how the fuck does one recognize regular birds from spy birds?

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They were birds of Dunland, and they were in the fucking Misty Mountains, and there were hundreds of them.

If Sharon had so many spies all over the place why didn't he have better soldiers near the spider pit?

elves have spectacular eye sight

that's how Legolas has a 3D map of evangeline lilly in his mind

He did, but the spider ate them.

There is this assumption that the spiders are allied with the bad guys. They aren't, they just dwell in the same sinister, dark places.

Ungoliant collaborated once with Melkor and it ended in shit.

there was a whole tower pretty close to it they all killed each other

Why didn't Sauron run the spiders out? All you need is fire the whole cave lights up.

The best soldiers near Morgul had gone to the war in Minas Tirith, they left just the necessary to watch the passage. However, they killed each other.

He thought that the spider was the best defense against intruders. Nobody ever had passed through that cave and survived.

Also their was some dispute if he even could oust shelob

Why would Legolas need a bow from Lothlorien? Being an immortal elf who has been training archery for thousands of years, shouldn't he already have equipment perfectly tailored to his needs?

Why is Peregrin Took constantly trying to kill whoever he's traveling with through supposed naivety and ineptitude? Is he secretly a servant of the dark lord Sauron?

Is it canon or not that "one small bite" of lembas bread "can fill the stomach of a grown man"? This was stated only in the extended edition of FoTR, and I haven't read the books. It makes no sense given how much of it Pip and Merri eat and how much Frodo & Sam need on their journey.

1. He isn't that old, you accept a gift from the Lady Galadriel and Celeborn
2. He is clumsy and comedic relief in the movie
3. They are gluttons, and hobbits eat more than elves

What is Galadriel anyway? She's a tier below Gandalf tier but seems more powerful and respected. In the movies she seems like the single most revered physical being.

>tier below Gandalf

She's a very old elf, Elrond's mother in law, born if I remember correctly before the first age
Granddaughter of the first Noldor king, only surviving child of the current king Finarfin, who rules in Valinor

Isn't she a lesser being than Gandalf though? Isn't Gandalf something that has existed since the beginning of time?

I'm just wondering why, as an elf, she's so respected and can read minds and shit.

Mind thing is because she has one of the Elven rings of power, she is one of the oldest elves in Middle Earth alongside her husband and a few other elves.
Gandalf came to Middle Earth during the Third Age, wizards don't go around saying what they are, so few know for sure.

>and there were hundreds of them.
One could have done the job and not tipped their hand.

>but seems more powerful and respected
Gandalf, much like the Radagst, sullied themselves with the comings and goings of the lesser folk of middle earth. Gal was so far up her own ass she never bothered and only protected her elf kin. The low folk saw elves as mythical, the elves saw every other species are shit. The reverence was undeserved, even though she was powerful.

they're wearing little trenchcoats

i don't think one small bite is quite cannon but in the books they say gimily ate a whole days worth when he eats one whole peice

>that awful green tint

nigger if you ever watch lotr do not ever use the blu-ray version

someone should really upload the hdtv rip

>It makes no sense given how much of it Pip and Merri eat
Anonymous, that is the joke.

She literally is


>someone should really upload the hdtv rip

Yes, please.