Sup Forums tells you a film is good

>Sup Forums tells you a film is good
>it's actually mediocre at best

what's her name lads?

you told me this was operatorkino
it was nothing special, John Wick was way better

Other urls found in this thread:

Collateral was trying to be realistic, John Wick went full action kino. Two totally different kind of movies fampatchi

Drive and The Neon Demon.

Collateral is a pretty meh movie, I know I love it and enjoy watching it again and again over the years cause I saw it as a kid and I'm nostalgic.

>some dumb nigger cab driver kills a trained killing machine assassin.

Collateral tried and failed. John Wick is also mediocre

What a retarded post OP

I think I hate this movie.

Neon Demon
Hard to Be A God
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Upstream Color
Blade Runner
Mad Max 2


I agree it was slow burning but I'd not call it mediocre.

Best horror film of the decade 2bh

If you don't like Sup Forums's taste, why do you keep eating it

Pleb filter.

You have to go back.


god damn this film was boring as fuck.
just some spergs man love for jesse james, the movie

>John Wick was way better
Fuck off.


What a fucking meme film.

Pretentious faggots. Movie sucks ass.


This Nothing else has come close in recent times.

Locke was great though

That shit has over 7 on imdb. Why? It's jus a run-of-the mill action flick.

Also, he had several chances to escape/leave the cab and didn't go for any of them. Not even when the police stopped them.

Agree with most very accurate list

Nice bait friend.


Fucking this.
It's not even fun, the fights were trash, it's only two fat shits punching each other. Might as well watch capeshit.

Explain this image. It is amazing.


Go back to your containment board.

He was too fearful to do anything in life, let alone try to flee from a pro tier operator.

Say what you want about imdb but it's more often then not pretty solid. If a movie got over 7, it should be more than "mediocre at best". New movies are always overrated on imdb but Collateral is fucking old, man.

stop breathing

There are tons of them. It's unofficial movie posters from some african country (can't remember which) that are used at cinemas. No matter what type of movie it is, the artists always goes for action/horror/gore in the posters.

Found some from Ghana but they are not in the same style as that one, they are trying to emulate the original posters:


Collateral and miami vice are pleb filters of the highest order

Still, why not just jump out of the car when the cops stopped them?

>that random pick to the forehead

This Alien 4 one cracks me up. What's the knife doing there?

forgot pic

>A Nightmare
Eh, okay? Just a nightmare? No Elm Street? And which of the 7(?) movies is it?
The cradle indicates that it is A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 I guess.

holy shit

this and fucking there will be blood.

>J Wick is way better than Collateral

Jesus, it's not often that even Sup Forums shits out an opinion as awful as this. J Wick is a dumbass video game, and worse than Collateral by several leagues in literally every aspect. And perhaps the place where it falls shortest is the gunplay. The operating in Collateral is literally as good as it gets, and J Wick is cartoon gunplay in comparison.

Holy fuck this board needs a nuking.

I actually thought it was better then it was. I came in thinking it would be another stupid western.

>I got bored
>There wasn't enough symbolism and religious allegories
>Tom Hardy didn't say 4U topkek!!!


It's not. The action is better than most or the vast majority of other action movies, and there's actually good cinematography, atmosphere, and thematic elements. All that puts it easily above average.

No m8 the film was just pure shit

>taking a bait thread seriously

not even a prank bro. i mean.... the most Hollywood piece of shit ever. also the editing is terrible.



shit is alright. no one said it was special.

Micheal Mann thread when ?

also the insider soundtrack is GOAT

i really like this movie
and this one

American Psycho.

Sup Forums really like the movie for like 3 whole days and then suddenly they decided they hated it
It was actually in reality a fantastic movie.

shits beautiful

I love Upstream Color, and Hard to be a God was phenomenal. Agree on BtBr though


Glengarry Glenn Ross

Man that movie was spooky as fuck

I saved this specifically for plebs like you

>Sup Forums bitches if a film is conventional
>Something unconventional comes out
>Sup Forums bitches it's a gimmick

>jump out of the car
>get shot and die

great plan, genius

john wick is also mediocre.

Know what else is mediocre?

Your favorite movie. Don't care what it is. It's shit family.

That entire explanation and Glengarry Glenn Ross is still mediocre.


too many to list.

Mediocre for new buzzword of 2017.

My self esteem is tampered you win.

Last good Mann film.
All subsequent movies are "le pleb filter" flicks.

Sicario is operatorkino.

Go back where you belong