What the fuck was the point of that retarded dumpster ex machina if they were just going to do what they done?

What the fuck was the point of that retarded dumpster ex machina if they were just going to do what they done?

The show just needs to end in the next season or 2

Ever since season 2 its been

>Fight zombies for a while to get to a safe place
>We can start over here
>Some asshole fucks it all up
>Maybe we'll kill your favorite character

The only interesting parts of the show have been when that liar was leading them to DC and they were actually investigating trying to stop it instead of just existing

They planned on killing Maggie then pussied out and reshot it for Glenn and Abraham.

no that's how every season goes

Season 1 was legit good. It was something new, since basically every zombie story ever told had been contained within a 2 hour movie


It's sad because the show has the narrative potential to do a lot of interesting stuff. The thrust of just about every zombie story is...

>Outbreak occurs, society collapses
>Ragtag group of survivors band together and for a small group
>The movie ends with them either dying or on the verge of death

The bulk of the story spans anywhere from a few weeks to year or so, but always occurs very very close to the beginning of the outbreak. Walking Dead is interesting because it can show us not only what happens in the immediate aftermath of the outbreak, but it has an indefinite shelf life. We can see what happens two years down the line, ten years down the line, 50 years down the line. They have the freedom to explore not only the downfall of civilization, but also the rebuilding of civilization. What will the world look like after humanity eventually prevails, if it prevails. What would the New America look like? How would civilization change after having being nearly wiped out? But instead of showing us a whole new kind of story that has never been done before, it feels more like they just strung a couple normal zombie films together and called it a show because it's safer. There are hints of it like with the Governor and all that, but it always just falls back to formula after a while.

Civilization will never be rebuilt. Every person that dies becomes a walker.

So? Walkers can be killed. The winning condition is not that there can never be another zombie, simply that humanity needs to find a stable system of dealing with them.

Fit everyone with an collar that is rigged to explode when the pulse stops for a certain amount of time.

> ex machina

This is the worst argument against any media. Ex machinas are more realistic because reality doesn't follow a script. It doesn't have an audience to placate. Anything goes. Death of author? Artists should employ death of the audience. Fuck what you think.

>collars are built with a manual/remote trigger for some stupid reason
>a madman gets a hold of the trigger codes and denonates them all, killing everyone.


...Then don't build them with any sort of remote control function or interconnectivity. Would be like trying to hack an armchair.

>a madman gets a hold of the trigger codes

Why would there be trigger codes?

Viewership. They knew people would tune in to see if he died or not, that's why they prolonged the reveal.

That actress wants out too. She's trying to do movies and shit, but can't.

Season 1 was fucking awful what are you talking about? This whole show has been ass from the beginning.

Read 'Earth Abides.' It's the closest you'll ever get.

Or if you're 13 read 'World War Z.'

That's why after Negan the ratings will take a hit. He's the most interesting character and once Rick defeats him, guess what? New villian but this time a boring bald bitch.

>Read 'Earth Abides.' It's the closest you'll ever get.

I'll check it out. Thanks, senpai.

>Or if you're 13 read 'World War Z.'

I did, and I've never experienced such a drastic hype to disappointment ratio.

>tfw AMC will milk this show until it's tits fall off.

Apparently they already did. The ratings drop between episodes one and two were a record for WD.

I kinda feel bad for Andrew Lincoln. He tries so hard to give a good performance with the shit script he has to work with.

why do asian men try to grow facial hair?

the 1st episode was good. besides that it's all bad

Because in the rare cases they pull it off it's cool as shit.

>1st episode
I thought that the stuff with the legless zombie was overwrought and that everything else 28 Days Later did 100x better, and I don't even like that movie.

If you think that's a bad thing you are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums. Kindly fuck off back to /r/telivision.

Season 1 went to shit after like the second or third episode.

I dropped the show after episode 2 of the second season and the fact that so many not only stuck with the show for this long but also adore it will never cease to perplex me.

Reddit is for people who like things. Teevee is for wise intellectuals who know that everything is shit. Nothing is good. Nothing has ever been good. Nothing will ever be good. Back to /reddit/ mong cruncher.