Kirby has just absorbed you!

Kirby has just absorbed you!

What power does he get?

Other urls found in this thread:

Overly high sex drive and depression

The inability to talk to anyone other than close friends

The ability to sit on Sup Forums for hours and waste every moment of his life

The ability to become Batman but without the money :^)


The ability to turn lesbians straight.


Kirby is now stoned out of his mind

>be me
>be 21
>meet cool, cute, weird chick, 17yo
>think i caught feels
>commence relationship
>almost woman of my dreams
>13 years relationship
>finally married in 2011

>start new job
>first day there, meet literal 10/10 woman of my dreams
Well clearly as gorgeous as she is, she's probably a boring normie bitch
>soon find out she's anything but
>after a year, realize i have feels for her
>but lol she's gay
>both married
>my marriage falling into rut?
>no, i was married in a rut
>weeks at a time of no sex
>house is a wreck
>we get along, but spark is gone, feel undesired
>besides, im fat ugly 38yo loser anyway
>meanwhile, really really really feel like dream woman is into me
>but lolno she's gay
>still really good friends tho
