They should have put this on their second channel this is some click bait on the main one

They should have put this on their second channel this is some click bait on the main one.

id bang his mom so god damn hard holy fuck why are jews so god damn hot?

this, I don't get why they shutdown the old channel, ethan is fucking retarded

Muh outrage

All jokes aside, I hope she's doing okay, she's cool.


Have you ever visited a person in the hospital before? It's not a funeral, you should have fun and try to cheer everyone up.

>have a heart problem
>lungs get punctured in surgery
>your retarded son comes with a camera in your hospital bed and starts spouting memes for his 14 year old target audience
>have to laugh awkwardly and bear it, playing along
Poor woman, she deserved better

This, people being ironic and making 'funny' faces is humor for 15 year olds

get this e-celeb cancer off Sup Forums

lmao XXDDD its bad on purpose XXXDDD epinXXDDDD

>e-ethan...w-why are you f-filming..
> scenes f-first?

> tfw really enjoy Joji soundcloud beats tho


He's off his head because his moms okay and not dying

Still can't stand him

Fuck off back to lebbit

literal pleb

Never really enjoyed skits or sketches where people pretend to be retarded in public to get a reaction from people. These guys have never made much sense to me humor wise, but I suppose if I were between 13-23 I'd get it.

she looks fucking terrified jesus christ

jesus christ my sides


She probably had life flash before her eyes only to be pulled back from the claws of death.

The woman is likely terrified beyond thought.

Am I the only one that thinks she is hot?

Is "> tfw you will never cum inside Hila" a common feel?

If you're into sunken eye anorexic city girls who fuck everyone but you, then yes.

she looks so much like his mum lmao

what would you choose, user?
mature headline at 30 or ethan's grey hair?

All they do is clickbait now so might as well keep it all on the one channel

>tfw really enjoy generic beats that every "" """"aspiring 18yr old music producer""""""" makes on SoundCloud
Seriously, listen to similar artists you'll notice how bland his music is.

ethans dad is so based

Might have to see if your right, only ever listened to his shit and listened to J Dilla and Nujabes where he got the beat ideas from.

He went to shit the day he decided to become Youtube's morality police despite being a guy who makes fun of fat autistic people's Internet videos.

this. a lot of his songs have too much going on as well. It's annoying. He needs to learn to edit. I was so pissed off the other day when someone said he was going to be the next Nujabes. FUCK NO

Her mom's skinny as fuck how's it possible to get her a heart attack?

just listen to james blake, that's who he feel like a direct rip off of minus the rapping

Anyone can get one, being a fat fuck or whatever form of unhealthy will drastically increase the chance.

stress is killer on older people