football is for brainwashed normies

What are you like a cheerleader or something? Fuckin fag. Also go eagles

Wtf are you on about? Eagles are sweet. Most majestic animal

I bet you think delfategate is real too LOL

He's talking about the nigger ball team; shit for lips.

>be from UK
>watched about 4 or 5 NFL games in my life
>stayed up and watched superbowl
>loved every minute of it

I always thought it was dull as shit, but I really fucking enjoyed that game.

Might give it a watch next year.

I prefer fine play of cricket

I'll deflate your titties fat boy.

The Eagles are opening their season in London this coming Fall

You know that's a joke. They're just gonna get laughed at.

big game is super cool

A 99-year old man died of sheer happiness that night after his team had one the Super Bowl for the first time.

God Bless You, Eagles!

When it takes 5 hours+ to get though a match that takes one hour of game time, that's shits laughable.

Bullshit, cite that. I bet you can't. He was probably being attacked by rampaging niggers,

Of course he isn't fucking dead you retard. This was supposed to be a DRAMATIC SHITPOST!!!

>He was probably being attacked by rampaging niggers,


dude, philly was the place to be last night

So a shitpost by faggit eurocucks? I'm used to that.


Took ya long enough.

Tom Brady did it five times already.

Also, nobody cares.

Also, the only lesson I learned from the Eagles winning the Superbowl is how insufferable and retarded their fans are.

>concrete evidence comes out proving the Pats deflated their balls
>thinking it wasn't real

Nothing like watching a bunch of niggers and corn-fed farm boys slam into each other for 4 hours and then taking credit when your side arbitrarily wins.
