refugees are terrorists, so let's just give them a free pass into our countries, fill them with welfare and pray for the best"


Murder someone with a hammer, no one blames the hammer.
Murder someone with your bare hands, no one blames hands.
Murder someone via arson no one blames the flammable materials used.
Murder someone with a gun and somehow it is the gun's fault...if you are retarded.

I laugh because the more Europe cries, the better my country gets, and we are already have the highest GDP (PPP) per Capital in the world.

>mfw we are deporting these poor radical fucks

I love this dude.

>Ugh you literally made me f*cking cry.

listening to a canadian talk about the dangers of the right to self defense is like listening to a virgin warn me about the dangers of sex, get it through your fucking head we dont give a fuck about your point of view because you lack the experience we have, you cant fathom the complexities of the situation you fucking child

Canada logic: guns don't kill people, people kill people. So let's make sure only bad people will have guns.


You fucking leaf...

The only reason you're not overrun with shitskins exploding themselves on every street corner is because of our "gun problem". Be glad that we're around to make you not Germany or Sweden.

Republican Logic:

People should support themselves and their families and not rely on others
People should defend themselves and their families and not rely on others
The government should help people protect and provide for themselves and families and not impede it by redistributing their earnings
The people should be able to protect themselves from a government that is no longer representative of the people

What a crazy concept.

Guys, not all of us live in Toronto or Quebec. The rest of the country is alright, but those two places seem to love to come on here and convince everyone that they're shining examples of the country. Of course both places are the worst places in the country, and they're filled with mouth breathing retards and radical leftists.

>tells us a lot about America's gun problem
>not America's obesity problem

>liberals claiming to care about america

this one pissed me off

Leafs you had someone decapitate a guy on a bus and found him not guilty and have a queer for a prime minister that makes Obama look like Clint Eastwood. Plus you're not relevant anywhere except your own country so worry about yourself.

That is not even treason either.

Libturd logical
islamic terrorists murders people
gunman murders people
chimp falls into an gorilla enclosure

>The government is the country
>The government is infallible
>It's treason to stand against a government that's ruining the country
Fuck I hate that.
He was declared mentally unstable and unfit for society, but wasn't actually capable of understanding what he did. So instead of sending him to jail, he gets locked up at a psych hospital.

>chimp falls into an gorilla enclosure
I also liked the part where they spent a lot of time claiming the kid was white, and they shot the gorilla because racism or something.

Canadiacucks confirmed worst posters

Only sensible leaf on here

Come on OP, we all know what the real problem in the US is.

Political parties are a divide & conquer tactic. Nothing more.


>disagreeing with me is a hatecrime

>Only sensible leaf on here
I love you too, shortcut to France.







>M-muh Chilluns!!
>Muh Feelz!!
>Falling for liberal propaganda and the democrats
Go fuck yourself also:
We have the most restrictive firearms laws than that of Hawaii and Commiefornia and we still have murder rates and crime soaring above. Meanwhile all the degenerate cacos get their guns and automatic rifles, even machineguns, from the black market and drug trade while we law abiding citizens suffer from getting cucked and shot by our own corrupt officers as the criminals come and rape us in the ass. Gas yourself with Helium, cuck

What is your country's name?

you ain't seen nothing yet

Reminder to ignore or sage occupy democrats threads.


My country could buy your country, destroy it, and ruin American Baseball in less than a week. You probably walk around on moist, cheap, disgusting tile all day at home and share a scooter ride to your job helping fat americans go zip line through jungle canopies or rent jet skis and sell shit weed on the beach.


>telling Americans they have a problem

Oh man, you are going to wish you had guns when your "peaceful" ""refuges"" start a race war.

If guns aren't effecitve tools for self-defense, then police shouldn't carry them. If a shitlib says that cop should have guns, then they're tacitly admitting that guns, properly used, do save lives.

The only gun reform we need in this country, perhaps, is better training on how to use them. Oh, and someone needs to tell the blacks to stop shooting each other at such ridiculous rates.

Remember that dindu who stabbed his mum over a cheeseburger?


Come try and take them leaf. The gun argument was concluded about 250 years ago.


Pretty much, they shit all over themselves and declare themselves the best while simultaneously trying to drag the rest of the country down.
>And you should really get that fixed.

If anything, I wish more blacks would shoot each other.

>It's republican policy to give crazy people guns
>It's republican policy to fill people with hate


Puerto Rico is not a country.

>Qataran intellectuals

The answer to both those problems is on in the same, my Australian friend.

>kike propaganda

Canada use to be cool. use to...I say we build a north wall. Keep those syrup niggers out of our country. They're like king midas but instead of gold, it's faggotry

Pitbulls are harmless, the owner is the problem!


I still can't way for the day that Russia comes through the north pole and totally fucks your shit up Canada, so the pussy ass bitches over their would quit crying about our gun laws. Because at the end of the day you need our military to protect your weak ass, and every citizen in our country doing their duty to own a firearm is a form of a layer defense but you wouldn't under stand that because your military and countries defense is depend upon us. You fuck bois.

fuck, based puerto rico bro BTFO this poor leaf, I genuinely feel he's on suicide watch now. or he became a patriot and renounced his heathen, defeatist, twisted, liberal ways.
Thanks for reassuring us the liberal cancer is only relegated to Toronto and Quebec, I'll make sure to never go. Legit the best poster I've seen on Sup Forums in a while, keep BTFOing and vote Trump (in your heart, of course).

What's wrong with fun? Are you some kind of self-loather?

Thanks southern brother. I'd vote for Trump if I could. You guys better get him in, because we generally end up with a similarly leaning politician after your election. Plus watching PM Pretty Boy get rekt every time he tries to speak on an international stage will be hilarious.

>Qataran intellectuals
>implying I claim to be an intellectual
In fact, not being a country, makes them even more pathetic.

My rights aren't subject to crime statistics.

A lack of self control per citizen and a bright and shiny advertising campaign aimed at the lower class?

