I know you are but what am I?

>I know you are but what am I?

Was that so hard?

He is a ugly fat ass
girls dont like when your belly is bigger that your dick

>why do women keep saying that to me?

>lol you think i give a shit what you say bitch i got hella high in the green room 20 minutes ago lol i forgot what you said

Jonah: No more threesomes.
Host: What?
Jonah: I said, no more threesomes. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been in France a long time. They didn't go over there and tell you. I don't arrange threesomes anymore.
Host: Relax, will ya? Ya flip right out, what's got into you? I'm breaking your balls a little bit, that's all. I'm only kidding with ya...
Jonah: Sometimes you don't sound like you're kidding, you know, there's a lotta people around...
Host: I'm only kidding with you, we're having a show, I just came home and I haven't seen you ever and I'm breaking your balls, and you're getting fucking fresh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
Jonah: I'm sorry too. It's okay. No problem.
Host: Okay, salud.
Host: [takes a drink] Now go home and get your fuckin' friends.
Jonah: Mother fuckin' mutt! You, you fucking piece of shit!
Host: [taunting] Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, come on, come on!

Do you think he got any pity head out of this?

Jonah showed class and maturity by not returning any insults at her.

He has been fucking 10/10s for years. He doesn't need pity head, he just gets head.

This so much. He made her look like a pathetic little child. Jonah's acting like the big man he is, he has a real career to look forward to, he's only so far from getting his Oscar.

She was a little outta line.

>t. American

Euros can actually handle banter until you pansies.


She insulted him a little.

>being rude to a guest is banter

This is why you'll never put a man on the moon

I'd rather not have a man on the moon than be about to elect a murderer or a man-child to their highest office.

If he wasn't a (((famous))) movie star he'd be an Incel posting on /r9k/ right now.

He's funny and charismatic. He'd do fine enough.

>This is why you'll never put a man on the moon

lol the desperate shit that burgers need to tell themselves to cope with not being able to handle banter like the lads can

the fuckin state of you, mate

He literally said "i bet you love to get sodomized" in the most awkward manner possible

well she probably does.

Not by fat fucks

>cheerleading the dicks of other men

i think there is a word for this what is it again?

I thought he just said something like "you have me on your show and ridicule me".

Struck a nerve huh

Nah he says that at the end but first she's like "yeah i saw you get sodomized in that one movie" and he's like "y-you too"

>s-struck a nerve huh

na cunt i'm aussie we are internationally envied and hated for our banter everyone already knows this.

but if you need to go into aspie mode and start ranting about the moon randomly to numb the pain of having estrogen bants then have at it.

>He fucking cried like a bitch
>Went on a feeding frenzy
>canceled the rest of his interviews
>went home to LA where whores can fluff his ego

This is Sup Forumss hero?

nobody gives a shit about aussies you deluded queer

t. canuck


Severely underrated kek

she fucks Chads and makes fun of betas

>this triggers repressed memories of HS for most readers

Not really

My favourite pasta kek

>trying to subtly bait me into shitting on canada

i do it all the time but i appreciate that we share a mutual disdain of their eternally boring posting

>adding stuttering to a quote to make someone look bad
>justifying your weak banter by hiding behind your nationality
Not even him but you're an embarrassment, mate

im pissing my pants

some teenager aussie cuck is gonna bash canada over the internet what am I gonna do?

I'm back did you say something

>didn't see that nationality was already a part of the conversation before i posted
>thought he actually called me out here

stop being such a bloody sped

>what am I gonna do?

be uneventful. as always.

>Sup Forums STILL can't come up with 1 (o-n-e) single good comeback and now relies on ironic comebacks


I read this 50 times and I still don't get it.


Oh now I get the connection.

Guess I'm a fucking retard.