ITT: Actors who are literally responsible for the deaths of other human beings

ITT: Actors who are literally responsible for the deaths of other human beings

honestly who cares he killed some mick nobodies


sup Matty

not matt, i'm a judge in ireland :^)


In hindsight, was Ronald Reagan the worst president

how so? i thought he broke the ruskise with the space race

i know nothing about american politics though

t. not amerifat

Get off his case... he paid his debt, he paid the 175$ fine.

You're several years off


beat ya

>While vacationing in Ireland with then-girlfriend Jennifer Grey back in 1987, Matthew Broderick accidentally drove his BMW rental head-on into a Volvo–leaving its passengers, a mother and daughter, dead. Broderick had a broken leg. Grey had his blood stains on her clothes. “The juxtaposition of that deep sorrow, the survivor’s guilt, and then being celebrated as the new big thing just didn’t jibe. It didn’t feel good to be the toast of the town,” Grey told the San Francisco Chronicle in 2010. “My head was never the same, my ambition was never the same.” Broderick, after his hospital visit, claimed in absentia. As a result, he avoided any liabilities involving negligence.

Based Broderick wasting potatoes and doesn't afraiding of nobody

Doing God's work.


Tell me, in detail, how Amerifats could have exfiltrated an Ambassador and 3 security personnel from a kebob mob?

He was a libtard in disguise and granted amnesty to the mexicans. It's why California is dead.

and not a great actor either.


He commited sudoku after being mocked on Kimmy Schmidt

I mean they the ambassador was tipped off before it happened. He was practically begging for back-up the days leading up to it

Is this what history revisionism looks like? Or are you just stupid?

He's responsible for killing my heart

Yet he stayed, which is strange. He had great report with the Libyan people and they mourned his death. The whole situation in general was fucked. He had more guts than me, posting up in kebob territory attempting to establish diplomatic relations. His death, along with the 3 others who passed, was an opportunistic one. Ambassadors posted around the globe all have some risk involved, no matter what country they are from. It certainly is a gutsy job which takes a lot of balls depending on where you're stationed.

Are you stupid? Are you going to answer the question or not?

Not even close.

In hindsight, yer a faget

That was JFK

He was just cosplaying Ferris Bueller IRL.

USSR was already in decline by the time he came into office, he did absolutely nothing to accelerate their fall. That's nothing more than bullshit myth making by corporate media that adored him for relaxing FCC laws that were meant to protect the public.

no it was kennedy

lmao'ing at this pic

>muh gunz