Le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

>le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

What did liberals mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's actually true


pretty much this, its called projection

I fucking despise those vermin and I for sure ain't some fucking poof

American Beauty is such a pile of shit

All that Tran porn says otherwise.

Whats your favorite gay movie OP?

It's just him. He had PTSD because his wartime butt buddy got killed.

Is everybody who hates pedophiles also a pedophile himself?

Prove it

how do you know unless you have tried? Also, hating somebody based on sexuality is pretty shitty man.

If you spend a large amount of time thinking about pedos and how much you hate them then yes. The more you devote brain power to something the more likely you are to sympathize with it.

sure you aren't dude

>yfw you realized Indiana Jones was deeply closeted snake

pedoPHOBIA is predominately founded in the fear of sexual attraction to one's own children, yes.

Slightly different from homophobia, but a similar premise. Fear of being X.

>It's an every thread is a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost thread.

Care to share a source, or is this just an opinion?


This has been going on a lot lately.

Whats up with that?

All these "phobia" terms are created by liberals in order to project their own inability to deal with certain groups of people.

so it's not just me losing my mind?

It's time for Sup Forums to be shut down
They are contaminating other boards worse than the mlp epidemic, years ago

I don't thinks it's saying every male who hates gays is secretly gay. Just that this one happens to be as part of the story.

There's been a few threads where it was obviously pointed out that Sup Forums is being flooded with bots posting the same topics, and even random posts.

I have no idea why, one of them was the Star Wars "How did he lose to an untrained girl?" Which was posted around 25 times as someone else pointed out. This stuff bothers me in a very confused kind of way.

What's the story behind this pic?

The most merciful and moral law is that all homosexuals recieve death by stoning

Allah ackbar

It's not bots just because it's reposts you retard.

American Beauty was the first draft

Six Feet Under was the peer reviewed final draft

prove me wrong.
prove me wrong.

as a gay liberal, i honestly have no fucking clue

Can someone explain to me why the crime of homosexuality should not be punishable by public execution?

If you hate homophobes you're secretly a homophobe.

>What did liberals mean by this?
They just want conservatives to know that they know the truth.

Can we talk about American beauty

Well the irony is they seems to also use it as a rotten tomato to pelt someone with. they did it with Eliot Rodgers and the Muslim nightclub shooter. Both of which I doubt are gay.

It's ridicule disguised as empathy..

Weird I coulda sworn they only showed one guy with that kind of attitude in the movie. Don't remember when they applied it to more than one character, I should rewatch it.

Because it's not a crime, there's nothing wrong with it, and it doesn't concern you.

Because you would be dead, fag.

It's not the same. Children do not have consent to have sex with adults. Homosexual relationships are consentual. If you hate 2 people loving each other you're kinda wrong.

What other reason would a man have to give a shit about another man's sexual orientation?

Soon Tran Porn will be it's own thing like straight and gay porn. Til then... yeah, it makes you pretty gay.

The government has no right to peer into the bedroom occupied by consenting adults.

However you should also keep it off the streets.

Concerned about the losing the strength of their community through degeneracy and the destruction of the family unit.

this movie is objectively bad

everything about the writing is hamfist stupid

Maybe it's all the high profile anti-gay types who ended up being exposed for being homosexual

I don't get it? Are liberals saying that gays are bad or not?

Forcing a gay man into a heterosexual marriage will only break him and his children won't have a proper father figure.

I don't understand why Sup Forums defends screwing 8-12 year old girls (maybe it's just that one cunny spambot), but thinks homosexuality is evil and wrong

just your everyday brainwashing

Are you trying to imply it doesn't happen?


i would get so much dick if this were true

It'll stop when we stop getting weekly articles about anti-gay politicians being caught fucking men.

Nobody's defending fucking them. Just the attraction to them. Huge difference.

>Homosexual relationships are consentual

But also the highest rate of deadly disease as well as psychological and physiological degradation over time. And they don't have the potential to breed and bring forth children at any point in their lives.

But who cares. It's consensual. Promiscuity is a great thing. Fuck monogamous relationships and shit. Lets all fuck a bunch of people. It's ok because it's consensual.

>(maybe it's just that one cunny spambot),

Its just the spambots.

chinkmoot has to fix them instead of begging for more monies.

