Remember these desperate "franchise starter" attempts from Hollywood? Christ

Remember these desperate "franchise starter" attempts from Hollywood? Christ.

>Jupiter Ascending
>I, Frankenstein
>Vampire Academy
>Dracula Untold
>The Mortal Instruments: The City of Twilight Saga

You forgot pic related and Percy Jackson

Also The Host is probably the worst attempt at starting a franchise

That movie sucked everyone talent in it.

Percy Jackson did get a second chance.

True but didn't the second one bomb and the author of the novel disown the movies?

Also I forgot The Golden Compass was another attempt at a franchise starter but I didn't hated that completely since I thought the books went to shit after the first one.

Dracula Untold was supposed to start the new Univeral Monsters Cinematic Universe, they will try again with Tom Cruise in The Mummy

I liked Dracula Untold. I hope those continue.

Percy Jackson movies did well financially. I liked the first one alot. 2nd one was real bad.

>drop acid with girlfriend
>drive to theater a couple of hours before they open
>hang out in parking lot until the first showing of golden compass
>walk into empty, dark theater while trailers are playing
>gf freaks out, thinks the seats are all occupied, but once her eyes adjust she realizes it was a low light hallucination
>we sit down, movie starts soon
>literally every five seconds gf says "what the FUCK is going on?"
>the part comes where the actors look at the camera and discuss another world "out there" or something
>the bitch nopes the fuck out and runs out of the theater

and that's the story of how i watched just the first few minutes of the golden compass

post a pic of her please. nothing lewd, just wanna put a face to the character

i don't have any, but imagine a white rosie perez

Sounds pretty good.

Though it was just a 'eh' movie at best so you are not missing much.

I will say though I love the unintentional sexual tension between the little girl and Kidman it made the movie worth watching.

Yeah, guess we'll never see Vlad again. :(


I liked Dracula Untold, a cinematic universe would be fucking dumb though

yeeeeeepppp, that's about it. thanks for the (You), have one back

>there will only be one master and commander


Isn't that supposed to be part of the same universe?

I'm just sad they never made that crossover movie with Push.

The Man from UNCLE was so good.

I liked Priest, it had a lot of style

I'd much prefer that a Priest franchise existed than a Marvel franchise


Nice meme

>Series of Unfortunate Events
>failed franchise

They put every book into one movie. It was never meant to be a franchise, it was literally the opposite.

Was Rocketeer ever supposed to be a franchise? I know it under performed, but I don't remember hearing plans for a franchise. Maybe Dick Tracy did. I love them both as a kid. Still love Rocketeer. Haven't seen Beaty's pet comic strip project in a while tho.

Superman Returns pissed me off as it failed at all three things it tried to be. It tried to be a reboot, a sequel, and a remake all at the same time.

stop trying to make luke evans a thing, he will fail just like hayley atwell

i would like to note, just because many people dont know, that priest the comic (korean manhwa) was about a cowboy priest posessed by a demon that uses their powers together to kill the remaining fallen angels on earth that are still attempting to corrupt humanity

I'd have liked to have seen Warcraft, Master and Commander, The Man From Uncle and the Spiderwick Chronicles become full series. League needs a cartoon treatment in the Kevin O'Neill style.

Hobbit completed its run so it can't be called a failure in the way the others are. Sure it failed on artistic merit: being blandly done and killed by overuse of CGI, but they did complete the story, and made money doing so. Think the Divergent stuff was also completed? - or are they still humming and hawing about the third?

>The Host is probably the worst attempt at starting a franchise

First movie I never finished.

>every book
the first 3 of 12 you silly billy

All trash, but I was unaware Jupiter Ascending was intended for sequels.

>just like Hayley Atwell

You bite your tongue, no one who has seen those milk jugs would speak such blasphemy.

Percy Jackson got a sequel.

Have you seen the rack on the golden compass girl these days? Gets me diamonds, mates.

Two movies and it's dead in the water.
Also they split the final Divergent movie into two, because that what you do with the final part of YA books, but they're going to release the last part as a TV special. Talk about crashing and burning.

i don't think they should be making sequels to films nobody watched to be honest

>Percy Jackson got a sequel.

Mortal Instruments was one of the worst films I've ever seen. And what the fuck was up with the bitches eyebrows.

The Fourth Divergent film is going to be direct to VOD.