Season 3 > 1 > 2 > 4

Season 3 > 1 > 2 > 4

everyone should be happy with that

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4 was the best


you mean the worst

kuvira was the only enjoyable villain, zaheer was supposed to be smart only when he's not being a complete idiot

>Avatar is all about mysticism and spirituality
>literally the first thing the sequel series does in catapult the universe into the industrial revolution

The only good to come from it was the KorraXKuvira R34

you can have spirituality in an industrial revolution

>protagonist of ATLA is a 100 year old kid monk who must travel the world, overcome his fears, accept responsibility, and wrestle with his religious beliefs

>protagonist of LOK is some bitch who gets PTSD

The arc where she is constantly being beaten andwalks around bruised and dirty made my dick diamonds

>every avatar say that the journey to be an avatar is the most important thing and cannot be rushed
>we saw clearly consequences of rushing it with aang burning katara's hand
>katara rushes korras's training
it had bad signs from day one, it gets officaly shit when Bolin get's Korra kissing what'shisnamefirebenderdude

Nobody is saying it wasn't arousing, but it certainly wasn't very interesting

They were already into the industrial revolution in ATLA.

>giant industrial drills
>tanks that can climb cliffs

Even the slightest feminist shit makes me cringe. I basically had to skip some episodes of TLA because they were too stronkfemale centric. How bad is it in Korra? I hear it's a lot worse.

Not much. They pay some lip service to it, but really Korra gets her ass kicked all the time.

Honestly, she loses too often. It undermines the victories when she routes a truly powerful foe. They went the DBZ route of introducing a new big bad each season, having her lose spectacularly then eek out a win in the 11th hour all four books. Retarded.

Does she lose that much though? How much did Aang lose?

>King Bumi
>Combustion man

her losing all the time was a symptom of the real problem, which is that the villains were invincible and reduced absolutely everyone opposed to them to jobbing until the last episode of each season when they suddenly became a lot less competent. even underdog villains effortlessly styled on everyone around them until it came time for the plot to pull the rug out from under them.

it was made worse by the fact that there is no clear or coherent reason for them to be so strong, and no obvious progression in skill among the heroes which would allow them to match the villain's skill. shit, in season 1 even the faceless mooks were hypercompetent and easily styled on all the heroes until the plot demanded they start losing

Zaheer for example was never an exceptional airbender. The one time he gets into a fight with Tenzin he gets his shit kicked in and has to 3v1 him

I really liked TLA because aang was always learning new shit and would use them when shit got serious. Better progression than most anime.

I only watched the first one and it was pretty meeh... a lot of potential but weak characters and plot

I dropped it after Amon did literally nothing wrong. But all his supporters dropped their flags for absolutely no reason after he was gone.

>2 anywhere but last
It completely destroyed all of the mysticism and spirituality of the Avatar and the ATLA universe and replaced it with generic good vs evil chosen one bullshit. In the original series the Avatar was like the Dalai Lama, almost a religious leader who was supposed to be all about harmony, both among humans and between the physical world and the spirit world. In Korra all of a sudden the Avatar's purpose is to do battle with some magical squid-demon once every however the fuck many years.

And it ended with a fucking DBZ tier retarded final battle.


The worst part of LoK. You cannot debate this.

more like
3 > 1 = 4 >>>>>>>>>> 2

Legend of Korra was irredeemable garbage.

The concept, itself, is interesting. This show had a lot of instances where cool shit could have been done, but it kept getting fucked over by the finales.

In season 1, we had an instance where we could have an Avatar only have access to airbending, which she wasn't used to, and literally being incapable of doing any other bending, which she had spent her life training on and honing. It could have created some great development moments, but then Aang shows up and makes it all better instead.

Then with this scene, the idea of an Avatar not having the crutch of previous lifetimes, of being young and truly alone, needing to forge a new Avatar legacy and potentially needing to deal with being the final Avatar, would have been an amazing concept to explore if they had the right writers for it.

But they didn't. Instead we get a big, dumb kaiju fight and then loli Jesus saves everyone, I guess.

At least Book 3 and the start of Book 4 was good.

I watched E.R.'s review of Legend of Korra and it sounds like shit and also shits on a lot of the lore

The entire show was garbage and I never even watched it (^:

3=1 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>.2

Im so glad I dropped Korra for Wakfu

This is a CARTOON.


