Religion/ideology poll

Post your religious belief and political ideology

I'll start:

Religion: Traditionalist Catholic (like Mel Gibson)
Ideology: Communist/Trotskyist

Religion: Secular Humanism
Ideology: Far Right Libertarianism

*tips headgear*

Religion: Atheist
Ideology: Moderate

Couldn't care less about people being religious except if they're psycho.

Kind of liberal but they've gone off the deep end and now I feel like conservatism is the voice of reason. Support Trump 100%.

>Inb4 fags saying atheists areliberals.
I fucking hate libshits and will gladly fight alongside my catholic friends.

Libertarian/Classical Liberal


Religion: Roman Catholic
Ideology: Monarchism or Clerical Fascism


I don't know the name for my ideology. I admire enlightenment ideals, however they're utopian. People, by and large, are not rational and can't be relied upon to make rational decisions that are in their own interest. They don't know what their interest is.

I believe that no human can be trusted with power.

I believe in regulated capitalism in that I believe society should allow competent people to prosper more than incompetent people; but on the other hand, I believe that we should keep the beast on a leash so that it serves us, rather than us serving it.

Religion: Spiritualist
Ideology: Left wing capitalist

Agnostic Atheist


Religion: Islam
Ideology: Socialism