Name your five favourite rappers. n1 one requires to state your favourite album and song (from that very album) of him...

name your five favourite rappers. n1 one requires to state your favourite album and song (from that very album) of him, although you can mention other rappers' favourite albums/songs (only from that very album) too:

>5) 2pac
>4) ja rule
>3) 50 cent
>2) proof
>1) eminem

relapse is greatest em abum to me. favourite song: my darling,

eminem top 1 lmao

tupac only top 5

50 cent in top 3 ?? dude u know shit about rap

>Ja Rule
My sides are now orbiting Jupiter

rap is for people with sub avg iq. its by niggers for niggers. get a grip user

actually its not u are just ignorant , but most of the rappers do apply for that, but then you have people like tupac, big etc

go listen to new school shit like lilwayne or birdman. people having this shitty music taste like you are the very reason this autotune faggots proudly keep making robot-voice, trap music beat songs. holly fuck i miss those times when rappers sampled jazz/blues/classic.

>to actually listen to rap
>to actually remember the names of some rapers

i dont listen to nigger music

>having 50 cent in your top 5
what is wrong with you?

>5: Loyle Carner
>4: The Notorious B.I.G.
>3: KRS-One
>2: 2pac
>1: Eminem

The Slim Shady EP - Murder, Murder