

Other urls found in this thread:




Ah fuck, I forgot to turn off my Wifi on my phone so I could bump my thread with a different IP.


it wont matter in 24 hours anyways


Why specifically 24 hours?






Shark is best.

Prove me wrong.








Anyone have the gif of a dog sneezing herself to orgasm?
Couldn't find it on e621.






Look again.


confirmed child porn


Jailbait is not cp.


Better retort would be that drawings aren't cp, but also true.

Yeah, I know, I'm too tired to think.













Anyone got any gifs of orgasmic/post-orgasm shivering?
















Bumping because that sounds hot.

well this thread got boring as fuck with those last few posts...

furries are cancer

I don't see you trying to make it any better.

i got u fam


What's with feral dog fetishists and hyper vaginas?

in for a penny in for a pound

>tfw you find a (seemingly) legit website on Tor that sells heroin, but they don't ship to the US
God damn it. Guess I'll keep looking.

Guys, go in Wolf castle
It's realy heaven for fury


its game in telegram


Man, Tor fucking sucks for finding drugs. Most onions don't work, they few that do are bullshit, and only like 1 or 2 seem legit, but don't ship to US. Fuck my life.


Well this thread is dead, so I'm going to sleep. Night, sfur.

Silk Road was the best back in the day. I bought my first psychedelics from there.