My car is 100% stock

My car is 100% stock.

I pay black men to fuck my wife while I watch in the corner

Pink nipples

My dick's 5.5 inches long

I have a small dick

I'm intimidated by the black mans dick

I am excited for the new Gilmore Girls

I have a small penis.

The first rapper I can name off the top of my head is Eminem.

I have a small penis

im asian

i am gay

not only that white guys have smaller dicks than most other races other than the asian.

Like this is really, really big for a white guy they usually have 3 in dicks. That is why white women prefer other races.

I nearly rid the world of jewish infestation

i listen to 80s pop in my down time

I post on Sup Forums

I fucking hate this place.

Nice try tayzon

I like "Atlanta"

I like mayonnaise.

my dick is 8 inches long and I never have to gloat about it because I know I can fall back on my intellect or humor should that fail

I'm saying niggers are proto-humans who function at a coarse level and petty trinkets, name brands and desires of the flesh is what really drives them. they don't even make good music anymore either so just kill them all desu

I pay child support

i love mayonnaise

Try to keep the responses board appropriate, Sup Forums

My favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption."

i can't dance