Why was he so edgy

Why was he so edgy

ded babby

You misspelled alpha

Why was he so sexy is the real question

>I'm just here for my files marty!

Because it made for very entertaining character interaction with Marty's down-to-Earth everyman who was dishonest with himself about himself and his life.

Some people are just edgy because they've seen some shit. Completely different from suburbain teenager edgy

Made you sympathize with Marty since when he goes on a nihilistic rant Marty reacts like most people would.


Or makes you empathize with Rust more since Marty's response is effectively just dodging the point and claiming Rust is disturbing for not being a brain dead sheep like everyone else is. And that's true which just makes everything seem like more of a joke.

>tfw you realize the satisfied, "happy" common person is just incessantly lying to themselves from sun up till sun down and are stupid enough to succeed at it

I've yet to find a way to overcome the bitterness from that realization.

It's intellectual babble. The definition of "psuedo" isn't "hurts my delicate feelings." That's the Sup Forums definition, not the real definition.

I agree with you but most people won't sympathize with Rust til after the show goes on a while. He's honest but crude but marty is pleasant but a liar. You get endeared to Marty early on but Rust grows on you. Not sure if that's intentional or not. The point you start to realize Marty's faults is when Rust becomes more likable. They did a good job with that

The pseudointellectual babblings Rust comes out with in the 90s were just that, he came out with that stuff because he was fucked up after the death of his child, the breakdown of his marriage and his descent into darker and darker shit whilst undercover. He was angry and bitter and instead of processing his internal suffering he turned that outward, treated everyone like shit and spent all day proselytizing, pushing his bullshit 'ideology'.
He realises this at the end of the season when he has his own brush with mortality and feels his daughter again, he talks about it with Marty in the hospital parking lot, it's the last few lines of the show. The question is why didn't you realise it? Maybe it's because you skim watched the show and only looked up from your phone at the scenes with gun shooting and epic explosions.

how to achieve Rust mode?

Senor Pavelo I'm I.C.E.

it wasn't all pseudo babbling. the sources for a lot of it were intellectually credible. emil cioran is a good example.

the show might've bastardized down credible works to a pseudo addled format for the purpose of mass entertainment - but the sources themselves are on the level.

mow lawns harder than bad hombres

Regardless of the ending, Rust was correct in everything he said beforehand. You're calling it psuedointellectual because you're emotionally frail, possibly religious, and extremely unintelligent like most religious people are.

I forgot a lot what happened in this show, why did rust change drastically at the end

He didn't change drastically in the end, those are just extrapolations from asshurt neckbeards. Pizzolatto did an interview where he clarified that Rust didn't "find God" or anything of that nature, just a bit of peace and optimism.

>The question is why didn't you realise it? Maybe it's because you skim watched the show and only looked up from your phone at the scenes with gun shooting and epic explosions.

lol this guy. you know that there were actual sources being drawn from here, right?

cioran, schopenhauer, ligotti et al.

you sound just as angsty and edgeking as the strawman people that you are trying to lampoon here btw. literally calm down.

He hallucinated as a result of blood loss causing lack of oxygen to his brain and believed it was some sort of peek at an afterlife.

compensating for his lack of balls.

It's hard to say whether I identify more with Rust or Hannibal. Like both men I feel a great alienation from the world, and like Rust I feel most people do not understand me and I have a highly bleak and nihilist worldview. However, I do share Hannibal's appreciation for the fine arts and the ability to psychologically deconstruct all those around me. I don't believe Rust really has that skill. Also like both men, I am thoroughly trained in a variety of martial arts and I can hold my own in a large scale fight. Perhaps you could say I am the perfect balance of the two.

To be fair, as I posted that I read
and realised I had phrased it badly.
What I meant wasn't that what Rust was saying was incorrect necessarily but more that it meant nothing to him in an intellectual sense, hence pseudointellectual and babble. The stuff he was coming out with and his behaviour besides (meditating in front of the cross on his wall etc.) was a front he had constructed in order to be as prickly as possible so that nobody could see let alone reach his sufferings and insecurities.
I think a lot of people see the way he acts in the first half of the season and because Marty doesn't entirely deconstruct his arguments then and there they take it at face value that that is what the audience is 'supposed' to believe. His ideology is based in fact, but on the level of Rust as a character it is bullshit.

Listen to me goddamnit. Right. Now.
Post a picture of yourself in your room fully nude, multiple shots, showing your tits, ass, and face, holding a timestamp.
If you don't do this, you are a fucking faggot who should kill himself.

How do I achieve ottermode body and skelly face like Matt?

