Most of the Star Trek 2009 film is set in the year 2245...

Most of the Star Trek 2009 film is set in the year 2245. Old Spock states that in 129 years a supernova destroys Romulus. So that's in the year 2374. But Star Trek Nemesis takes place in 2378 and Romulus is still very much around and there's no sign of any supernovas.

Massive plot hole?

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Alternate timelines and realities.

Seems more of a minor numbering error.

Is JJ smart? Does he care about continuity in a series he has utterly destroyed?

it doesn't matter, they are all in purgatory anyway

Thats what Colonel Kling said when J.J.'s parents escaped Auschwitz

I was under the impression that these films were direct prequels, in that old Spock's timeline was alternate to TOS as well.

Who cares, the Kelvin timeline is an anomaly that will collapse under the weight of its own idiocy. Paramount's next show will be set in the original universe which shows how little faith they have in the reboot.
One thing the original series had going for it is that all the actors were consistent across all media. They're only three movies into the reboot and now they will have to replace Chekov for ST4

There are no alternate timelines in star trek. If JJ and the other joons looked at any time travel episodes, they'd know that changing the past changes the future. Hell, there were two movies where the main focus was going back and changing the past because the future was fucked up.

all jjtrek is non canon.

it is fan fiction.

But JJ Abrams isn't a fan.

As a Star Trek fan the sooner you realize JJ Abrams never gave a shit and was just using these movies as a stepping stone to Star Wars the more peace you'll have in life

At least the actors were good.


that's true it was really the only saving grace; and I know Chris Pine enjoyed the work, though he wasn't too happy with the third one

>At least the actors were good

the bigger question is why the star Romulus orbits going supernova "threatens the galaxy" stars are so incredibly far apart that one star exploding wouldn't have much of an impact on anything outside of that system

additionally if a star was going to go supernova there would literally be millions of years to evacuate the planet

Either this is pretty good bait, or you're retarded.

>There are no alternate timelines in star trek.

Bullshit. There are hundreds, Kelvin is just one of many.

Alternate timeline =\= alternate universes

if I was a captain of one of these ships, I would fly that fucker upside down in relation to the rest of the fleet.

>it's Paramount's fault Anton Yelchin died

JJ Abrams doesn't even understand that you can't see one planet explode while standing on another, and made that mistake in 2 movies across 2 franchises!

Isn't nu-Star Trek a reboot? Is it supposed to be consistent with the old stuff? I mean yeah it had Nimoy, but he was just a throwback.

I don't have a clue, I don't like Star Trek anyway. Only seen 2009 and bits and bobs of the Patrick Stewart stuff.

Them altering the timeline the way they did created a new reality while maintaining the original. Blame it on the Red Matter.

That's not how time travel works in Star Trek.

It is now.

But he didn't want to work on VII initially.

Nice try.