Is it true that Jazz drummers are superior to Rock drummers like this movie implies?

Is it true that Jazz drummers are superior to Rock drummers like this movie implies?

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Obviously, rock takes no skill other than doing drugs.

>Fucking truth

Any half decent drummer prays to their various gods that they can play like mediocre jazz drummers. Literally the most complex and beautiful modern music is basically jazz groove session with SFX and filler.

true for everything with the exception of classical for most instruments

Based user speaks truth
kino post

In terms of skill, it's classical, jazz much lower , then everything else much much lower

if jazz drummers are such hot shit howcome i've never heard of any fagget?

bets drummer in the world is neil peart and he's a rocker

because you listen to pleb music

you can't name a violin virtuoso but that doesn't mean they're not miles above in terms of skill to any faggot jimi hendrix

name one "classical" drummer. the modern drum "kit" didnt really start until swing which was the precursor to jazz. but yes OP jazz drummers are 100000x more skilled than rock drumers. and most of the best rock drummers played jazz before, or at least studied and learned some jazz techniques.

zach hill is the best drummer of the century

I was obviously talking in terms of generic musical skill, friendo, not drummers in particular

haha jazz music lmaoooo *tips trilby* listen to some real music like Bach, Swans or Death Grips

death grips is shit, but yes, listen to bach

jazz shitters dont get any attention so they have to spout their music is 2deep4u when its shit. also most white guys who listen to jazz are cucks that worship black guys. read The White Negro

zach here thanks man

andy here, where's the remote?

What a does rock drummer say to a jazz drummer?
To the airport, hurry up

hi andy. stefan the madman just took it from me haha. what a character

What does a musician say to anyone with literally any other profession ever no matter what their circumstance, ability, level of talent or other outside deciding factors that would normally influence someone's success in their career?

Would you like fries with that?

absolute madmen

Superior in what way? If you're in a killer rock band you're far superior in crushing puss than some lame-o jazz fuckboy, but he'll get recognized by dusty old musical academics as a talent or some shit. Which ever you're more into I guess

stefan here, you'll find the remote in zach's butt, andy.

jazz is for pseuds who want to look smart, classical is good

An upper echelon Jazz pianist can do everything a classical one can do, but improvise as well.

>mad as fuck wagecuck
Go to bed cuckie, tomorrow's a week day and your boss needs a new yacht

No. This movie is fictional . Jazz drummer are actually inferior in that they mainly play artsy fartsy noise . Movies are make believe user.

>An upper echelon Jazz pianist can do everything a classical one
except play good music

lol if you believe improvisation ever sounds at all good or has any kind of aesthetic merit, it's essentially masturbating with an instrument

unironically this

nobody likes jazz but old black people and tom cruise. who cares desu. rock gets pretty boring after 20 years.

If you spent enough time exploring the genre, you would know how fulfilling and exciting jazz can be. However, I admit that most people who say they enjoy jazz are posers with little experience. Anybody who shits on it as a whole is an asshole, however.

Yeah, you know that many of the compositions of classical composers were just improvisations that got written down, right?

andy here. huh I want it. I need it

Because you have shit taste in music.

congratulations, you just contradicted your earlier point that classical musicians can't improvise :)

The average rock drummer will in common time and rhythm and generally just serve as a way to queue in the more interesting instruments or vocals.
Jazz players require in depth knowledge of music, like playing in weird time signatures. Sometimes jazz comes off as pretentious because of too much experimentation. Here are two songs:

The jazz song (Take Five) has a drum solo around the middle that is pretty difficult to play but can come off as "boring."
Under Pressure is a classic rock song in common timing that is probably much more entertaining.

Still, some rock musicians try to incorporate both musical ability and entertainment. Another song:

March of Pigs is just another Nine Inch Nails song, but it's 29/8. Personally, it's still "listenable" while requiring good ability to play.

fuck right off m8, Hendrix was doing the artistic equivalent of steroids every performance


holy shit
I would pay some beucoup money to see a violin virtuoso jam while they're on acid

will admit jazz fans are almost always cringey, beautiful music tho.

Tried to have my brother watch whiplash with me last night. Gets up and goes to bed in the last 10 minutes saying that I was one of the worst movies he's watched. I told him to go back to watching ncis and dick wolf shows.

No one gives a shit about jazz

>Implying meter the most important thing in music

Kill yourself

the take five drum solo was pretty boring

I haven't heard much jazz but this is my favorite drum part I've ever heard and it's not boring at all

This isnt the "purist" of jazz, but it's certainly a great jazzy drum solo. Nips make some pretty good jazz.

Forgot my link...

Any movies similar to Whiplash about a guy losing everything and gaining it back?

Rudy, Rocky, and to a lesser extent Rambo I and II

Idk, i cant get into jazz i find it incredibly boring but to each their own.
These drums sound just fine to me.

Who cares. Metal drummers are more exciting and actually unleash the raw power of the instrument.