The CHILDREN and their CARTOONS goto Sup Forums

Wow that's completely wrong

it's 3 > 4 >>>>>>>> 1 > 2

>and then loli Jesus saves everyone, I guess.
This is probably the most overlooked and biggest what the fuck part of LoK. This girl who is just an ordinary airbender and still a child can walk among spirits and do some serious ghost shit almost effortlessly. No one focuses on it because it furthered the plot but really. How in the fuck.

the steampunk stuff really killed the fun of bending. i felt they added way too many deviantart ideas and characters instead of telling a simple story.

Why is Korra one of the single worst characters in anything ever?

The only good thing it produced was porn.

>Completely mismanaged IP goldmine
Pick one.

only episodes worth watching in the series

If it wasn't for the bullshit deus ex machina in TLA, this episode wouldn't exist. I don't really know how to feel about that.

I liked them all. I thought Korra was a good successor to Avatar and I hope they do another series another 5-10 years from now. I could watch nicely animated cartoon qts punch fireballs at each other every decade for the rest of my life.

the wan episodes are highly overrated, maybe because they were decent in the middle of the worst season

and he's even more of a fuckup than Korra

The only non-meme answer is 3 > 1 > 4 > 2. But it doesn't really matter since TLOK is only a 7/10 compared to ATLA's 10/10.



>implying it's not
I'll knock it down to 9.5/10 for the mediocre first season and the deus ex machina in the series finale, but definitely no lower than that.

was supposed to be in response to

3 > 4 > 1 = 2

My only complain about Korra was just how she never fought like a waterbender. All she did was punch elements. In contrast take Aang and how, even after learning all the elements, would take on situations like an airbender. It's a minor nitpick but that always bothered me.

That was intentional. Korra's more aggressive than your typical water bender. She's more of a fire bender at heart, and she actually uses fire more than anything else in season 1.

In a way it makes sense that she doesn't have a style tied to one of the bending forms considering she could use three of the four elements from when she was a toddler

>and he's even more of a fuckup than Korra

How the fuck so?

>Muh tricked into helping spirit of dorkness and distrukshun
Whatever dude, he built a wall and made the spiritniggers pay for it, AND sealed the spirit of dorkness

TLA Season 2 = 3 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LoK Season 3 > 1 > 2 > 4

Muh it all you want

He literally unleashed Satan. The Avatar cycle exists to fix his mistake

It literally doesn't though, it exists as part of a consequence of what he did.

The spirit was SEALED. It literally COULDN'T fight the spirit of light for the fate of the universe anymore, so the spirit of light got to reign supreme. That was the entire point behind breaking it out of tree-prison!



You were close though.

Season 2 is undeniable garbage.

>Season 3
>The season where they literally forget about the problems caused by reuniting the spirit and the human worlds

Just posted that fast to bump the thread because lmaopage10

I mean honestly, they brought up what a big problem the vines and the spirits were in the city, and then immediately forgot about it for the entire reason of the season.

I can't rate the seasons because they all suck ass and I wish the show was never made. With that being said Korra is the hottest girl to ever grace western animation.

Katara didn't rush Korra's training, just felt that the "journey" part of being an avatar was neglected. Korra only became a true, full fledged avatar at the end of the series like Aang did.

I'm sorry, but the end of season 1 is utter garbage, way worse than a minute of surprise lesbians or giant robots.

The fact that they set up an interesting sociological conflict and then shrug it into non-existence by having the villain basically slip on a banana peel was fucking horrible.

And I'll take Korra rugmunching every day of the week, if it means Mako stays the fuck away from her.

I liked season 4 better than 2. When the giant mech comes out of nowhere i was kind of like "seriously? this was just kept secret this whole time?" but it still made for a pretty dope final showdown.

It pissed me off how they showed Korra mastering all the elements (besides air) at 3 years old. Such a watered down version of what the avatar is supposed to be.

They're terrible. They shit all over the original lore and Wan manages to be almost as unlikable as Korra.

i feel just as conflicted about it

>Manshouldered muscledyke

nah brah

I hated the end of season 2 so much. Prime example of a finale with a bunch of unprecedented shit thrown in with little explanation. I was so pissed when Korra went Giant Spirit-God mode. So fucking stupid.

lol they only reason they did that was to make Tenzin look like a loser. He prided himself of spirituality and he couldnt even break into the spirit realm. Its a dumb concept because theres no reason that Tenzin shouldnt be able to.

