What kind of insect is this? I am afraid, I have seen two of this mfs in my house in the last days

What kind of insect is this? I am afraid, I have seen two of this mfs in my house in the last days.

It's an earwig, it's harmless

looks like a type of earwig. also grow some balls its just an insect

It's an earwig, bro. They can in principle bite but they can't really hurt you. Just kill it.

earwig watch out for your ears

They call it an earwig for a reason

Isnt that a helgramite. They are a larvae stage of a damselfly or a something to that effect.

throw the fucker outside and close your door

if they bite you, you are gonna feel huge amounts of pain and a possible paralization

earwigs are not harmless they are called earwigs because they crawl into your ear while you sleep. it happened to my friend and the pincers pinched his eardrum to try and get behind it and lay eggs near the warm wet brain and the doctors couldn't get it off and now he has hearing loss. But he didn't die from brain eating maggots.


just an earwig, they're annoying but harmless

Rolling of one to crawl inside op ears or any other cavity while he sleeps

I really got scared, I have a certain insect phobia. I was about to run to the otolaryngologist until I read:

"Previously there was in the Anglo-Saxon world the false belief that the earwigs were introduced into the ears of people and hence its name in English "earwig", which means 'insect ear'."

OP here. I really got scared, I have a certain insect phobia. I was about to run to the otolaryngologist until I read:

"Previously there was in the Anglo-Saxon world the false belief that the earwigs were introduced into the ears of people and hence its name in English "earwig", which means 'insect ear'."

Piss off we have this on /an too. Next you'll have to build a little nest.

fully grown pubic tick, what kind of girls have you been fucking?

thanks for the help to all, by the way.

I usually fuck only paying, maybe that's it

Don't worry we can cleanse you by burning you at the stake.

how can i delete the thread?

You might want to consider like an acid bath and fumigating your place. The only way to protect yourself, next time make the bitch wear a female condom.

Use the delete button.

Death's Head Assasin Wasp larvae, by the looks of it. You're fucked, but you might be okay if you burn your house down quickly before they swarm