>I like fucking MY wife

>literally philosophy 101 the character

Because he mowed other dude's lawns
fucker stole my image post

>pic unrelated

>be born with high cheekbones, moderate jaw and long head
>have low to moderate body-fat

>the ability to psychologically deconstruct all those around me. I don't believe Rust really has that skill.
What the fuck...he does have that skill, did you even watch the show? He literally explains how his questioning method works

cigars, whisky

It is based in fact. All facts point to the notion that human sentience is an evolutionary "mistake" and that there's absolutely no justification for the immense psychological suffering we experience; that it's merely a side-effect of a process with no intentions. There's no reason why some people are born good-looking and have effortless lives, still receiving full credit for their """accomplishments""", while others are ugly, short, and/or diseased and have to work hard to achieve anything resembling contentment while still having the same desires and dreams as good-looking people, even though that literally equates to a lifetime of torture.

Everything about human civilization and the individual experience of humans points to anti-natalist conclusions. It's clear that bringing a new living human into the world is needlessly subjecting someone to torture. So why do it? Programming.

>be born with high cheekbones, moderate jaw and long head
Oh shit I'm out

you did a good job discrediting yourself by bringing looks and height into this

Are you retarded?

mom say am no tarded

were rust and marty even friends?

Did you not see the ending

why do you care Satan?

Why? Looks are a perfect exemplification of this. Good looking people are handed literally everything in life, sometimes concretely, often slightly abstractly. Why? If there were some sort of purpose to any of this, why would such profoundly unfair differences exist among our own people? At the very least, physical ugliness could always be accompanied by a lack of desire to be attractive, to live the life of an attractive person. It's the most obvious thing in the world that human psychology is a "mistake," a fuck-up that created beings which experience immeasurable suffering due to natural phenomena.

Only someone as absurdly ignorant as a religious person could disagree. You have to tell yourself some inane, ridiculous child's story to explain it away.

You're not tricking me helper clone. Don't try for a sympathy vote around these parts.
*Unsheathes katana*

This. Rust had legitimate reasons for being edgy. More jaded and nihilistic than just "edgy".

Are you retarded? Or are you a girl or something?


what episode is rusty's first awesome rant? i can't recall and trying to find it

I remember hearing someone say that Pizzolatto wrote Ray Velcoro to parody the kind of character Rust is. Both are hard drinking, drug taking detectives, but while Cohle was a genius who was smarter than everyone else, Velcoro was just a fuck up who could barely function and admitted as much.

Gaycop was sexier


He IS edgy fucktard. Correct your mistake or he will throw your ass in a car and drive cross country all whilst telling you how shit humanity is until you throw your miserable body off an overpass.

Deal with it!

did he kill the biker after the shooting scene? I can't remember now

Calm the fuck down you Autist

>that glorious jaw and low pitch voice

>daugher dies
>gets caught up in narc milieu
>almost dies in shootout

He wasnt edgy, he just didnt give a fuck anymore. Plus he was well read and alpha as fuck.

Why are beta bois always so intimidated by a natural alpha?

Maybe you mean Frank. He was always the one spouting psuedo-intellectual shit. Velcoro wasn't really stupid. He was just aimless.

Is that why all poor people are ugly and all rich and powerful people are beautiful?

They're not, being ugly isn't as big of a disadvantage as you pretend it is. Change your argument to illness and I'll agree.

Man, I'm hungry. I think I will either get a pizza or taco bell.

Being ugly is such a disadvantage that it's absurd to even say that attractive people accomplish anything. You're retarded as fuck.



nothing wrong with being edgy if you can pull it off

I'm not the same poster but I think you should get some bugers instead. I'm hungry too and I would like some burgers and a shake

I'm a different poster than these 2 guys. I'm getting pretty hungry myself. The first poster should get a pizza because I think that is what I am going to have. Real pizza though don't go buy any lame hot pockets or forzen. Okay?


I'm a different poster than these guys and I'm hungry myself. Have you had chinese food recently? Maybe get some shrimp lao mein (to go of course lol) and be sure to ask for extra soy sauce

Yeah being ugly truly prevents you from making money, gaining power and using your brain. That's why inventors, nation leaders and CEO's are all super models.

Hey, not either of these posters but thought I'd chime in! Maybe instead of pizza, taco bell, burgers, and chinese food you should try to make some food? Have you ever tried making a homemade alfredo sauce from scratch? Maybe with penne pasta? That sounds good I think I will do that

Reverend Tuttle, I'm LSP

Hi I'm the 2nd guy that posted and I agree with the user that suggested chinese food. You should get chinese food (to go of course lol ;) ) and I also agree with asking for extra soy sauce.


Slow and steady wins the race

Why are attractive people not over represented in the elite(no, I don't mean actors and models) if it's such a clear advantage? For every beautiful great or influential person in human history you can name, I can name 5 who were average or ugly.

I diverge from these persons identities. I suggest 2 number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, 2 number 45's, one with cheese and a large soda.