Best actress in Hollywood

>best actress in Hollywood
>best tits too
>starting to direct

Why is there not more hype around Dunst?

She has a disgusting face tho


I love Dunst.
She makes great career choices.

I can't even masturbate to her amazing tits.
I just remember Melancholia too much.

Is this a joke? She's a terrible actress.

>mediocre actress
>mediocre tits too
>starting to direct
>weird ass face
FTFY, you loser

For you.

>best tits too
Woah hold the fuck up there moron

oh come on
don't derail threads like that
of course Hayley's tits are better

I said Hollywood

Not (cancelled) capeshit internet tv

I hope she doesn't fucked up in directing her first movie.

That book seems like it would be hard to adapt to film media.


She was great in Fargo too.

Even if it seems like one trick, she's really good at the "dead inside" look

I'll only watch the shitty chick flicks she directs if she shows her tits in them.

is that post a joke?

Literally one good movie out of everything she's ever done.



Specifically due to her performance*

You white people are fucking weird.

What has sabertooth done since Melancholia and forgotten capeshit?

Best fappening response too

Shows the difference between her and stuck up MEW

What do you expect? MEW is literally tumblr: the actress.

Then why does most of Sup Forums drool of her?

What does Pizza Poop mean

>pizza poop
what did she mean by this?

I like her physical beauty but if she opens her mouth for any reason other than to suck my dick, she's worthless.

Gee, i wonder


Pizza poop

Pizza shit

Piece a shit.

Awww fuck yes, Atwell time?


i'm genuinely excited to watch this movie when it comes out next year. the cast is pretty good, the source material (coupled with insight gained from her letters and other effects) is rock solid, and the director is a skilled and seasoned actress that has grown up in the industry (which could go either way). it's likely to be a humdrum affair, but the chance of it being a critical success is too much to pass up


She's just too gullible.

>those neck lines
>average tits
>old lady face already

maybe 10 years ago OP

She looks so old now but I'll still fuck her.

Can I be honest here?

I literally hope you die a horrible death.

She's a genuine qt. She might grow big tots for roles, but that is no requisite.

she peaked on jumanji.

still would, off course.

Naturally capeshit degenerates don't like her because she was poorly cast in a bunch of shitty capeshit movies

>Raimi trilogy
Pick one

>best tits

bitch plz



Boobies! Boobies! Baby user want all the boobies! Baby need suckies and milk milk!!!! NOOWW!!

are milky user and pusy user one and the same? if not, i hope one day they get to meet each other and become best friends.

My mother looks exactly like her except for the eye color (my mom has amber colored eyes). They even aged similarly.
Watching her act like a romantic interest in movies has always been fucking unnerving.

That guy is tres gay. I would be daggering her like that the dude in that Jamaican webm.

Kill yourself at your earliest convenience.

This. They have absolute dogshit taste in women.

Those movies are awful. Yes, all three of them.

whos this semen demon


>when the tits are just slightly hanging out of the bra with the nipples peaking over

this is (one of) my fetishes, and it's rare as fuck in porn shoots because nobody really does tease shit right anymore, it's on in one shot and off in the next 99% of the time

also you should have spoilered that shit, you gotta learn newfriend, sorry

you've replied this before. fuck off with your mommy hangups, weirdo.


Ice Man honestly never knows where to look when she's involved
It's like nowhere is safe for his eyes


Is this the holy trini-tits of the movie industry?

you need some better porn. i can't say for sure if Nubile Films or Hegre Art or some of those other erotic porn companies have exactly what you're looking for, but you should look into it

wait, did she get hacked? any good lewds?

yeah, because OP said
and there are plenty of better racks on other actresses, making her set average, even within the confines of the actress community

if we were talking about the world's population, her shit would be
>below average
just out of sheer numbers, thankfully for dunstfags, we aren't

imagine being her pusy slave i bet i could make her undepressed with my tong in her bung

Never seen the show and don't know him or his character, but that's the character since that's a part of the show. is between takes, so that is the actor being himself there and good Lord, if she was dancing like that and looking at me trying to get my attention, I'd probably need to change my pants due to the cum stain.

>Kirsten Dunst walked by some friends and I once. I don't know why but I yelled "CUNT" at her. She looked upset. I don't even dislike her I just couldn't think of anything else to say.

nah i know where to find what i'm looking for, who does it best, etc. (where do you think you are) i was just saying, the art of subtlety is lost on most shit these days, and not everyone does work for the same sites, because there are a few that actually know what they're doing

never give up the good fight, pusyanon

>ywn hook her feeders up to an industrial milking machine

I don't regret this nearly as much as Hendricks escaping the milking facilities

they're low resolution unfortunately

but they're pretty good

She looks like she would settle with a regular dude off the street.

Hayley does have that effect on people.

Jesus Mary and Joseph.
Those eyes

also that mouth



>tfw ex had those eyes
guys I miss my ex

those eyes AND mouth

and THEN you look down and see those fucking tits..

a challenger appears



why the fuck do newfags not know you can spoiler tits and not be b&, how is this shit not common knowledge

daddario only related via tits

So this chick and Cameron Diaz are the same person right? I don't think they've ever been seen in the same room together

I'd crash my bike trying to cross those crevices in her neck.

these two need to star in a movie together. for the good of humanity.

im in lov bros

it would be a new genre, titcow 3d: udder insanity would get btfo

btw, hip trips bruh

join the fucking club, man

if that movie was made in 3D, theatres around the world would just be covered in cum. people would just be fapping like mad right in the damn cinema

>you can spoiler tits and not be b&

I can tell you from experience this is entirely dependent on the whim of the jani/mod who sees it.

Is Mammario autistic?
She seems like it

>ywn kiss KD

Can someone honestly just kill me>?

> Starts out as a Dunst thread
> ends up a 100% Atwell thread

I'd pick Dunst personally but I haven't really seen Atwell in much, Sup Forums has spoken though

> haven't seen her in much

This is all you need to see, user. It speaks for itself.

I never understood this. I just don't see it. Her face is beautiful.


>Hayley - Convictio
That weird cocaine addled twitch

>no nips shown
What a waste.

dude, just google kirsten dunst tits if you want to see them. they're out in some movies
trying to lie and get other anons banned is a dick move, and all for ancient white girl tits with weird small nipples

i'm pretty sure she gets off on being a tease, we just have to accept it.

>weird small nipples
u wot

top pleb

Hey, as long as she keeps moving in a way that makes her huge tits strain against her tight silk blouses like that, she can do all of the cocaine she wants

you can tell she has huge airy violas in the first frame


no shit you fucking faggot i've seen them already and don't think they're anything special, was just saying, wasn't lying intentionally either, see below
well they must be in love with my ass then, because in all my years of posting spoilered titties i've never even gotten a warning, let alone a ban

maybe you guys act like faggots about it when you post, or maybe they think you just have poor taste lol

>best tits too

they're good, in my opinion