I really want to start being more serious about learning guitar...

I really want to start being more serious about learning guitar, but I also feel that paying for lessons is a waste of money.

Am I right? Isn't learning guitar just about forcing yourself to endlessly practice?

How can lessons help me? What does the teacher even do, other than show me some documents that I should study, and maybe observe my technique?

I used to play regularly by trying to teach myself songs, but I fizzled out once I hit a few hard or boring songs.

I think what I need is some kind of lesson plan that doesn't center around music theory but rather perfect songs sequentially getting harder/more intricate.

Start learning how to play songs by ear. Use power chords. Learn scales

This. I'm a pro drummer (make a living from hitting shit with sticks, and sometimes my hands). I learned to play from ear first then took lessons to fix my shitty technique. Now people give me money to play.

I always thought that rocksmith would be an excellent way to start while being entertaining. Its guitar hero for real guitars. PC/PS/XBox


Lessons are crucial
Having someone guide you will accelerate your learning because they always know what you have accomplished and what you are ready for next
They have a huge backlog of knowledge of styles and techniques to walk you through
They can make the fine adjustments to your playing that only a highly skilled player observing you first hand can make
A lot of guitar teachers teach by teaching you songs
They mix music theory in with that so you know the theory behind the techniques you are learning (this is important)
Mostly the lessons will be working on music, keeping you going through more difficult techniques

Cont. Nobody ever forced me to play. That's all I wanted to do, all day, everyday. So, if you have to force yourself to play, it might not be for you. Just saying. It came really naturally to me, even the endless hours & years of study I fucking loved.

Learn theory. It makes song writing easier. Learning an instrument without knowing the theory behind it is like learning how to read, but having no idea what the words mean. At the very least learn how to construct chords and scales, and how to make a progression

So would it be accurate to say..
That all you wanted to do was bang on your drum all day?

Honestly you can pretty much learn anything from the internet. That’s how I got started. Consider getting a treacher when you already put some time and effort into it. It’d be shitty to spend money on something your not really passionate about. Having a good teacher can really help for specific problems you have tho

Eh, try telling that to Phil Rudd or Ringo. I know how to read & write but I learned by ear first. I used to teach drums and the kids just don't get it. There was one that just loved to play all the time and was a total badass and I just shaped his playing & technique, but the rest were awful.

Nice dubs. & yes, that's right, nigger.

Going through the same thing user, just practice a shit ton.

Also Billy Squire songs are easy to learn

Play with bands. That's how to learn to play with people, not just make noise by yourself.

lesson's aren't necessary, but if you don't mind spending the money they're worth it. A lot of teachers are extremely experienced and can accelerate your learning. Plus you won't develop improper techniques that'll hinder you in the future.

Not much different from learning math/science/art, you can do it on your own, or take a class to accelerate the learning.

You need lessons to learn proper technique. Everything else can be done yourself.

Check trips & 2nding this

Get a book, get a metronome, learn scales. A guide will help because they can tell you if you might be doing something wrong and correct you and learn you more than what's in the book

Guitar player of 10 years here.

I say not to do lessons unless you are into theory and want to study stuff like classical music.

Think of songs you like (that aren't too hard) and look up videos or chords on how to play the songs. You say you've done this, but you just have to start feeling that you're actually playing a song you like. Just keep pushing because we all hit blocks like this at times.

Look at this fucking jamoke OP. He doesn't want to LEARN to play, he just wants to KNOW how to play. Fuck you, guy. If you want to get good, you have to put in the work. And you know, maybe learning from someone who actually KNOWS will allow you to LEARN rather than trying and erring yourself into someone with shitty technique and a repertoire of 5 songs nobody likes.

Again, fuck you.

I bet you're real fun to jam with, friend

just learn wonderwall and you're set for life.

but you should ask

Want to instantly know a lot more chords?

If you know the order of notes, and how it repeats: e.g.

E F F# G Ab A Bb B C C# D Eb back to--> E F F# G and so on

Well take your basic first position chords. Let's say you're playing a D. Move each of your fingers up one fret, you have an Eb, move them up again, you have an E, move them up another spot and you have an F, another spot, you have an F# and so on.

You can do this for all of the first position chords just like Barre Chords. Move all your fingers for the G Chord up one fret and you have Ab, then an A, then a Bb.

Your first position A Chord: Move your finger up one fret and you have a Bb.

Figure out all of your first position chords, and move your fingers up the fretboard in the exact same shape to where you want in order to find interesting new voices and versions of your chords. Instead of being stuck to Barre chords and between the first and third fret, now you have chords you can play literally everywhere on the fretboard.

>gives entire guitar lesson in one post
