I couldn't get into this show but I hear it really picks up when Danny Devito starts appearing in it

I couldn't get into this show but I hear it really picks up when Danny Devito starts appearing in it.

Do you like it?

think u need to just be in the mood to watch psychopaths fuck up each other's life every episode


Best degeneracycore I've seen

>tfw you're not a golden god

Danny Decheck em


Best pairing: Charlie and Dennis

Worst pairing: Dee and Frank


I love it.

Worst pairing: Dee with anyone but Dennis


Why do Dee and Dennis work so good together?

Twin telepathy


Season 1 is pretty good but not great, some amazing episodes in it though

Seasons 2/3 are G.O.A.T, the charecters were still being fully defined so it hadn't fallen into the one note caricatures that the later seasons are known for. Episode plots are simple but take unexpected or comedicly dark turns

Season 4 is the begining of the end, some of the best episodes are in this season but it also starts the trends that will lead to its downfall. Plots become more zany and less based in reality, instead of cheating the welfare system or dealing with a dumpster baby they find themselves trying to become oil barons and staging musicals for the town.

Season 5 is the end, some good episodes but as soon as kitten mittens shows up it stops being a show about low lives in Philly and becomes the increasingly zany adventures of real life cartoon charecters.

idk man, I think IASIP is the only show that flanderizes its characters but somehow does it right and gets away with it

It feels appropriate that the characters slowly become more and more depraved / obvious in their lunacy, as they are further thrown into the shitter for years.

I think the only one they don't really know what to do with is Mac, him being the overcompensatingly macho closeted gay man is a bit spent by this point.

Tho I do feel the show has gone a bit downhill after season 9, but up until that point it was still great.


A lot of people just don't like season 1. Don't really get why, but you might be one of those people.

it's true, season 2 is when it starts to get good

Mac banging ugly girls was funnier than Mac being gay

The fuck?
Get your shit taste outta here, season 4 is also GOAT, and so are 5, 6, AND 7.
Season 8 is when the actual drop begins, but even then, like another user said before, they know how to flanderize their characters and get away with it.

i fell off it when danny devito become a regular tbqh

The Always Sunny cast are funnier as zany cartoon characters.

Holy shit, one of the rare moments I agree with every points made in a post

It's probably one of the best comedies from the last decade

Thanks for all the replies guys, I feel like I've missed out. I'll give it another chance.

LITERALLY Redbit: the show, do not watch this because It's actually a really great show, and the quality, while slightly declining in recent years is still great. One of the best sitcoms of all time, and only plebeians disagree

le master contrariane strikes again

This is accurate. Even with the decline, it's much easier to say what the worst episodes are than what the best ones are, since there are so many great episodes, and only a handful of bad episodes.