Why is Hollywood so anti-Trump?

Why is Hollywood so anti-Trump?

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>brainwashed losers have the same views
>bi partisanship
Choose one Hilshillbot.
Buy a rope.

Because Hollywood is liberal as all fuck and shills for the establishment.

I'm pro-Trump, I just don't get why Hollywood is being so openly anti-Trump as opposed to anti-Republican this time around.

Hollywood has the highest concentration of Jews anywhere in the world


>two bushes
no shit they don't support him

>liberal media is becoming pro bush to be anti trump
wew lad

Wouldn't rich Hollywood celebrities and executives benefit from Trump's tax cuts?

>Alleged serial rapist, kicked out of the white house
>Knocked down the nine elevens, watch this drive
>The guy whos pre election speeches were the best part of his run as president
>Fuck Bush senior too

Because Hollywood thrives on normalfaggotry to get people to consume pure garbage for insane prices.
Taking any steps to make society better would mean they'd actually have to try again.

Hollywood isn't anti-Trump they love him, he's part of the Hollywood/Jew crowd. It is all an act, he uses his acting to manipulate people. Or did you forget he has had several popular shows and other things like the Ms. America etc kind of crap?

Because hollywood is the only place where inbred hicks can't settle in

wait so now hollywood supports the opinions of the bushes?

id like to see kennedys and reagans opinion but not these failures

And which ones are not socially or biologically involved with another candidate?

As picture shows a bunch of cucks who couldn't do their job well.

>bush against trump
>trump stumped, pol btfo..

>cheney endorses trump
>omg, genocidal maniac supported him, better vote for shillary

you just can't win with these people, can you?

Plus, Carter isn't openly against him at all


They forget to mention that two of the presidents are from the opposite party and the other two are related to Trumps punching bag

>Liberals have criticized the Bushs for years
>Suddenly make them seem like they know whats best

A lot of people seem to hate the president since Clinton, even the ones who are in their party. No one cares what they think.

The only person with integrity in that lineup is Jimmy Carter.

More proof that the establishment is all lined up against trump so that they can keep screwing us. Trump is the only chance this country has for real change.

9/11 made me reply

They don't want paper IOUs from the banks. They want to have the power to keep the people brainwashed.

>leftists suddlenly use him for example


Quads for truth.

>implying any of these people know what was best for america.

because of the jooooozzzzz, do you even have to ask goldburg??

>anti-establishment is only good when it's our pet communist jew, after he gets fucked in the ass by Hillary, you all better go back to believing the corrupt career politicians know best

The left's hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.

Time to stop watching Seth's shows. Fuck that cuck. And here I was thinking he was red pilled husbando material :(

> Trump criticizes establishment for not making progress, which people agree with
> Both sides of the establishment are against him

All of them lining up against Trump makes him look better. Seth MacFarlane isn't this stupid, right?


quads confirm the truth

Look at it this way, would you want a kingdom of slaves or a kingdom or freethinkers? 1 keeps you in power while the other kicks you from the throne.

As I recall, the kikes were butthurt when W beat Gore.
W spilling his spaghetti all the time made them pity him though as a joke.

I could call political correctness is an anti-freedom technique that resembles the brainwashed masses of East Germany being monitored 24/7.


Cause it's ran by jews

Because being politically incorrect is soon on its way to being made illegal, so they want to silence it as soon as possible, otherwise they might end up with a president who supports freedom of speech.

Yeah, we should totally listen to a living laundry list of fuck ups.

>Rich sheltered white people who do nothing but make money and spend their free time on social media sites
>Surprised when they don't know shit about Politics and go with the social media hive mind

Because actors are all irrelevant losers who strives to have some relevance by going with the crowd and being revolutionary by saying the same shit everyone is saying.

Seth using Bush as a good example? What? Did we just end up in a mirrored universe?

>Trump blames last 4 presidents on todays problems
>Last 4 presidents don't want to vote for Trump




>two Republican presidents that don't support Trump
>their last name is Bush

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Bush Senior was a CIA Director
Bush Dubbya was a CIA puppet
these are the neocon kikes who dragged us into perpetual war for the Military-Industrial Complex rob every american to give it to weapons dealers like the Bush family, who made their wealth by selling arms during the World Wars (Merchants of Death)
anyone who thinks warmongering reptilian family of sociopaths like the Bush Family are "right" about anything need to have their brains checked because they might've had their gray matter replaced by a Gaucbowl.

