Everything will change without net neutrality

>Everything will change without net neutrality
Meanwhile, everything is literally the same

>Ajit Pai said net neutrality rules were crushing small ISP startups and removing them would result in tons of innovation and competition
Meanwhile there are no new ISPs, the big 4 are still slow and shitty, and prices are as high as always.

Tempest in a ”teapot” whatever the fuck that is

Seems nothing ever changes

WRONG. My friend's mom just cancelled her Netflix goddammit! Now I have to watch cable! FUCK!

On the other hand, Facebook just underperformed, losing US mobile users for the first time ever and missing revenue/profits. Officially it’s because of random internal accounting, but really they’re hoarding cash because they know that there’s a real chance that the free bandwidth gravy train is going to end.

So, the losers in NN are actually feeling the pain, not that I give a fuck about Facebook’s financial health. Google is going to report soon (unless it was last week), and they’re going to miss, too, officially because of lawsuits but unofficially for the same reason.

Net neutrality didn't cancel your mom's netflix account, your retard mom did

so whats the point of your post retard jr?

Remember when everyone was afraid of that thing that turned out just fine. People need that thing to be afraid of user.

Net Neutrality isn't gone yet, retard.

>Google is going to report soon (unless it was last week), and they’re going to miss, too, officially because of lawsuits but unofficially for the same reason.
Confirmed, you're right.

Takes more time than a goddamned month, you fucking inbred. The laws governing the telecom giants have been removed and they know they can't start assfucking you immediately - the changes will come slowly, but they will come unless the laws are reestablished.

This, essentially net neutrality can even still be established in congress. The FCC is an advisory board they don’t have actual power until a body acts in accordance to their recommendation

I don't understand this stuff. what changes? like actual changes try not to be cryptic please


Without net neutrality, telecom companies like Comcast and AT&T will be allowed to control the content you stream much like cable companies control channels you watch. As it stands now, internet is internet. You pay for access and you get access to everything. With net Neutrality removed, telecom companies can strike deals with certain websites and providers and charge you more in "package deals." You just wanna brows standard sites? That's $60 per month. You want access to FaceBook and Youtube? That's our mid-range package for $74.99. You want to be able to play video games online or access E-bay? That's our premium package for $99.99. Etc. etc.

you think companies are stupid enough to change things while it can still be reversed by the house and senate??? honestly please know what you're talking about before you post. i truly hope this is bait

The FCC was caught giving the big companies exemptions.
Kys nigger.

So it's best to just remove the law entirely and let them at it, huh?

The free market + people calling out bullshit will probably be a better way. Goobermint fucks everything up user, it takes them years to even get basic consctruction work done.


Oh yeah, that would totally work because there are so many amazing large telecom companies to choose from. You're a tremendous faggot.

We could go on and on about how free market capitalism is horseshit and anyone who believes it works wonderfully in the absence of government regulation is a fucking moron, but I don't have the time. It's 2:30 am here and I'm tired. Night.

The net neutrality repeal doesn't kick in for 2 more months.

>Oh yeah, that would totally work because there are so many amazing large telecom companies to choose from.
Make one then bozo.
The Goobermint gets bought off by the big companies all the time, ALL THE TIME. To expect some sort of internet Utopia through a goobermint system would be fundamentally retarded thinking on your part.

Public scrutiny does the job you want someone getting paid tax dollars doing.
It's so pathetic.

>Meanwhile, everything is literally the same
That's cause a lot of shit has not gone into effect yet, dumbfuck. Also companies are not ready to fuck you over just yet, cause every state is starting to fight it, some even passing laws to keep net neutrality, others coming together like Facebook, Twitter, Google, bunch of other large companies who are pulling resources, filing a lawsuit against them, cause they want it kept too. Not some magical thing that happens over night.

sigh. Of course it's the same. Until it is published in the Federal Register, the repeal of net neutrality is not in effect.

Read a book, fag. Learn something before you open your mouth.

>people calling out bullshit
On what platform?
The Internet.

Sure, get people to boycott, not that hard. Especially if your reasons are righteous.

It hasn't happened yet