A female engineer/hacker wearing hijab

>a female engineer/hacker wearing hijab
immersion lost, show dropped

Other urls found in this thread:


>elite team of secret agents, analysts and hackers
>perfect rainbow includes one of every race
>one has to be the hip young one
>half female
>at least one gay

diversity for diversity's sake is wrong as fuck

that really looks stupid, but it is a retarded show

Sounds like a load of horse shit.

any porn or nudes of her?

Don't you get fucking tired of make the same thread with the same wording every single day? i know it's not a bot because your autistic ass always responds when called out.

why do you think all the middle eastern folk come to the US to get cheap programmer and engineering education? They plan on taking those skills back to their countries so the middle east can have an upper hand in "the cyber".

Honestly the female part does enough to ruin immersion.

It's 2016 dude

Get over it.

Maybe this is shitposting, but user has a point. I didn't realize that she was Tali.

I can't tell if Trenton or Darlene remind me of an ex more. Personality wise certainly Darlene.


What show is this?

mudslimes invented algebra

>hacker collective
>two women
>one is hijab-core
>black guy
absolutely terrible

who do you think is conning your computer illiterate grandparents out of there life-savings via email?


I just started watching this stupid goddamn show and holy shit the edge/cringe is real. what the fuck, how do people actually like this? they even got an MC that looks like pepe it is ridiculous

Ancient Babylonians invented algebra, and were then conquered, and subsequently killed/outbred by mudslime arabs, who went on to take credit.

I guarantee when casting decisions were being made there was one person out of twenty that kept speaking up about how there was nobody of x minority and they just went along with it because they didn't want to seem racist


Maybe it's diversity for entertainment's sake or to portray reality.

Islamic countries have more women in STEM fields than Western countries do because they don't have bullshit gender studies programs.


>Female representation in science programs
is weakest in the Netherlands and strongest in Iran, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, and Oman