"According to this appeal to authority, you're wrong!"

If you're above the age of 13 and still watching his shit you're retarded

>Jeb!s dad and brother
>Hillary's former boss and her husband
>who cares about the other one why isn't he dead yet?

I'm sorry, why do we care what these old fucks think?

The better question is, why are jews so against Trump? Is it because of his toxic masculinity?

Why do these people love to scream into an echo chamber?

There are four former presidents (two democrats and two republicans) as well as the sitting president. None of them support Bernie Sanders. That's called bipartisanship.

Perhaps America should pay attention to the people who actually know what the job entails.
>The country is shit! They ruined it and theyre all corporate pawns who nation build in the middle east! They don't support him because Bernie is going to fix the problems and give the people the power!

>Retroactively critizizing something

>Totally ok if people from the 16th century are judged retroactively by todays "standarts"

>Disgusting if something that many people disagreed with all the time, is still being discussed today

They don't get the irony sad

>every single president that had fucked shit up over the past 4 decades is against Trump
Am I supposed to be impressed?

This just makes me like Trump more.

LA is a world onto itself, the way people from other countries tend to few America as been largely ignorant of the rest of the world is what LA is like in regards to the rest of America. Whether porn stars should be obligated to wear protection for all shoots and subject more frequent and rigorous STD testing was a big political issue for them.

Their entire economy is built around show business so their entire world revolves around it creating the bubble in which they live largely oblivious of anything outside the entertainment world and particularly ignorant of the other industries which the rest of us depend on for jobs.

>establishment globalists don't like the anti-establishment nationalist
#wow #whoa

Weren't all of them horrible leaders too?

The amusing thing is that virtually everyone agrees Dubya sucks. Of those presidents, pretty much only slick willie is still well-liked by most people.

>Why is Hollywood so anti-Trump?


Of course the 2 democrats won't support trump. then for the Bushes, two of the biggest disasters in American history.

>1 is the president from the opposite party
>1 is the husband of Trump's competitor
>2 are buttmad that their family member didn't get the nomination
>1 is jimmy carter, a shit tier president

>Former leaders who didn't actually fix the worlds problems say new guy is bad

Trump confirmed best US president in centuries

The four people who fucked the US up do not support Donald Trump.

This is a bad thing now?

Because they love using cheap spic labor to control the pulleys and cables when the next shitfuck cuntbag superhero faggot is flying around in front of a green screen to make the next piece of dogshit modern art film that dumbfuck Americuck coalburner women will go to see with their nigger BFF they're just hanging out with while their white husband is at home playing Hearthstone and fantasizing about getting the latest legendary card and pulling out his credit card for king Jew to get it faster.

Let it burn. Even Trump can't turn this degeneracy train around. Trains go on one track, and America was the train of the West switching from the road to ascendancy track, to the track that goes right into the fucking ravine.

You can thank those fucking retards in the 1800's who gave women the right to vote in that state (Missouri, or wherever the fuck it was) because they had 6k men and 1k women and they thought "hey, lets give women the right to vote, then they'll all come here and we'll get our cocks sucked!"

Yeah, thanks for selling us all out, you fucking cuckfaggots.

Because Trump is uncucking the right. The modern republican party is fine with being 2nd place behind the democrats and slowly fading into irrelevancy, but Trump is slowly pushing national discourse back to the right and leftists are scared.

Between these four men lets tally the historical legacy these "career politicians" will leave and why they're cancer for the world.
>3 wars
>the invasion of 2 sovereign countries
>instilling a military dictator to be used as a puppet
>forcibly toppling said dictator after things didn't work out
>allowing one middle eastern pro West Country to fall into a religious theocracy and become one of your biggest threats
>allowing 6 separate genocides to occur while doing nothing to prevent it
>directly and aiding in one of the said genocides, then lying about the event to the public to further the agenda you were pushing.
Gee maybe they're right guys we should vote for Hillary, her experience as a politician surely won't lead to more business as usual

He might uncover Pedowood


But liberals blame 2/5 of that picture for everything wrong with America. Why does them agreeing make them all correct when they could just as easily be all wrong?

