Which one is the best Star Trek series and why is it Deep Space 9?

Which one is the best Star Trek series and why is it Deep Space 9?

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Because you misspelled TOS.

Star Trek was never good.


It's a close call between DS9 & TOS. Both are superb.

>Which one is the best Star Trek series

The one that sells the best...

Mfw, OP claims a captain of a space station is better than a captain of a Federation Spaceship.

Try again faggot.


That space station captain is actually a federation spaceship captain, commander of a space station and oversees the singular trade route between two quadrants of the galaxy, a diplomacy leader between two species once in war with each other and a single link between a planets religion and their prophets who are living in a goddamn wormhole. And he won't hesitate to punch people in their face even if it is Q.
Your pleasure cruise captain can suck it.

You know who gives a shit about your opinion?

Captain Sisko thats who!

Sisko's victories feel less contrived than picards. how many time in tng did the episode set up a moral quandary for Picard to solve only to have a solution that makes everyone happy magically appear in the last fifteen minutes of the episode.

Mr. Worf take this woman to the brig.

Yeah, yeah, sure, you don't care at all.

That's why you're going to spend all night arguing about how much you don't care.

And later retains the command of one of the most powerful warships in the federation, and leads multiple successful assaults against the enemy with it

Sisko = Picard > Kirk > [ all others] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>worse than shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> janeway

Including the murder of tens of thousands in the Federation, when he set a course for Earth that one time..


Too many TNG episodes were like that. The self-satisfied moral superiority got really tiresome. Imagine how a great episode like In the Pale Moonlight would be ruined with a TNG Picard ending.

>Sisko resorted to violence, which was Q's point all along; humans are animals. No need to follow up.
>Q spent years trying to break Picard, who never compromised his ideals for humanity, and always followed the prime directive

>"Sisko a gud boye, he didndunuffin'"

You would punch Q in the face.


What's the purpose of this juxtaposation?


>purposefully endangering the ENTIRE FUCKING GALAXY because he wanted humans to appear as higher than the opinion of some otherworldly being


Picard would ram his ship into enemies ship when all else failed. He would rather kill his whole crew instead of surrendering.

>some otherwordly being

It's not like Q was just one of a multitude of omnipotent beings or anything.

"There are four flags"

My favorite series are TNG and DS9 but nothing NOTHING will ever top this episode.

Discovery promo?

Darmok and Jaleel
at Tenagra

Wait a minute, was this canon?

wtf roddenberry?



>it's a Quark episode

I liked the Quark episodes. Who mourns for Morn?

Everyone I liked Quark episodes and if you didn't it was probably because you didn't have the lobes for it


Quark episodes are great. Little Green Men is the best "we're the aliens that crashed at Roswell" episode of any tv show.

We wuz Kang n shieeet.

Std better have the cheesy colourful aesthetic if it is set around.

The bridge better have that background whistle too.


What would Kirk have done if he met Q?

There's nothing wrong with violence though.

Kirk fucked over gods every other week.

Looking sweaty while a small light is shining on his eyes and then fuck him

>There's only one God, and He isn't in Starfleet

>TFW no Creole dinner with Sisko and the station senior staff

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

He would have used some of the same pleas Picard used - ending poverty and hunger, participating in a peaceful alliance with other races, etc. When that didn't work, he would have flipped the situation and made Q question his autistic obsession with humanity. Kirk was fantastic at using an opponent's logic against them.

Space Germans.

Too bad they got cucked in the end. Fucking spoonheads.

Garak >>>>>>>>> Dukat

Admiral Riker doesn't have time for your bullshit.

[Now with Admiral Riker]

>it's a they made Dukat too charming, charismatic, and likable that they now have to turn him into literal space Hitler episode

Delet this

You can't deny the truth

No, but it was different. Sick of all the shitty cop shows.

What happened to B-4/data? Does he end up teaching at Columbia?

One of the few big missteps in DS9. It was still pretty funny when he ran the Pah Wraith cult and he had a half Cardassian baby with that Bajoran's wife. At least they retained his womanizing and lack of any shame in season seven

>One fistfight with Sisko and Q never bothers with him again

>Now you realize Q wasn't testing humanity to expand their horizons he was testing white people


The same thing that happened to the enterprise-D I suppose

Picard fucked up the timeline

He did meet a Q. He called himself Trelane.

This, and he exposed him as the child he was

Drakes should look like this next year IRL accordingly to the timeline.

This for days

Picard is a faggot

Fuck, why live?

Not far off, just less hair

>Tom Riker made it out of the Cardassian labor camp
feels good, man

Because I'm a human being, dammit. You can deny me all you want. But you cannot deny Ben Sisko EXISTS. That future. That space station, all those people, they EXIST, in HERE. In my MIND. I CREATED IT. And every one of you know it. You read it! It's here, you hear what I'm telling you?! You can pulp a story, but you cannot destroy an idea. Don't you understand? That's ancient knowledge. You cannot DESTROY an IDEA. That future, I created it, and IT'S REAL! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? IT IS REAL! I CREATED IT! AND IT'S REAL! IT'S REEEAL!

And they fed him very well, apparently.

Why is there no spiritual successor to Star Trek?


Because Stargate is ded

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

What was his endgame?

why was he bad again?

WTF? He surrendered in about 1/4 of the episodes.

You spelled Israelis wrong.

who /bashir/ here?

>genetically altered to be superior to you
>O'brien would go gay for him
>Garak would go gay for him
>Section 31 wanted him
>all the women wanted him
>the one who didn't, he waited until she reincarnated and banged her
>willing to bang his own great grandmother in the past

They are space jews.

They are all space jews.

>which one is better
lets see, the one with space exploration, or the one where they sit on a space station with thumbs up their ass's and have shows dedicated to a space jew and his retarded family members who own a bar

But he was always a raving irresponsible egotist though.

His most sincere and vulnerable point is when he takes Ziyal back into his life and as a cost of his his wife leaves him and he's demoted massively. He promises Kira especially that he'll get everything back he lost whilst holding her verbally hostage to take her bags for her as his new station is basically being her courier.

He was always a selfish ego maniac that never wanted to admit fault, everything bad that happens to him is of his own consequences.

>Wanted to rule over humanity
>Wonders why he was bad

delete you please?

>browse through thread
>remember how comfy TNG is
>all those calm manly voices talking about ethics
>all those fun space adventures
>load up a random TNG episode to fall asleep to
>Wesley starts talking
>close episode

nah, delete you pal!

Is it just me or way garak secretly gay?


>load up a random TNG episode to fall asleep to
Is there any show as good for falling asleep to than TNG?

