Calls himself redpilled

>calls himself redpilled
>is a unionist

Dont make me laugh

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Wallace was right

Wouldn't the Southern states have ended up another Mexico or Brasil if they became independent?


Make Southern Democrats Great Again

>calls himself redpilled
>thinks white prosperity and states rights can coexist

Eh, the South was always a shithole. Just a bunch of white cousin fuckers and nigs and illegal aliens down there.

>t. brainwashed yank

>t. cleetus

I lived in the south on multiple occasions (Alabama 1995-96, Florida 2004-05/13-15), and have no idea where the term "Southern Hospitality" comes from. They were fucking stupid, nasty people who would smart you off just as soon as sneer at you, and frankly, deserve to live in their toilets. I have no sympathy for the southern United States. Calling it Dixie is like an old Russian Stalinist still calling his homeland the U.S.S.R. Give it up.