Easy. Watch these 5 videos if you care to and then google "Friends of Abe"

>I hate Trump. He's sexist, cruel and racist!
>From Seth MacFarlane, creator of the most sexist, cruel and racist show on television.

>watches shows made by Seth MacFarlane
>red pilled husbando material

Are you fucking retarded? His shows are all "dude so random" normie shit. He's never been shy about how much of a huge libcuck he is.

Plus, the guy looks like he takes 30 nigger dicks every weekend. His asshole must be wrecked.

please let meme magic strike against seth macfagget

>republican presidents against trump

they are Jeb!'s Family

Kikes own the media, kikes want globalism, can you guess why?

Lol, pay attention to past presidents, not American voters.



>let's bash Republicans for years
>they also dislike someone we dislike, they were right all along guys see

the hulkster supports trump and he's the most hardcore yank in history

plus he summer slammed gawker into nonexistence

And perhaps he should stick to making cartoons with fart jokes

>3 Democrats, including the husband of Trump's only competition
>2 men who had to watch Trump eviscerate their son/brother every 2 weeks for 6 months
what an unbiased selection of people

>God, Bush is retarded!
>Guys, Bush knows his stuff, see!

I hate this shit. "Person A is a know nothing retard! Oh, Person A said one thing I actually agree with. No need to reanalyze my stance, better just act like they're smart in this regard!"


Their failures led to the creation of Donald Trump.

>Leaders of the establishment unanimously hate the anti-establishment candidate
>We should listen guys, I think they know what they're talking about

God damn that's stupid. What motivates these empty-headed celebrities to post shit like this? Why are they all seemingly possessed by this desire to pontificate on a very important subject like politics, when they know only the simplest of details about anything other than their trade? Who the hell listens to these ivory tower-dwelling, high horse-riding, holier than thou, flavor of the month cause campaigning elitist twats?

They're so out of touch with reality, the only time they interact with the general public is through tweets like this or from in front of starbucks counters.

I like Bush Snr but I can understand him not openly supporting Trump after yeb ruined the family name


What a faggot.

>all 5 presidents who were totally owned by the jews/luminatty don't like the candidate who isn't

you don't say?

Because they are all liberal Jews.

yeah if there's anyone I trust to tell me who to vote for its a fucking family guy writer

They're also all corrupt, in the pockets of the people who really run this country Seth, you fucking douche. Yes, that's who I'm going to trust, they puppets who were put in charge. Fuck you Seth.

this guy then whined about people who didn't like the new ghostbusters trailers and people started making jokes about how "hes just mad because his wife made a cameo in it" and it was hilarious.


>who isn't


He wouldn't have lived past the middle of primary season if he wasn't firmly in the pocket of the kikes.

says the supporter of an ACTUAL marxist kike..

Underated af

>george w bush is retarded and evil
>b-but you should listen to him now
Bravo Seth.

yeah but the Bushes are nazis so /pol should love them?

This. The fact that the friends of abe even needs to exist at all is fucking shameful.

Bill lays it on a little thick in the last one but is 200% correct.

Let's see
>shit president who was a puppet
>shit president who is a puppet
>shit president who was a puppet
>shit president who was a puppet
>shit president
Oh wow, I used to be for Trump but since those idiots don't like him I'm now a #cuckoldforclinton! :^)

Why don't these stupid liberals understand that people are sick and tired of the establishment? Saying "LOOK, THESE ESTABLISHMENT PUPPETS DON'T LIKE TRUMP!" won't convince anyone to not vote for him.

Yes, I imagine Jeb and George would support him after Trump used Jeb a a punching bag, Bill would when his wife is facing off against him, Obama would as the head of the Democrats and support of Hillary.

Jimmy is the only one that could. Why are people so stupid, Sup Forums?

The Clintons supplied Hollywood with high quality drugs. See the Hollywood Clinton fundraiser scandal for more details.

>inb4 tinfoil truther