>They shit all over the original lore

Eh. I really thought the whole learning bending from mythical animals thing was fucking cool too, but Dragonturtles granting it serves the point of the episodes well enough.

>Wan is unlikable
I mean, I wouldn't call him any kind of super deep or interesting character, but we're talking about a guy who literally had 2 episodes of development. And unlikable he isn't.

>disliking //fit/ women
Confirmed for gay.

>Mfw 2 was unironically the season I was most into because of the spirit theme and I lost most interest after that
Especially the season with the air monk villain and the last season that I didn't enjoy much at all.

or the other way around

Seasons aside, Zaheer might as well be the best Avatar villain considering he showed how even the Air Nomads, in their extreme spirituality, can be pushed to evil, and a successful one at that.

>liking /fit/ women
Confirmed for straight.

Yeah, that checks out.

too bad real northern natives are ugly as fuck and even if they are good looking it's only between the years of 16 - 20

Zaheer>pre reveal Amon>Kuvira>>>>>>>>>post reveal Amon>>>>>>>>>>>xXxDark_Avatar_43xXx

He wasn't even an Air Nomad dude. He was just some random criminal dude with a hardon for their culture.

And he basically became a caricature towards the end since he just wound up being an edgy anarchist.

He was the closest thing to a real Air Nomad from back in the day. He did spend his life studying Air culture by himself. And unlike even Aang, he unlocked the ability to fly.

>that gif

>basically became a caricature towards the end
That is true for all LoK villains though.
Apart from Unaloq who managed to start off as a caricature and get worse.

At least Zaheer kinda redeemed himself in season 4.

>that choppy animation
Growing up on disney movies and 90s era dreamworks really sucks since you exhaust the most high qualtiy animation that's ever been created and that is no longer around and then only go to lower budget less quality work from there in a steady downward slope

Animation quality is not determined by framerate.

it is to a certain extent though

To a certain extent. But most people seem to think a poorly animated stick figure at 48 fps is twice as good as anything Disney ever made. Because more frames.

I have a folder full of Korra pictures from this guy and I haven't even seen the show. It is high time that folder was updated.

This show had way to many characters to juggle by the end.

Also Zuko barerly doing anything was disappointing

I hear ya. It's just sad to me that animation has become a children's thing only instead of being able to do all sorts of things.

that season 3 finale was fucking tubular

It's nearly always been a children's and family thing in America, working within very narrow constraints.

>I have a folder full of Korra pictures from this guy
>from this guy
The artist is a girl. Pic related

Voltron > Korra

Zaheer was very talented for a brand-new bender (some would say "too talented" but eh). Tenzin is just the 'most trained' son of a past Avatar (remember Aang spent a shitton of time with him) and considering he was the only airbender other than Aang in 100 years, people still don't know how to tackle airbending battle-wise.

It was 4v1 technically since Sparky Sparky Boom Woman was sniping him from afar.

>(some would say "too talented")
Considering how many overpowered preteens there were in ATLA, having a competent villain really doesn't seem that bad.

>All these plebs who hate based season 2

>In a just world the Red Lotus would have been the big bads of the series
If they just had all four seasons with the Red Lotus causing chaos and world wars It would have been great

What alot of you guys don't seem to understand about season one it's that was originally supposed be it. That's why both the main antagonists get killed and Korra ends up with her love interest and nothing gets set up for the new 3 seasons

That's why season 2 ended being garbage too they had the least amount of time to come up with something in that season

If only the show was 4 seasons from the beginning

one on one with earth bender get's ass beat resorts to avatar state

I sometimes imagine how horrible LoK would be if season 1 really had been all.
Because the ending was almost universally hated.

Say what you will about the show, but I feel like they managed to address a lot of the criticism over the course of the show.

They even managed to make Korra look like less of an asshole/idiot by the end.

Actually real life Spiritualism was most developed during industry revolution.

How bad of a show do you guys think LoK was? I mean, it's a really underwhelming Avatar sequel, but it would get an ok reception in a hypothetical world where ATLA never existed, right?

Why is she so perfect?

2 > 3 > 1 > 4