Why would Han and Leia name their son after the fake assumed name that Obi-Wan used while incognito on Tatooine?

Why would Han and Leia name their son after the fake assumed name that Obi-Wan used while incognito on Tatooine?

Did Kylo Ren start off as Luke's son (where the name Ben would have some actual meaning) and then get changed to Leia's, but they forgot to rename him?

He's named after Ben Stiller. Luke's kid (who will appear in Episode 8) will be named after his Uncle Owen Wilson.

Luke is the one who named him Ben, not Han and Leia.


>naming someone else's child
what an asshole

>someone else's
m8, Luke fucked Leia

I could see Luke having the name idea and them accepting it. He knew him more as Ben, after all. And Obi was the reason Han and Leia met too.

Ben Solo Skywalker

in spanish

ven solo skywalker

Why not Bail Solo?

In starting to fucking hate Star Wars.

It's the JJ Abrams way. Fan service first. Find a reason for it later

Why not? Fucking autist.

Because that name has little relevance to Han and no relevance to Leia. Luke is the only one who would care about that name to any degree and it's not his kid.

I don't really mind his first name coming from Kenobi, but did his middle name really have to be Dumbledore?

He was named after the bravest man they ever knew



Leia never met Obi-Wan and him and Han didn't get along very while.

Luke named his kid Ben in the original EU. It made much more sense.

Why did your parents name you Faggy McBullson?

It was an alright joke, don't be mean.

>Leia never met Obi-Wan
Yeah, but the movie starts with her desperately asking him for help, and he died rescuing her. Plus she considered him to be a friend of her adopted father, right?

Greedo Solo Skywalker then?

This. It's fanservice from the old EU.

True, but she specifically said "Obi Wan" and not "Ben" if you remember.

She didn't even know he was going by "ben" though.

A good question, for another time.

>this thread

he's just called ben, you autistic fucks.

That's what the entire thread is about, the fact that he's called Ben.

Obi Wan's sacrifice allowed Han & Leia to live (as far as they know--obviously Vader had a hand in it as well).
That said, any amount of sacrifice isn't going to make a parent psyched about naming their first-born(?) "obi-wan" so Ben had to do.

How do we even know it's based on Obi-wan?

Ben is a pretty common name. Sure, it's pretty fucking coincidental that another main character in the series has the same name, but it doesn't mean that once leads to another.

>snoke is darth ben confirmed

what the fuck was the point of your post?

actually he's called Kylo too

Would explain why Kylo looks so fucked up

That's what I was wondering about the person who popped in just to tell us all that his name is Ben.

How did Leia know Obi Wan and where to find him (by sending R2D2)?

She looked him up on Spacebook.

Why didn't they just adapt the Jacen fall to the dark side storyline and have Jaina be the main character and just make it not shit?

i think that would've taken too much exposition/would've removed the story too much from the OT. Which, if you were around during the height of the prequel days, was one of the main criticisms of those films (along with piss poor writing obviously)

Too hard to set up in movie format. That's a lot of information and backstory to be packed into three movies.

Where the fuck did rey come from?

Someone post the gif of Negan saying was the joke that bad?

Because Jacen sucks and LotF is worst star wars era and Kylo Ren actually relates to the central theme of the movie.

no one cares about the books you read in middle school.

because normies would get confused if they named him anakin

worse than the yuuzhan vong war?

>Hey Leia, let's name our son after your child-murderer dad who tortured us both. He was a good friend.

see what I mean?