Does Sup Forums understand the implications of the falcon heavy being successful today?

Does Sup Forums understand the implications of the falcon heavy being successful today?

The cost of getting tonnage to space is effectively being reduced by 80-90% The commercial implications are massive.

Mining asteroids, the moon, communications, r&d, energy production, millitary applications, 0g drydocks, waste management, tourism.

The rocky bodies of space are full of rare metals, solidified gasses, fresh water.

Endless opportunity

This is a massive boon for the economics of the world, entire new industries on the verge of being created.

Boys, the age of interplanetary civilization is upon us.

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that's wonderful op, but can you prove we live on a ball

Honestly I didn't understand how big of a deal it was until Elon said that it can make it to Pluto on its own. It didn't need to sling shot around anything. That is huge. Put it this way, when Voyager II was launched part of the pitch to Nixon was that the last time conditions were this perfect Jefferson was president, and he really dropped the ball.

So we are really just limited by the conditions around us. Now we don't have to wait for the right conditions- we can just go. That's amazing!

Also any one else notice this?

Elon Musk, I feel is one of the only guys right now who's trying to change the game and whose primary aim is not just to make money

This. He's the hero we need but not the one we deserve.

Yeah but SpaceX isn't diverse enough and probably a hotbed for the alt-right racist sexist homophobic bigots so this accomplishment means nothing until they get serious about diversity, inclusivity, and getting rid of all of these fucking white males.

Good luck refueling on Mars and getting the rockets back.

Also the trip is a few, good luck figuring that shit out.


If you understood half of what he was actually doing from an engineering standpoint, you wouldn't be so eager to suck his cock.

Yeah men dominate STEM for a reason.

They put a car into orbit. That sounds exactly what I'd expect a room full of dudebros to do.

Women can build a Falcon Heavy.

But they don't.

They prefer to attack men instead - which has been really productive for them, yeah.

Sixty years after second-wave feminism, and they're still not even net taxpayers.

What frightens me is I know what every word in their timeline at the bottom means.

Time to lay off the Kerbal Space Program...

>the age of interplanetary civilization is upon us
About motherfucking time.
Elon is almost laughably naive about certain things, but that's not always a bad trait necessarily. The distances & challenges in space are beyond daunting. But if we're going to survive as a species long-term, we need to master it far sooner than later.

I both can, and did, and do.
How nice some of you spoiled twats are so well off you have something left to live for on this horrible human hive.

If I could live for all of 30 seconds on mars, fuck that, if I could survive the trip to mars' orbit, and then die in a crash landing on the surface, i'd be perfectly happy to walk away from my job, my house, my obnoxious kids, my stupid fucking wife, my asshole family, and every one of you shitheads i have to see on the street every day, just to experience the trip there, even in some state of semi-hibernation.

I honestly would gladly trade my entire last 44 years of pointless existence, and the next 40-50 more unlived, for a single glimpse of descending through the martian horizon.


Oooh! I love this game.

>Time to lay off the Kerbal Space Program...
Nigger, in this age, that shit is an educational tool.
Some fuckers don't even consider it a "game" as it's so incredibly fucking boring to them.

Women will wait until it's established and becomes a major cultural establishment, and then move in and replace all the men with fat & purple haired women and claim to have won some kind of victory.

That's how it's done.

And then shit will start failing, crashing, and exploding, and it'll somehow still be the white males' fault.

Who fucking cares what some no-name fem kikes believe, much less, have to say? Honestly. These bitches are no different than neckbeard incels.

It is incredibly boring. Because that's what spaceflight is.

Only ascent and descent are remotely interesting - 'cos that's when PEOPLE DIE.

>I honestly would gladly trade my entire last 44 years of pointless existence, and the next 40-50 more unlived, for a single glimpse of descending through the martian horizon
Brought a tear to my eye; well said.

God do I fucking wish.....

Most who play it aren't old enough to remember when just the IDEA of having a game that realistically portrayed space exploration was an impossible dream, let alone having dreamt it themselves. I love that fucking game.
My giddy delight the first time I played it has only ever been matched in the opposite, in my disappointment with No Man's Sky.

Frontier: Elite 2.

Elaborate, user

Of course it was fake.

Cars don't have wings or jet engines to keep them up when flying. This is just bad CGI to make a commercial for his stupid car.

Aint shit in space nigga it’s a myth. Muh mining asteroids and water yeah how? Magic mining robots? Haven’t thought this through have you

Musk is a fucking hack

Ah; first time hearing of that one, before my time as a PC gamer. Didn't get my first PC until 2000, and had other concerns then.

Obvious troll is obvious.

>implying you understand Elon musk’s engineering.

Have you ever played it? I had serious flashbacks to it when I actually got into space in KSP.

Graphically they're incomparable, yes. And the construction in KSP is a whole separate sub-game, adding tons to it.

But the "HOLY SHIT I'M IN FUCKING SPACE!" feel is definitely the same. If you are happy to wear a retrogramers hat, give it a try - or its sequel Frontier First Encounters, since there's a nice graphical upgrade for it (FFED3D).

>The commercial implications are massive.
shame very few commercial entities will be able to do anything about it.

Elaborate then faggot

Explain how to mine asteroids. How to land on a small rock with no gravity,(just now getting the damn rockets to launch without exploding) and how to magically mine them.

Double kek

No government or private entity is allowed to own any celestial object or part thereof, so there are zero commercial or governmental opportunities to be had in space.

