I should have left this place when I had the chance. I’m in too deep now. Sup Forums is how I spend my free time

I should have left this place when I had the chance. I’m in too deep now. Sup Forums is how I spend my free time.
I’ve deleted all my other social media accounts, and reddit is the most “normie” site I go to now.
No bf for obvious reasons, but still feel the urge to call someone’s name when I masturbate so I say “user” instead. Can’t believe I’ve turned into this sad, blackpilled piece of shit.

boo hoo so sad

I cringe every time I go to reddit and see their ostentatious, very-smart, oh so polite, in-crowd, cascading comment memes and well-thought out arguments. Honestly, it's cringe worthy.

Consider it like this.
You are in complete control of your actions. You don’t need to let people know where you are, who you talk to, when things are happening, or argue over stupid shit with.
It may be lonely, but at least it’s peaceful.

Signed, Guy who’s in a 5-Year relationship

>oh look at me im a female give me attention
you never change


my life got so much better when i left this place. it's instagram for suicidality.

came back to go on biz and lost 40 thousand dollars. pick yourself up and get out of here. it's toxic.


/lit/ /his/ /sci/ Sup Forums /an/ /ck/ Sup Forums are alright boards

>I’m in too deep now
The ride never ends

I think you need a hobby. Seriously, something to use your time. When you have free time, that's when you become like this. So learn programming, or a new recipe, or train for a 5k. Do that, and you'll find, well, you just don't spend as much time here. Then your life starts improving, hopefully. You meet someone, you feel confident with your body, and now you've improved your quality lf life, just like that.

>pretends to be a girl on the internet

Well it all depends on if your ugly or not. If your cute or hit things will definitely work out for you. If not you might be fucked.

If you're really super lonely, let me take a crack at that pussay.

It's all I do besides work, the alternative is having to go through the idiotic paces of selfish friendships, people don't care to have me around so why seek out company irl? People are toxic, using shits and retards try to give advice like, "upgrade your company then", tried that for a lot of years. Learn to be happy with yourself because you are the only one you can really count on, it's your life so don't let pricks ruin it for you.

>Inb4 white knight faggot
I'll say the same shit to anybody

send me a pic of you so i can judge weather or not you're cute enough to start a long distance thing and make you feel good

Leave now, the sooner the better

As a male version of you, I get you. Although I don't call "user" to my imaginary girlfriend. Not yet at least...

nice pasta?

it's not this site's fault you can't talk to people.

>No bf for obvious reasons
u ugly?

show tits i love you :3

Yeah yeah OP whatever, tits with timestamp or gtfo

/an/ is a cute board but slow :(


And you're a cute faggot, aren't you

maybe if you werent such a faggot

pls post tits and ill call you user while masturbating

nobody cares what you have to say

Cute and slow fucking faggot

Hey thanks fags

Holy fuck I am in the same situation. It's been 5 years and we barely fuck any more. I'm just chilling in this boring relationship because i'm too much of a coward to leave

Fuck off fag

You fucking piece of shit one your in you can never get out, i have tried being a "normal" person but i have fail, now i am back here there is no escape

All these (You)
Thank you niggers, you made my day.

wow there is my dose of faggotery for the whole fucking year thanks fag

Like i'd actually talk to you if you want.

shut up idiot


Usually if I’m fapping to fb pics I’ll call out the girls name who I’m fapping to.

faggot weeb


Remember, you're here forever.

Let's see a pic with timestamp so We know what we're working with

Why don't you go suck a chode you unrelenting faggot?

How does Sup Forums have any side effects? I mean sure, there's porn everywhere. But besides that, its just a board with random ramblings. You gotta be military grade autistic to take any of it serious or of any value.

It's ok user, take a deep breath.