DONALD’S BIRTHDAY IS ON JUNE 14TH. Tweet a picture of a handwritten/homemade Birthday Card message here: @realDonaldTrump @Trumps_Birthday, or [email protected].
This dyke on cnn drives me fucking crazy, stupid smug bitch
Matthew Russell
I just figured out Trump's birthday is the 14th, I knew it was soon but this is a surprise. I ship out on that same day for Lackland for basic training.
I hope I am doing America proud.
Matthew Murphy
Brayden Jones
>5 days until the Final Five >12 days until trump's 70th birthday >46 days until the Convention begins >116 days until the presidential debate >124 days until the VP debate >129 days until 2nd presidential debate >139 days until the last debate >159 days until the general election
Jeremiah Cox
Threadly reminder the rally is at 7PM PT / 10PM ET
Juan Jenkins
fucking kek
Ryan Diaz
Trump tweeted that infographic on Obama, albeit a shittier version:
Also how about that 60% increase in premiums for Texas BlueCross?
Dylan Price
>if if if if if if if if if if if if... >Okie doke
Obama on literal suicide watch
Nathan Allen
His name is Pimp T bitch, so suck his fucking nuts
Michael Morgan
Oh shit the only Awoo I can get behind
Ethan Jones
Hudson Edwards
With how she screams like a child possessed in videos at other angles (presumably before or after this shot) I like to imagine the liquid at her feet is her own vomit after being triggered so hard.
Grayson Roberts
Let's do this
Kevin Bailey
Is that...puke?
Josiah Ward
how does Gretchen have a show
Logan Lee
any new trump news from today? i need my fix
Evan Moore
Brayden James
Let us hope that we all make it. Even the shills, so their eyes can be opened.
Jace Harris
>70th birthday >Trump will die in my lifetime
Thomas Ross
Jacob Wood
Always support Awoo
Mako is cute
Aaron Carter
She was raised without a father.
Luis Bailey
Trump hitler are great, too bad Don will never match Hitler.
Asher Nguyen
That's a nice looking cum drum.
Ryan Johnson
Wyatt Phillips
>any new trump news from today? i need my fix
Paul Ryan bent the knee, will vote for Trump
Brody Long
Way to go user. A day you will remember forever. Please tell your TI I still love him.
Hudson Thomas
>not being able to count
Ryder Roberts
He's going to respond to Hillary's foreign policy speech in 2 1/2 hours.
But he's been on a roll on twitter all day
Gavin Martin
Who /In-N-Out/ here?
Juan Myers
Holy shit, did anyone just see that outburst and awkward silence on CNN?
Jackson Fisher
Jayden Fisher
manko a shit gamagori best girl
Julian Evans
Is Trump on Hannity tonight?
Benjamin Parker
I actually feel strange when, in European mornings, the general slows down without most of the awoo posters and barely without shills.
The velocity of the threads keep the conversation always fresh and interesting, slow threads actually suck a little bit.
I don't know if I should be telling my TI you still love him, I am sure I won't get the same you that you love.
Wait a minute, are you trying to trick me?
Joshua Bell
she should be doing a news magazine show then, not the most boring show opening for O'Reilly
Xavier Garcia
What in the fucking fuck am I looking at!?
Ian Phillips
>not Farmer Boys
do you even socal bro
Carter Bell
>>Trump will die in my lifetime Maybe not Pepe.
Isaiah Carter
>tfw east coast At least McDonalds has the 2 for 5 deal with big macs again.
For now.
Isaac Green
Imagine reading a book written by Obama without a teleprompter.
>uh, well, you see, if uh, if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-ifififififififfif, you know, okie dokie >back on page, page, page, page 45 I said. I said. I said. That, you know, uh, excuse me, freedom.
David Hughes
Her bf is so into trump, that she had to ask him for prom that way. Pic related: The dude
Jace Peterson
>Hating on fried chicken
Jose Jones
>not being California enough to know the true burger master race
Jayden Cook
No he won't don't worry. Never drinks or smokes, bangs models and has millions. This guy knows the secret and hes living forever
Ryan Foster
Digging through my meme archives
Adrian Cruz
does this make her a... maga naga?
James Smith
I like it
Eli Hill
Camden Lee
True. Trump tweeted "It's an all Trump night on Fox News" the other day, as if every night isn't an all Trump night.
Sean Hannity gargles on Donald's balls every chance he gets. It's a cute romance.
Mason Mitchell
Trump got owned by Hillary today. Watch it you will switch sides too
William Harris
>be HS freshman in 1995 when OJ verdict was about to be read >ask teacher "can we watch?" >"no"
I'm not sure youngfags comprehend just how huge an event that trial was and how it single-handedly changed the news forever.
Logan Reyes
Joke's on you, I'm killing myself after voting for the God Emperor in the general election.
Charles Russell
someone should shop trump in over hayden
Anthony Reyes
>random guacamole where it doesn't belong Did need to tell me it was from California man, it's self-evident.
Lincoln Powell
>literal mid tier burgers Do you even burger, bro? Also, I'm in Texas.
James Powell
Awoo this plz
Hunter Cox
I prefer beef
Luis Reed
IDK, those images don't seem very supportive.
Charles Thompson
Is it 7 pm est?
Jackson Thomas
Looks like giblets from poultry
Nolan Taylor
In that case god speed >mfw they cant even vote kek
Dominic Peterson
>fried >nigger Bitch MAGA accepts all into it's buxom. And that's a grill piece of chicken.
Oliver Richardson
*millions = billions and billions
Austin Wilson
that feel when statistically at least 1 person in this thread won't live to see Trump sworn in. Why live :(
Isaac Stewart
same @ east coast.
we don't even have five guys or any non-mcdicks tier fast food
Aiden Adams
Michael Morales
What should i watch fox cnn or msnbc?
Ethan Stewart
>A fucking leaf
Joseph Ross
I think Hannity gargles whoever he thinks has the best chance of being the democratic candidate.