Sup Forums's thoughts on improving a stream? How to gain viewers? How to stay interesting?

Sup Forums's thoughts on improving a stream? How to gain viewers? How to stay interesting?

call people niggers

break norms, dont be scared to fuck up but hold some morals and important values
also tell twitch staff to add more shit to help filter streams so that people have an easier time finding streams that they want to watch, easier to find shit -> more people will find what they want and stay/watch more


You might as well become an animator for YouTube. You missed the boat.

1. make sure you keep constant interaction with your chat
2. play something interesting to watch
3. make sure your audio levels are okay
4. be constant, you need to stream regularly for at least a month to get 10 or more constant viewers, dont lose hope
5. dont be an unlikeable asshole

., pray to learn how to improve your stream , pray to learn how to gain viewers , and pray to learn how to stay interesting , tl:dr - pray to learn how to be a streamer ,.

I've been watching Twitch for 4-5 years, and finally decided to stream and I'm enjoying it, but sometimes it feels bad seeing that "0 viewers" when I check chat ya know?

Be a girl and have a nice set of tits and a big ass

gota be 18+ for Sup Forums btw

pay an or some of those ads sites to get a lot of views they are like $10

if you have balls then you can always invite friends to watch you, you can also keep the stream open on a spare computer or ipad if you think it'll help just don't let it go to fucking far

Some of my friends will stop by, which is nice, but the way Twitch is categorized is by viewers so grinding for viewers is a pain. I've already hit over 40 hours in streaming in the last 30 days

like i said help twitch redefine the platform otherwise the winners will always be the people with the viewbots and/or already existing following

what i mean is that just like you can filter by language they should add options to filter by for instance camera and/or mic, same thing with 18+/controvercial streams, the easier people have it to find streams they may wanna watch the more likely they are to stay

also yea, you need to be good with social medias, any platform where you can connect with people you gota use to advertise your shiet, try to be honest with it, people appreciate that shit more than trying to sneak it in

Don't be a dick, dont call out people lurking in chat, don't be desperate for interaction with chat, be able to be entertaining and enjoyable to watch on your own and don't rely on chat interaction.

Don't do weird gimmicky stuff, get some decent looking artwork on your page but don't get some stupid expensive shit when you dont know if you'll even succeed, accept that you might not succeed and it's not really your fault, twitch is RNG for a good part.

Don't try to be someone you're not, it can be better ot build a community around a certain game or a certain genre of games.. swapping between a lot of different games is making things a lot more difficult, but later when you have a larger following there will be people who watch you regardless of what you do, but numbers will still drop when you play out of your genre.

Here's my advice.

Play a game you like that hardly anyone plays, but has potential to blow up. It helps if you're really good at it, but that's not the deciding factor. make sure you treat it like a real job. That means consistency, whether it be your mood, the hours you stream, etc.

People think streaming is just a way to pass time, or a get rich quick scheme. But just like any business, It's a lot of hard work, a lot of invested time, and a lot of luck. Take it seriously, (on the production side and back side of things) and prepare to not see any results for 6 months.

A good stream should feel like an entertaining show regardless if the game being played is good or not. watch replays of your stream.

If you want to take it more seriously, it comes down to a formula for cadence, just like radio, tv broadcasting, etc. How much dead time is there between your commentary/interaction with chat? Count the seconds between each time you stop interacting with chat and the next time you begin, and chart a graph.

Watch some successful streamers vods, count the seconds of dead time in between their chat/interaction, chart their graph. Compare the two. I would go at least an hour of statistical data to begin with.

Get yours to match theirs. It's much harder than you think. Obviously, this doesn't work for everyone, because content and the type of game is different. RPG to RPG, FPS to FPS. Some games require more attention than others. Also, just yelling at the screen doesn't count. But I would go to the top streamers in the game you want to play, and start there.

You're better off playing the lottery. Streaming is heavily saturated. If you're doing it for fun, then good luck to you I hope you have a good time. If you're trying to make a living, give up now.

This. Twitch has become the equivalent of Univision shows on Saturday.

I think YouTube is the missed boat by now

sell your soul to them

have like two big titties, and like a big booty, and put yo cam on those titties and enjoy the mad profits

i disagree with the gimmick comment. One of my favorite streamer is an australian who calls himself cardboard cowboy. I think the cardboard gimmick works for him.