Mining has advanced pretty fucking far domestically; actually mining the rocks is far less of a challenge than landing on them; WHICH IS SOMETHING WE'VE ALREADY DONE, nigger.

Congratulations, you know basic English vocabulary like "lift-off" and "startup".

I was actually talking about max-Q - which you had to Google, of course.

So shut up faggot.

NASA did. They landed on the moon 70 years before musk got a rocket to launch without exploding. Now explain how probe can mine one of the damn things.

Planets & moons are one thing; but fairly positive they'll come up with a workaround for the asteroids, especially when you start considering the limited nature of our "rare earth" minerals crucial for shit like smartphones.

No. Your basic understanding of incredibly basic physics terms is not special.

Should have left them with some fail-proof technology, like an AI and some robots that do all the work for them (or call a White male contractor to fix something when it breaks) so all they have to do is hit the launch button.

Doesn’t China have that shit locked down though? In a sort of patent or whatever the international agreement is. Which is why they’re all made in China and why you’re supposed to recycle smartphones and shit because trashing them wastes the rare earth minerals.

Surprise. Been dealing with you "Google experts" for 20 years now (though it was AltaVista at the beginning). Dime a dozen, and obvious as fuck.

Deploys a net over the site, small charge explosives break it up, it sorts through the debris in the net. Packages up any minerals of value into a small capsule that can survive re-entry, could theoretically use a mortar or rocket launcher type device to send it back towards earth. Radio transmitters keep track of it.

Yay! Spy satellites for every company!

I just want to get paid more

You crack me up.

You can never get back 100% of the minerals from recycling though; once the "new" supply is exhausted, we'll have less & less each time.

KSP doesn't teach you the term Max-Q though. You learn terms like apoapsis,periapsis, and ascending node. Those are not used in the SpaceX timeline.

If they're busy spying on each other, they won't be spying on us.

That sounds like highly expiremental and dangerous for the craft. Small debres could destroy the craft. Lots of stuff that could go wrong but it could work. Still, at least 100 years before that’s plausible.

So lemme get this straight - you're seriously not playing KSP with FAR?

Who works for companies and buys products? Data mining: now from orbit!

Nope. Mostly play vanilla so updates don't break everything.

I was wondering why SpaceX is so successful.

This explains everything.

Maybe half that; it'd be automated or remote controlled, at least at first. Even if it was manned, you'd send those kinds of vehicles to do it far away from the main ship.

WTF does any of this have to do with the post you replied to??

>gives the only legitimate answer

Does anybody know what will happen to the car, after orbiting the sun? Won't it be destroyed by solar radiation anyways?

>Maybe half that
^^^ this; the "getting there" is by far the largest hurdle, once we've got that on lock, the rest is going to move along rather quickly.

Look up the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (CSLCA). Asteroids and moons can't be owned, but any resources mined from them can.

Also the fact its 20 years travel time to get to one. Then 20 years back.

Fake. Sad non of you care. Keep watch on your screen and repeat anything they tell us.

What makes any of it fake, user?

North Korea is sitting on a treasure trove of rare earth minerals. Just something to think about.

They are all busy giving blowjobs or making sandwiches.

What are lenses and distances from subject?

Basically I replied to a post I thought was replying to me - but wasn't. Bit busy making dinner.

You've been playing Star Citizen too much.

I'll actually take "Planets Rotate" for $1,000, Alex.

At least currently. We've not really "fucked" with this too much since the moon landings. Good chance something revolutionary will come about once we're out there fucking with it heavily.

Fake and gay

whats so special about dumping garbage into orbit?

Wow. Elon Musk is posting onb/b/.

Spherical ones would. If any existed.

Elon Musk here. Yes, I browse Sup Forums sometimes. AMA!

don't feed the trolls, continue with discussion.

>even though the net + explosives combo made me chuckle a bit.

Focal length, distance from subject, exposures, composite images and color correction.

Why are you so fake and gay Elon?

Girl I went to highschool with worked on the falcon heavy and past rockets.

when women are more important than success, that is sexism.

It's really me, haha! It's funny because you'll never believe me.

Did she make jokes about her vagina to keep the men entertained as they worked?

Women are smart and funny. Get over it.

Car missed mars orbit though
Praise Elon, our god

wouldn't it be less believable if they all looked exactly the same?

Hey, ask for the ideas of one not really "educated" on either subject, get an uneducated answer, kek.
I'd like to think that someone uneducated coming up with a possible solution in a couple minute's thought shows it's not an unrealistic goal in itself.

the best part about it is they are gonna do a burnout on mars

So the issue of getting to them, mining them, logistics of sending material back, are all in the “not even fucked with yet” stage?

No, I believe you.

I just want to know why you're so fake and gay, Elon.

Being as they've never been done, yeah.

Idk, she lives in cali.

They really want the dudebro audience. Just waiting for a commercial of Elon to ride one in a cowboy hat chugging back bud lights going “science is the shiiiit am I right bros?! Fund me”

So it’s really at the same stage as faster than light travel IE don’t get your hopes up

Bullshit. He's the biggest egoist I've ever seen, and his game is all about money, and tax evasion.

Pathetic attempt

Overhyping anything about any of this at this stage would be extremely counterproductive. But being hopeful about it isn't. Our only real hope of surviving long term as a species lies far outside this system; so we need to work these problems until there are realistic solutions for acheiving that. Or it's proven entirely, hopelessly unfeasible.

Nah China has the current monopoly on rare earths because they undercut anyone else that tries to sell them. Australia sits on most of the world's natural reserves but they can't sell it or get rid of it because chinks will always sell for cheaper.