Complain about ciggaretes and horrible low quality fast food first and then you can talk about STDs.

>And they don't have the potential to breed and bring forth children at any point in their lives.
They've been having those surrogate mothers for a while now.

>But who cares. It's consensual. Promiscuity is a great thing. Fuck monogamous relationships and shit. Lets all fuck a bunch of people. It's ok because it's consensual.
What does this have to do with anything?

I complain about all those things.

Having surrogate mothers does not make the child theirs in any way or capacity biologically speaking. Half the genetic lineage belongs to one man, and the woman who birthed it, not to the other man.

I'm calling out the hyper-promiscuous culture of Gays and how we've come to accept it and normalize it, and how that culture permeates into heterosexuality as well in promiscuity rates. Fucking degenerates everywhere.

There are hundreds of things that cause more death than being gay, so this is a non argument if you are implying it has some kind of effect on society.

>And they don't have the potential to breed and bring forth children at any point in their lives.

1/3 below 25 today in the West will never have children. The idea that homosexuals have some kind of substantial effect on birth rates is nonsense, unless you are implying homosexuals are a big group in society.

>But who cares. It's consensual. Promiscuity is a great thing. Fuck monogamous relationships and shit. Lets all fuck a bunch of people. It's ok because it's consensual.

Not an argument, every normal person will have multiple sex partners.

Get a refund on your psychology education.

This was a case of reaction formation.

If you obessively attempt to distance yourself from something and spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about it there is a pretty good chance that you're just lashing out at something due to an inner insecurity. It isn't limited to homosexuality it happens with everything.

As an example if you are obsessed with furries, go out of your way to bring up your hatred of furries at every opportunity, constantly accuse others of being furries and go on furry dominated websites to spy on them or hurl insults at them there is a pretty good chance that you're not a normal well adjusted dude. And that hyper-focused obsession might speak of some inner conflict on the subject.

well, we found the furry

>Half the genetic lineage belongs to one man, and the woman who birthed it, not to the other man.
Not really informed about all this but they can have both their children in one mother as twins. Doesn't matter anyway, so long as they can find a healthy woman to carry them the rest is on how they raise them.

Besides, with the way technology works in few decades/generations we'll be seeing IPS cell impregnations and artificial wombs anyway.

>I'm calling out the hyper-promiscuous culture of Gays and how we've come to accept it and normalize it, and how that culture permeates into heterosexuality as well in promiscuity rates. Fucking degenerates everywhere.
Can't really blame faggots exclusively because people are fucking left and right these days. Gays didn't invent this fuck everything culture. Blame the sexual liberation in general.

You need to fix the society by getting rid of welfare and providing jobs to your own people. Only then will you get back the family values. Scream and illegalizing pillow biters accomplishes nothing.

>It's not the same. Children do not have consent to have sex with adults

That's not the point, the point is that homophobes secretly being homo is flawed logic.

Morgan Webb really let herself go

This one is my favorite example. Not only does he end up being gay, but his family doesn't care that his entire life has been a sham. With divorce imminent and the child getting split custody, the movie ends with everyone cheering and the main character happy, disregarding the fucked up message.

> And that hyper-focused obsession might speak of some inner conflict on the subject.

Gays men not only have sex they have more sex then straight men.

This is Sup Forums, no one here has sex, some of us are ok with that. Others are jealous as fuck of all the gays and the hot gay sex.

>The Sup Forumstards just want some sexy time, so lonely

Whoops forgot pic

How new to Sup Forums are you exactly?

If I hate fat people does that make me fat?

Stupid logic.


I'm not fond of fags but any guy who actually HATES them like a sperg is a closet fag

maybe Sup Forums isn't 1 person

correct, its two. me and an asshole with a ton of vpns

This is a "man"
Being willing to fuck "him" would somehow make me "gay"
I just don't get it.


Might as well tell your parents, OP.

Legend of the Blue Wolves

Well if you are attracted to men you are gay, the transsexual thing is a new phenomenon so it's hard to tell, but if you are sucking dicks, taking dick or getting fucked by dicks you are gay.

Is everyone who hates black people somehow black themselves?

Are liberals who hate republicans and nationalists secretly nazis themselves?


You probably are, fatty.

I watched this shit in grade 10 English class lmao